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Medical Terminlogy
Question | Answer |
A/ Not | without, less |
ab | From, Away from, off |
abs | from, Away From, off |
acantho | thorn |
acou | hearing |
acro | extremity |
acu | hearing |
ad | increase, adherence, motion toward, very |
ad | toward, in the direction of, waard |
adeno | gland |
adip | fat |
adipo | fat |
agogue | promoter, stimulator |
al | pertaining to |
alb | white |
albo | white |
alge | pain |
algesi | pain |
algo | pain |
allo | other, different |
ambi | around, on(both) sides, on all sides both |
ambly | dull |
amblyo | dull |
amylo | starch, polysaccharide |
an | not, without- less |
ana | up, toward, apart |
ando | male |
angi/ angio | vessel |
ankylo | crooked |
ante | before |
anthraco | coal, carbone |
anti | against, opposing, curative, antibody |
apo | separated from, derived from |
aque/ aqueo | water |
ar | pertaining to |
arche | beginning |
arteri/ arterio | artery |
arthr/o | joint, articulation |
ary | pertaining to |
ase | an enzyme |
ate | a salt or ester of an ic acid |
athero | pasty, fatty |
atto | one quintillionth |
audi/o | hearing |
auri/ aurio | ear |
aut/0 | self, same |
bacteri/ bacterio | bacteria |
balano | penis |
bi | twice, double |
bio | Life |
blasto | budding by cells or tissue |
blephar/ blepharo | eyelid |
brachi/ brachio | arm |
brachy | short |
Bronch/ bronchi/ broncho | bronchus |
carcin/ carcino | cancer |
cardi/ cardio | 1- heat/ 2-esophageal opening of stomach |
carpo | wrist |
cata | down |
caud | tail, lowe part of body |
cele | hernia, swelling |
celio | abdomen |
centesis | surgical puncture |
centi | one hundredth |
cephal/ cephalo | head |
cervic/ cervico | neck |
cheil/ cheilo | lip |
cheir/cheiro | hand |
chem/ chemo | 1-chemistry, 2-drug |
chir/chiro | hand |
chlor | 1-green 2-chlorine |
chol | bile |
chondro/ chondrio | 1-cartilage, 2-granular, 3-grity |
chrom/chromat/ chromo | color |
chron/ chrono | time |
cidal/ cide | killing, destroying |
cis | on this side, on the near side |
clast | breaker |
clysis | washing |
co/ com/con/ cor | with, together, in association |
colp/o | vagina |
conio | dust |
cor/core/coro | pupil |
cost/o | rib |
crani/o | cranium |
cry/o | cold |
crypt/o | hidden |
culdo | cul-de-sac |
cyan/o | blue/ cynide |
cycl | circle/ ciliary body |
cyst/ cysti/ cysto | bladder/ cyst, cyatic duct |
cyt/o | cell |
dacry/o | tears |
dactyl/o | finger, toe |
de | away from, cessation |
deca | ten |
deci | one tenth |
deka | ten |
dent/i | tooth |
derma/dermat/dermato | skin |
desis | bending |
dextr/o | right, toward or on the right side |
di/ dif | separation, takin apart, reversal, not, un |
duo | two |
duedeno | duedenum |
dynia | pain |
dynamo | force, energy |
dys | difficult, bas |
ect/o | outer, on the side |
ectasia/ ectasi | dilatation, streching |
ectomy | excision |
emphraxis | obstruction |
encephal/o | brain |
end/ ent/ ento | within/ inner |
enter/o | small intestine |
epi | upon |
ergo | work |
erythr/o | red, redness |
eso | inward |
esthesio | sensation, perception |
eu | good, well |
ex | out of, from, away from |
exo | exterior, external, outward |
extra | outside of, without |
ferri | ferric iron |
ferro | metalic iron, ferrous iron (fe) |
fibr/o | fiber |
form | in the form or shape of |
galact/o | milk |
gastr/o | stomach, belly |
gen | producing, coming to be, precursor |
giga | one billion |
gingiv/o | gums |
gluss/o | tongue |
gluco | glucose |
glyco | sugar |
gnath | jaw |
gon | seed, semen |
gram | recording |
granul/o | granular, granule |
graph | recording instrument |
gyn/ gyneco/ gynn | woman |
hecto | one hundred |
hem/ hema/ hemat/o | blood |
hepat/hepatico | liver |
help/ hepta | seven |
hird/o | sweat |
hist/o, histio | tissue |
homeo | same, constant |
hydr/o | water |
hypo | excessive |
infra | below |
inguino | groin |
enter | between, among |
intra/ intro | within |
irid/o | iris |
ischi/ischio | ichium |
. ism | condition |
iso | equal, like, sameness |
kal/ kali | potasium |
karyo | nucleus |
kerat/o | cornea |
kilo | one thousand |
kine/kino | movement |
kinesio/kineso | motion |
labio | lip |
lacrim/o | tears |
lacti/ lact/o | milk |
laparo | abdomen |
laryng/o | larynx |
lateri/ latero | lateral, to one side |
lepsy | seizure |
lepto | light, slender, thin, frail |
leuk/o | write |
lip/o | fat |
lith/o | stone, calculus |
lymph/o | lymph |
lys-lysis | dissolution |
macr/o | large/long |
mal | bad, deficient |
malacia | softening |
manm/ manma/ manmo/ mast/o | breast |
megalo | large |
megaly | enlargement |
men | menstuation |
mening/o | meninges |
