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fibrous joints: No joint cavity and, in general, does not move. radioulnar and tibiofibular joints
cartilaginous joints: Has no cavity and is somewhat moveable. growth zones in the arms and legs
synovial joints: Joint cavity which is kept lubricated by synovial fluid. intercarpal joint
There are two types of fibrous joints: suture and syndesmosis.
There are two types of cartilaginous joints: synchondrosis and symphysis.
There are four types of synovial joints: plane, uniaxial, biaxial, and triaxial.
Plane joints are joints that glide where the flat ends of bones connect. Examples of plane joints are the
Uniaxial joints allow movement around one axis only. Examples of uniaxial joints are the elbow joint and the interphalangeal joint.
Biaxial joints allow movement around two axes. Examples of biaxial joints are the knee joint, the temporomandibular (jaw) joint, and the radiocarpal (wrist) joint.
Triaxial joints allow movement around three axes. Examples of triaxial joints are the ball and socket joint found in the hip and shoulder, as well as the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb between the trapezium (base of thumb) and the first metacarpal.
Ball and socket joints are the most ______ _______joints in the body. freely moveable
flexion - Bending to decrease the angle between two bones. Think of this as flexing the biceps.
extension-Unbending to increase the angle between two bones. Think of this as extending, as in reaching your arm as far as you can (virtually eliminating the angle between the humerus and the radius/ulna).
abduction-Moving a body part away from the midline.
adduction-Moving a body part towards the midline.
circumduction-Movement of a body part in a circle, which can include all the above joint movements as well.
extension unbending
flexion bending
abduction moving away from midline
adduction adding a part back to the body
circumduction circling
Moving your hand into a fist is considered _____. flexion
While sitting in a chair with your feet flat on the gound, straighten your leg. This is _____. extension
A great back stretch would be bending from the waist toward the right, and circling all the way around. This is called _____. circumduction
_____ would be used in straightening your arm. Extension
_____ would be used in folding your arms. Flexion
rotation Movement of a body part or parts around its axis.
supine The position of the body when lying face up, including hands being palm up and feet bent upwards.
prone The position of the body when lying face down, including the hands being palm down and the feet bent downwards.
dorsiflexion:Movement of the foot that brings the top of the foot closer to the leg.
plantar flexion:Movement of the foot that brings the heel closer to the posterior part of the leg, the toe pointed farther away from the leg.
dorsiflexion flexing the foot
plantar flexion pointing the toe
rotation around an axis
supine lying face up
prone lying face down
Lying face down, as necessary for back surgery, is considered _____. prone
_____ is movement around an axis or stationary point. rotation
In a chorus line, dancers must always use _____. plantar flexion
In karate, in order to avoid breaking the toes, an athlete must use _____. dorsiflexion
Surgery on the chest cavity would require the patient to be placed in _____. supine
Dorsiflexion is _____. movement of the foot that brings the top of the foot closer to the leg
Synovial joints _____. move with ease
Bending to decrease the angle between bones is called _____. flexion
Circumduction is _____. movement in a circle
The position of the body when lying face down, including the hands being palm down and the feet bent downwards, is called _____. prone
An area where two bones move is called a _____. joint
The three types of joints are _____. fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial
Plane joints are _____. synovial joints
Joints that allow movement around three axes are called _____. triaxial
Cartilaginous joints are _____. somewhat moveable
tubercle:Small, rounded process on the femur.
trochanter:Massive and found only on the femur.
condyle:Round, articulating knob on the humerus.
tuberosity:Large, rounded process on the humerus.
fossa:Flattened, shallow; i.e. armpit (axillae).
sulcus:Grooved, fissure; i.e. deep furrows of brain.
sinus:Cavity, hollow space in bone.
A sinus is a depression in bone.
accessory ligament:Any ligament that strengthens or supports another ligament.
arcuate ligament:Means curved or bent. While arcuate ligaments are found in several areas, some are located in the spine and assist in maintaining the erect position. These are called ligamenta flava, (ligamentum flavum [singular]).
collateral ligament:There are several types of collateral ligaments, including fibular, radial, tibial, ulnar, etc. These are basically ligaments that are not direct, but are supporting ligaments.
coracoid ligament:Coracoid means like a raven’s beak and is used to describe an area on the scapula. It is so named for its shape.
cruciate ligament:Cruciate means shaped like a cross.
falciform ligament:Falciform means shaped like a sickle and appears near the sacral tuberosity as well as within the liver.
inguinal ligament:Inguinal is a term used to describe the groin area.
interosseous ligament:Interosseous means between bones and describes several different ligaments.
longitudinal ligament:Longitudinal simply means lengthwise. It is used to describe any ligament that runs lengthwise.
nuchal ligament:Nuchal means pertaining to the neck.
triquetral ligament:Triquetral means three cornered and appears in different places throughout the body.
cruciate shaped like a cross
arcuate curved or bent
accessory support
coracoid like a raven's beak
collateral indirect
An area of the scapula is shaped like a bird's beak. The ligament that surrounds it is called the _____ ligament. coracoid
An _____ ligament strengthens or supports another ligament. accessory
A _____ ligament is shaped like a cross. cruciate
Located on the spine, the _____ ligament literally means curved or bent. arcuate
There are several types of _____ ligaments that are made up of several bands and are not directly connected. collateral
Created by: trinka
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