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Sanitation 1

Sanitation 1 (Things you need to know for our sanitation test)

What bacteria prefers to not have oxygen and is usually found in root vegetables such as potatoes and canned goods Clostridium Botulinum, otherwise known as Botulsm.
This is an unacceptable method for thawing food on a drainboard of a sink.
When reheating potentially hazardous food for hot holding, reheat the food to what internal temperature and for how long? 165 degrees for 15 seconds
Storing food as quickly as possible, promptly disposing of garbage, keeping restrooms clean, are all methods to deny pest food and shelter. True or False True
Strawberries, salmon, ground beef, chicken Is an example of the order that foods should be stored in a refrigerator from top to bottom.
This should never be used to scoop ice. Glass
This is the internal temperature for holding, hot hazardous foods. 135 degrees or higher.
These should be stored in cool rooms that are free of dampness. Dry Goods
These people can contaminate food simply by handling the food-contact surface of a plate. The Servers
Washing and rinsing a cutting board is not enough, what must we do to it last to make it sure it does not cause cross contamination? Sanitize it.
This is the top way to control the growth of microorganisms. What is it? Time and temperature control.
Ground beef patties cooked in a microwave must be cooked to what internal temperature and for how long 165 degrees for 15 seconds
Ground beef patties that are cooked in any other way then in a microwave must be cooked to what internal temperature for how long? 155 degrees for 15 seconds
The TDZ, otherwise known as the temperature danger zone is between what two temperature ranges? 41 degrees to 135 degrees
Rings, bracelets, watches, lots of makeup,false eye lashes, piercings of the face, and earings are all examples of what? Things that foodservice are not allowed to wear while working in a kitchen.
These are not common allergens. Melons, Raspberries, Pork, Beef, and Chicken.
Clearing tables, taking out trash, handling chemicals for cleaning, are all examples of times when foodhandlers should do what? Wash their hands.
Placing uncovered hot food in a freezer to cool it down is an acceptable method of chilling food. True or false? False
This is the transfer of microorganisms from one food to another. Cross-contamination
If food-contact surfaces are in constant use, they must be cleaned and sanitized how often? Four hour intervals
Using a single use paper towel is an example of what practice? The proper way to dry your hands and arms.
Cold holding equipment must be able to keep potentially hazardious food at what temperature or below? 41 degrees.
Inserting the thermometer probe between two packages and waiting fifteen seconds is the proper way to check the temperature of what products? Reduced oxygen packaged items, otherwise known as vacuume packed products..
Inserting the probe into the thickest part of the product after sanitizing the probe is the proper way to check the receiving temperature of what products? fresh meat, poultry or whole fish that is not vaccume packed.
This is not an indicator that will ensure food safety of a food. Nutritional information.
Cool the food from 135 degrees to 70 degrees within 2 hours, and from 70 degrees to 41 degrees within four hours is called what method? The two stage cooling method.
This is the six conditions that support the growth of foodborne microorganisms are. It is an acronym, what is it and what does each letter stand for. FATTOM, Food, Acidity, Time, Temperature, Oxygen, Moisture
This is the first step to setting up a HACCP system. Hazard Analysis
These people are at a higher risk for foodborne illness because their immune systems have weakened with age? The Elderly
What does TCS stand for? Temperature Control for Safety food. The old term is PHF or potentially hazardous food.
How many people must experience the same illness after eating the same food to be considered a foodborne outbreak. 2 People.
These are considered to be a TCS or a potentially hazardous food but you may not guess that they are. Bean sprouts.
Which people are morelikely to become ill from contaminated food. Preschool-age children or adults? Preschool-age children
True or False, People on antibiotics for an illness are at higher risk for foodborn illness. True
True or False, Cooked vegetables are potentially hazardous / TCS foods. True
These typically do not support the growth of microorganisms. High Acid Food
What does TCS stand for? Temperature Control for Safety food. The old term is PHF or potentially hazardous food.
What does PCO stand for? Pest control operator.
These are considered to be a TCS or a potentially hazardous food but you may not guess that they are. Bean sprouts.
Which people are morelikely to become ill from contaminated food. Preschool-age children or adults? Preschool-age children
True or False, People on antibiotics for an illness are at higher risk for foodborn illness. True
True or False, Cooked vegetables are potentially hazardous / TCS foods. True
These typically do not support the growth of microorganisms. High Acid Foods
This microorganism is primarily found in hair, nose, and throats of humans as well as infected sores. Staph, otherwise known as Staphlococcus Aureus.