ment/o | chin |
mes/o | middle, intermediate |
meta | after, behing , joint action, sharing |
meter | measurement |
metr/o | uterus |
micro | small |
mono | single |
morph/o | form,shape, structure |
my//myo | muscle |
myel/o | bone marrow, spinal cord |
nas/o | nose |
natr/i | sodium |
necr/o | death |
neo | new |
nephr/o | kidney |
neur/ neuri/ neur/o | nerve, nervous system |
norm/o | normal |
octo | eight |
oculo | eye, ocular |
odont/o | tooth |
odyn/o | pain |
oblig/o | few, little |
oma/ omato | tumor, neoplasm |
onych/o | fingernai, toenail |
opia | vision |
or/o | month |
ossi | bone |
ost/oste/osteo | bone |
avari/ ovario | avary |
ovi/ovo | egg |
oxa/oxo | oxygen |
pan | all, entire |
para | abnormal, involvement of two like parts |
macr/o | large/long |
mal | bad, deficient |
malacia | softening |
manm/ manma/ manmo/ mast/o | breast |
megalo | large |
megaly | enlargement |
men | menstuation |
mening/o | meninges |
ment/o | chin |
mes/o | middle, intermediate |
meta | after, behing , joint action, sharing |
meter | measurement |
metr/o | uterus |
micro | small |
mono | single |
morph/o | form,shape, structure |
my//myo | muscle |
myel/o | bone marrow, spinal cord |
nas/o | nose |
natr/i | sodium |
necr/o | death |
neo | new |
nephr/o | kidney |
neur/ neuri/ neur/o | nerve, nervous system |
norm/o | normal |
octo | eight |
oculo | eye, ocular |
odont/o | tooth |
odyn/o | pain |
oblig/o | few, little |
oma/ omato | tumor, neoplasm |
onych/o | fingernai, toenail |
opia | vision |
or/o | month |
ossi | bone |
ost/oste/osteo | bone |
avari/ ovario | avary |
ovi/ovo | egg |
oxa/oxo | oxygen |
pan | all, entire |
para | abnormal, involvement of two like parts |
macr/o | large/long |
mal | bad, deficient |
malacia | softening |
manm/ manma/ manmo/ mast/o | breast |
megalo | large |
megaly | enlargement |
men | menstuation |
mening/o | meninges |
ment/o | chin |
mes/o | middle, intermediate |
meta | after, behing , joint action, sharing |
meter | measurement |
metr/o | uterus |
micro | small |
mono | single |
morph/o | form,shape, structure |
my//myo | muscle |
myel/o | bone marrow, spinal cord |
nas/o | nose |
natr/i | sodium |
necr/o | death |
neo | new |
nephr/o | kidney |
neur/ neuri/ neur/o | nerve, nervous system |
norm/o | normal |
octo | eight |
oculo | eye, ocular |
odont/o | tooth |
odyn/o | pain |
oblig/o | few, little |
oma/ omato | tumor, neoplasm |
onych/o | fingernai, toenail |
opia | vision |
or/o | month |
ossi | bone |
ost/oste/osteo | bone |
avari/ ovario | avary |
ovi/ovo | egg |
oxa/oxo | oxygen |
pan | all, entire |
para | abnormal, involvement of two like parts |
pari | equal |
path/o | desease |
ped/pedi/pedo | child, foot |
penia | deficientlt |
peri | around, about |
pexy | fixation, usualy surgical |
phago | lens |
pharmaco | drug, medicine |
pharyng/o | pharynx |
philo/phila | attraction, chemical affinity |
phleb/o | vein |
phon/o | sound |
phor/o | bearing/carrying |
phren/o | diaphragm, mind |
physio | physical, natural |
plan/ plani | flat |
plasia | formation |
plasma/ plasmat/ plasmato | plasma |
pleo | more |
plesio | near/similar |
pleura/pleuri/pleuro | rib, pleura |
pneum/pneuma/pneumat/o | air gas, lung, breathing |
pod/podo | foot-shaped |
poly | multiplicity |
post | after, behind, posterior |
pro | before, anterior |
proct/o | anus, rectum |
pseud/o | false |
quadr/i | four |
rachi/rachio | spinal column |
re | again |
rect | straight, rectum |
ren/reno | kidney |
retro | backward, behind |
rhin/o | nose |
rrhagia | discharge |
rrhea | flow |
rrhexis | rupture |
salping/o | tube |
sarco | flesh, muscle |
sclero | hardness |
sept/septi/septo | seven |
sial/sialo | saliva, salivary gland |
sider/o | iron |
sigmoid/o | sigmoid colon |
sin/sino/sinu | sinus |
samat/o | body |
somno | sleep |
son/o | sound |
spasmo | spasm |
sperm/o | sperm |
spir/o | breathing |
splanchno | viscera |
spleen/o | spleen |
stom/stmat/o | mouth |
sub | beneath, less than normal |
sym/syl | together |
tachy | rapid |
tel/e | distant |
teno/ten/tendino | tendon |
therm/o | heat |
thorac/thoracico | thorax, chest |
thromb/o | blood clot |
thyr/o | thyroid gland |
tone | tone, tension |
top | place, topica |
tox/toxi/toxo/toxico | toxin, poison |
trache/tracheo | trachea |
trans | across |
tri | three |
trich/trichi | hair |
trophy | food, nutrition |
ultra | beyong |
uni | one, single |
uri/ uria | urine, urination |
vas/vasculo | duct, blood vessel |
vesic/o | urinary bladder, vesicle |
xanth/o | yellow, yellowish |
xero | dry |
zo | animal, life |
zoo | animal, life |
zym/o | fermentation, enzymes |