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cell vocabulary

Stack #45705

Epithelial tissue covers body surfaces; lines hollow organs, body cavities, and ducts; and forms glands
Connective tissue protects and supports the body and its organs; binds organs together; stores energy reserves as fat; and provides immunity.
Muscle tissue is responsible for movement and generation of force.
Nervous tissue initiates and transmits nerve impulses that help coordinate body activities.
Simple tissue tissue with one layer of cells.
Stratified tissue tissue with many layers (multi-layers) of cells.
Pseudostratified tissue tissue with one layer of cells. Because some of the cells do not reach the surface the tissue appears multi-layered. Pseudo-False therefore this tissue is "falsely layered".
Squamous cells cells are flattened and scale-like
Cuboidal cells cells are cube shaped (square).
Columnar cells are tall and cylindrical or somewhat rectangular in shape.
Transitional cells these cells have a variety of shapes, generally larger and more rounded on the surface. They are found where there is a great degree of expansion.
Striated tissue the fibers (cells) contain alternating dark and light bands (striations) that are perpendicular to long axis of the fibers.
Cilia hair-like projections.
Simple squamous epithelium single layer of flat, scale-like cells, central nuclei.
Sinple cubodidal epithelium simple tissue, cube-shaped cell with large nuclei located in the center of the cell.
Simple columnar epithelium single layer of rectangular cells, nuclei are commonly oval in shape and located at the base of each cell.
Stratified squamous several layers of cells; squamous on surface-cuboidal to columnar in deep layers.
stratified cuboidal epithelium outer layer are cuboidal cells
stratified colunar epithelium (relatively uncommon) severaly layers of cells, columnar only on surface
Transitional epithelium resembles stratified squamous except superficial cells are larger and more rounded.
pseudostratified epithelium nuclei of cells at varying depths. Not a true stratified tissue. All cells attach at a basement membrane, in a single layer; some do not reach the surface.
Skeletal or striated muscle cylindrical, striated fibers with many peripheral nuclei
smooth or visceral muscle non-stiated fibers with one central nuclei
cardiac or heart muscle stiated, branching, one central nucleus and space (interclated disc)
Hyaline cartilage also called gristle, appears sometimes like a hoof-print. This is the most abundant kind of cartilage found in the body.
Elastic Cartilage contains a threadlike network of elastic fibers
fibrocartilage chondrocytes are scattered among clearly visible bundles of collagen fibers.
Bone (osseous tissue) appears like growth rings on a tree
adipose tissue signet ring shape with peripheral nuclei
blood red cells are stained pinkish gray; white blood cells are stained purple. Smaller solid dots are platelets.
erythrocytes red blood cells
leukocytes white blood cells
neuron cell body, dendrites (axons) and neuroglia
Created by: eew828
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