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Section 3 Word Group

deceit deception or trick
hypocrisy insincerity; pretending to be what one is not
duplicity deception; double-dealing; deceit
fallacious false; misleading; deceptive
gouge to cheat or defraud someone
specious false
prevaricate to lie
charlatan an imposter; a quack; a con artist
fabricate to make up for the purpose of deception; to manufacture
guile deceit; cunning; trickery; duplicity
affected acting in an artificial way; putting on a false appearance
chicanery deception by artificial trickery
insidious treacherous; sneaky; sly
bilk to defraud; to cheat; to swindle
feign to put on a false appearance; to pretend for deceptive purposes
stratagem a plan to deceive or trick
spurious counterfeit; false
apocryphal of doubtful origin; false
jollity merriment; fun; gaiety
jubilee a special anniversary or occasion of celebration
carouse rowdy; drunken merrymaking
cavort to skip about; prance; excessive partying
buoyancy the ability to float; lightness of spirit
effervescent bubbling; vivacious; exhilarated
blithe filled with gaiety; cheerful; carefree; jovial
gambol to leap about; to frolic; to play
sanguine cheerful; hopeful
destitute impoverished
pauper a poor person
insolvent out of money
squalor filthiness caused by poverty
indigent impoverished
penury extreme poverty
mendicant a beggar; a poor person
impecunious poor; having no money
brevity briefness; shortness of duration
concise briefly stated; succinct
terse effectively concise; short yet polished
pithy short; concise; precisely meaningful
laconic using a minimum number of words; concise
taciturn disinclined to talk; silent
sententious short and moralistic in expression
irreverent lacking respect
desecrate to treat with disrespect
profane ungodly; not sacred
heresy dissent from traditional beliefs
blasphemy lack of respect for God; heresy
iconoclasm attacking traditional ideas
savory good tasting
aromatic fragrant; having an agreeable odor
euphony sweet-sounding; pleasing to the ear
redolent fragrant; having an agreeable odor
dulcet pleasing to the ear; melodious
abashed embarrassed; made ashamed
chagrin distress caused by humiliation or failure
mortify to cause to suffer extreme embarrassment
ignominy deep personal humiliation and disgrace
abstract theoretical; lacking substance
amorphous without shape or form
incorporeal without shape; without a body
ethereal without form; heavenly
nebulous vague and indistinct
inclined tending toward one direction or opinion; a liking
propensity a natural inclination; a tendency
penchant leaning toward or liking something or someone
proclivity a natural tendency to do something; an inclination
novice an inexperienced person
fledgling young and inexperienced
neophyte someone without experience; beginner
callow immature; inexperienced
Created by: Ms.Sherrie
Popular SAT sets




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