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Chpt 5-6


Rugae ridges in the mucosal membrane covering the anterior portion of the hard palate
teeth 2 incisors: 1 canine: 2 premolars: 3 molars on top and bottom
Crown above the gumline
Root lies w/in the bony tooth socket
Enamel protects the tooth
Dentin lies beneath the enamel
Pulp (root canal) home to; blood vessels, nerve endings, connective tissue & lymphathic vessels
Pancreas endocrine & exocrine gland
Exocrine function produces enzymes
Endocrine produces insulin
Amylase enzymes to digest starch
Lipase enzymes to digest fat
Protease enzymes to digest protein
Anastomosis surgical conection between 2 parts
Mesentery Mesenteryholding organs in place by attaching the intestines the muscle wall at the back of the abdomen
An/o anus
Chole/o gallbladder
Sialaden/o salivary gland
Stomat/o mouth
Amyl/o starch
Bil/i gall/bile
Lith/o stone
Sial/o saliva,salivary
Steat/o fat
ase enzyme
plasty surgical repair
Anorexia often is a sign of malignancy or liver disease;significant weight loss
ascites abnormal accumulation of fluid in the adomen
Diarrhea frequent passage of lose, watery stool
Hematochezia bleeding ulcers, colities, or polyps in the colon or rectum cause passage of bright red blood from the rectum
Jaundice (icterus) skin & other tissues takehing on a yellow orange color
Steatorrhea improper digestion/absorption of fat
Oral Leukoplakia white patches on the mucusa of the mouth (possible precancerous leison from chronic tobacco)
Esophageal varices varicose veins in the distal esphogus or upper stomach
Diverticula abnorm side pockets in the intestinal wall
Hemorrhoids swollen, twisted, varicose veins in the rectal region
Cholelithiasis gallstones
plasty surgical repair
Anorexia often is a sign of malignancy or liver disease;significant weight loss
ascites abnormal accumulation of fluid in the adomen
Diarrhea frequent passage of lose, watery stool
Hematochezia bleeding ulcers, colities, or polyps in the colon or rectum cause passage of bright red blood from the rectum
Jaundice (icterus) skin & other tissues takehing on a yellow orange color
Steatorrhea improper digestion/absorption of fat
Oral Leukoplakia white patches on the mucusa of the mouth (possible precancerous leison from chronic tobacco)
Esophageal varices varicose veins in the distal esphogus or upper stomach
Diverticula abnorm side pockets in the intestinal wall
Hemorrhoids swollen, twisted, varicose veins in the rectal region
Cholelithiasis gallstones
ectasis/ectasia stretching, dilation, dilatation, wildening
rrhage, rrhagia bursting forth (of blood)
rrhapy suture
stenosis tightening,sticture, narrowing
tresia opening
Liver Function Tests (LFT) checks for enzymes & bilirubin in serum
serum bilirubin levels are elavated in patient with liver disease and jaundice.
Percutaneous transhepathic cholangiopancretography contrast meduim enters via a needle thru the abdom wall into the liver
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography contrast medium is injected via cather thru the mouth, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, then into the bile ducts
Gastrointestinal endoscopy visual examination of the gastrointestinal tract using an endoscope
Created by: lfletch76
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