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Speech Anatomy2

Speech Anatomy

At what age does the cervical curve start to form? 3-4 months (lifting head)
At what age does the lumbar curve start to form? 1 year (walking age)
Kyphosis Excessive curving of the spine, producing a rounded or "humped" upper back. In adults -osteoporosis; in children kyphosis more often results from a genetic disorder, such as Hunter syndrome, or spina bifida
Lordosis (hyperlordosis) Excessive curving of the lower spine, called swayback... can be exaggerated by poor posture
Scoliosis Abnormal sideways curvature of the spine, almost S-shaped, a type of Curvature of 10-20 degrees is labeled mild, less than that, simply "postural variation." In infancy- more boys than girls, but by school age in both sexes.
The pectoral girdle is made up of which structures? clavicle, scapula
Sternum is made up of which structures? manubrium, corpus, xiphoid (ensiform) process
Floating ribs 11-12; do not attach to sternum
False ribs 8-10; attached indirectly to sternum
True ribs 1-7; direct attachment to sternum
Up to how many times can the bronchi branch out? 28
Where does gas exchange occur in the lungs? in the alveoli
Where is the first bifurcation of the trachea? at the carina
The shape of the lumbar vertebrae body is... kidney shaped
The thoracic vertebrae is shaped like... a heart/giraffe
The biggest physical difference between the cervical and thoracic vertebrae is... the transverse process of the cervical vertebrae contains foramen
The three portions of the pelvic girdle are... ilium, pubis, ischium
What is the primary muscle of inspiration? diaphragm
The attachments of the diaphragm are... ensiform process, right crus @L4 and left crus @L3
Attachments of external intercostal Attachment from inferior surface of ribs 1-11 to superior surface of the next rib lower
Attachments of internal intercostal Attachment from inferior surface of ribs 1-11 to superior surface of the next rib lower
Attachments of levator costarum brevis Attachment from transverse process of C7-T11 to the rib below (courses down and out)
Attachments of levator costarum longis Attachment from transverse process of T7-T10, bypassing the rib below to attach to the next rib (courses down and out)
Attachments of serratus posterior superior Attachment from spinous process of C7, T1-T3 to ribs 2-5
What measures lung volume? spirometer
What measures lung pressure? manometer
What is Boyle's law? if gas is kept at a constant temperature, the pressure and volume will be inversely proportional
What is the BPM of a healthy adult during quiet tidal respiration? 12-20 BPM
Expired air contains what percent of H2O? 6.2%
Atmospheric air contains what percent of oxygen? 21%
Expired air contains what percent of oxygen? 13.7%
If the neck is being turned what are the origin and insertion of the sternocleidomastoid? ** clavicle and sternum- insertion? mastoid process- origin?
Which of the scalenus muscles is attached to rib 2? scalenus posterior
What do all the scalenus muscles have in common? They all attach to the transverse process of cervical vertabrae
Attachment from spinous process of C2 – T12 to scapula and clavicle (stabilizes the upper body, neck and head) What is it? trapezius muscle
Pectoralis minor attachments scapula to ribs 2 - 5
Pectoralis major attachments sternum/clavicle to humerus
Serratus anterior attachments scapula to ribs 1 – 9
Subclavius clavical to rib 1
What muscle attaches from the scapula to the transverse process of C1 – C4? Levator scapula
What muscle attaches from the scapula to spinous process of T2 – T5? Rhomboideus major
What muscle attaches from the scapula to spinous process of C7 and T1? Rhomboideus minor
Passive respiration is facilitated by: gravity, torque, and elasticity
The deepest of the intercostal muscles is... innermost intercostal
Created by: deezer
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