This microorganism is commonly associated with ground beef but has also been associated with contaminated Lettuce. E.Coli, otherwise known as Shiga Toxin-producing E. Coli.
This is a bacteria that has been known to be in poultry and water. One of it's more nasty symptoms is watery or bloody diahrhea. Headache, fever and abdominal cramps are also symtoms. Campylobacteria Jejuni.
Cooking eggs and poultry to the proper internal temperatures is the best defense to prevent this bacteria. Salmonella or Salmonellosis
Restricting a food handler that has an infected cut from working with or around food could pcan help to prevent which bacteria from infecting food? Staph / Staphylococcal gastroenteritis.
What food has cyclospora cayetenasis mostly been associated with. Produce irrigated with contaminated water.
These are not usually killed or destroyed by freezing temperatures. Molds
This bacteria is usually associated with cereal crops. Bacillus cereus
This results when a person eats food containing pathogens, which then grow in the intestins and cause illness. Foodborne Infection
This bacteria loves cold and moist environments but is difficult to kill because it is heat resistent. It has been commonly associated with deli meats and hotdogs and other precooked meats for this reason. Listeriosis
True or False, a person with shigellosis may experience bloody diarrhea. True
You have received tuna that is at an internal temperature of 50 degrees F . You definately should reject this product but what foodborn illness are you trying to avoid by doing so? Scombroid fish poisoning
Using a backflow-prevention device on a carbonated beverage dispenser will prevent what type of poisoning? toxic metal poisoning
Purchasing seafood from approved, reputable suppliers is the only defense that a restaurant has in preventing foodborne illnesses from what? Seafood Toxins
A man ate raw oysters and later became disoriented and suffered memory loss. Ehat illness was most likely the cause? Amnesic shellfish poisoning
Symptoms that are common to an allergic reaction to peanuts include these. Diarrhea, shortness of breath, swelling of the feet.
Cooking will not destroy these in toxic wild mushrooms Toxins
How long does the book say that you must wash your hands for? 20 seconds for the whole process
What is the minimum temperature that water must be when you are washing your hands? 100 degrees
Hand antiseptics should only be used when? After hand washing
Establishments must only use hand antiseptic that are what? FDA compliant
In which situation does an employee need to be excluded. They have one of the following shigella spp, Vibrio vulnificus, clostridium perfringens, clostridium botulinum. Shigella spp
You have a cut on your hand but you still want to work. What should you do to meet the minimum requirement by the board of health to continue to work? Cover the cut with a bandage and a glove or a finger cot.
What does PPM stand for? Parts Per Million
How many PPM must bleach be at to make an effective and safe sanitizer for kitchen use? How long should the item be submerged in it to effectively sanitize the item? 50 PPM for at least 7 seconds.
The two types of sanitizing methoda are what? Chemical sanitizing and heat sanitizing
If using iodine as a sanitizer, what ppm range should it be set at in order to effectively sanitize? 12.5 to 25ppm
When water is 55 or below, what ppm should you set the bleach at and how long should you submerge the item to be sanitized? 100 ppm for 10 seconds.
You find that a food is below 135 degrees on a steam table and it has been there for four hours, what can you do? You must throw it out and get new food.
You find that a food is below 135 and it has been there for two hours. What can you do? In this case you can reheat the food to 165 for 15 seconds and then rehold the food.
The minimum internal temperature for ground beef and other ground meats is what? 155 degrees for 15 seconds
The minimum internal temperature for fish and seafood is what and for how long? 145 degrees for 15 seconds
The minimum internal temperature for shell eggs that are to be hot held is what temperature for how long. 155 for 15 seconds
The minimum internal temperature for fresh shell eggs that are to be served immediately is what for how long. 145 degrees for 15 seconds.
What is the minimum internal temperature for items that are stuffed and for how long? 165 for 15 seconds
What is the minimum internal temperature for items that are stuffed and for how long? 165 for 15 seconds
What is the minimum internal temperature for pork chops? 145 degrees for 15 seconds
What is the minimal internal temperature roasts and for how long? 145 degrees for 4 minutes.
What is the minimal internal temperature for groung, chopped or minced fish and for how long? 155 degrees for 15 seconds
What is the minimal internal temperature for commercially processed ready to eat foods such as cheese sticks, deep fried vegetables, and breaded mushrooms and for how long? 135 degrees for 15 seconds
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