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Female Reproductive System

The ovary is a small, egg-shaped ... gland
The ovaries are held in place by the broad ligament
The ovaries are the sex glands or _______ in the female. gonads
Immature ova are called oocytes
The uterine tubes are also known as fallopian tubes or oviducts
The moving, finger-like projections at the end of the uterine tubes are called fimbrae
The rounded top of the uterus is called the fundus
The widest part of the uterus is called the corpus
The body of the uterus narrows to become the cervix
The rounded tip of the cervix projects about 1/2 and inch into the vagina
THe wall of the uterus is composed of three layers called the perimetrium, myometrium and endometrium
The innermost layer that lines the uterine cavity is called the endometrium
The inside of the vagina is called the vaginal canal
At the inferior end of the vaginal canal is the hymen
The opening of the vagina to the outside of the body is called the vaginal introitus
The thickest most outer lips of the vagina are called the labia majora
The smooth, thin inner lips of the vagina are called the labia minora
The organ of sexial response in the female is the clitoris
The area between the vagina and the anus is called the perineum
The glands near the vaginal introitus include the urethral glands, the Skene's glands, and the Bartholin's glands
The rounded fleshy pad that ovelies the pubic bone in the female is called the mons venus
The medical term for breast is mammary glands
The pigmented area around the nipple of the breast is called the areola
At the onset of puberty, the pituitary gland begins to secrete two hormones that stimulate the ovaries
FSH (hormone) stimulates a follicle in the ovary to enlarge and produce a mature ovum
The process of forming a mature ovum is called oogenesis
The mature ovum is called a gamete
LH (hormone) stimulate a single follicle each month to release its mature ovum
The ovary secretes Estradiol, Progesterone, and Testosterone
The very first menstrual period for a female is called the menarch
Another term for menstruation is menses
Chemicals secreted by the ovum attract the spermatozoa
When the spermatozoa attaches to the ovum and penetratest the surface it is called the moment of conception
When the ovarian follicle ruptures it becomes the corpus luteum
When a spermatozoon unites with an ovum, the resulting cell has 46 chromosones and is known as a zygote
The amnion, or bag of waters, is a membrane sac that produces amniotic fluid
The outer layer of the zygote becomes the chorion
The chorion becomes the placenta
Structures in the chorion form the rubbery, flexible umbilical cord
After 4 days of development, the zygote is known as an embryo
After 8 weeks the embryo is known as a fetus
The name for the period from the moment of conception to the moment of birth is gestation
Each trimester is ______________ months long. three
For the fetus, the period of time from conception to birth is called the prenatal period
The time for the mother from conception to birth is also known as antepartum
The fetal kidneys excrete urine into the amniotic fluid
The fetus swallows this every day. amniotic fluid
False contractions as called Braxton Hicks
Late in pregnancy, when the fetal head drops into the birth position within the mother's pelvis, it is known as engagement
Another term for the "engagement" process is lightening
WHen the fetus is head down this is called the cephalic presentation
This horone that is released from the pituitary gland causes the uterus to contract regularly, Oxytocin
When the cervix begins to soften toward the end of pregnancy it is called cervial ripening
The first stage of labor includes cervical dilation and contractions
The second stage of labor is the delivery
The third stage of labor is delivery of the placenta
For the newborn, the period of time after the birth is called the postnatal period
For the mother, the period of time after the birth is called postpartum
The small amounts of blood, tissue, and fluid that continue to flow from the vagina after the delivery is known as lochia
The production of milk in the breasts is called lactation
The first milk the mother makes is called colostrum
A fetus that is delivered between 28 and 37 weeks gestation is considered preterm or premature
At birth, the skin of the newborn is covered with vernix
The term for the baby's soft spot is the fontanel
The first stool the newborn makes is called meconium
The combining form "genit/o" means genitalia
The combining form "product/o" means produce
The combining form that means "accessory; connecting parts" is adnex/o
The combining forms "o/o, ov/i, ov/o, and ovul/o" mean ovum or egg
The combining forms "ovari/o and oophor/o" mean ovary
The combining forms "uter/o, hyster/o, metri/o, and metr/o, " means uterus
The combining forms "salping/o and fallopi/o" mean fallopian tube
The combining form the means "bending" is flex/o
The combining form that means "neck; cervix" is cervic/o
The combining form that means "cul-de-sac" is culd/o
The combining form for muscle is my/o
The combining forms "vagin/o and colp/o" mean vagina
The combining form that means "lip; labium" is labi/o
The combining form "perine/o" means perineum
The combining forms "vulv/o and episi/o" mean vulva
The combining forms "lact/i, lact/o and galact/o" mean milk
The combining forms "mamm/o, mamm/a, and mast/o" mean breast
The combining forms "estr/a, estr/o, and gynec/o" mean female
The combining form "men/o" means month
The combining form that means "monthly discharge of blood" is menstru/o
The combining form that means "amnion (fetal membrane) is amni/o
The combining form "part/o" means childbirth
The combining form "chorion/o" means chorion
The combining form that means "embryo; immature form" is embryon/o
The combining form that means "able to conceive a child" is fertil/o
The combining form that means "to conceive or form" is concept/o
The combining form "fet/o" means fetus
The combining form that means "close assocation or relationship" is fratern/o
The combining form that means "from conception to birth" is gestat/o
The combining form that means "having an affinity for; stimulating; turning" is trop/o
The combining form "placent/o" means placenta
The combining form that means "being with child" is pregn/o
The combining forms "nat/o and par/o" mean birth
The combining form "cephal/o" means head
The combining form that means "dilate; widen" is dilat/o
The combining form that means "do away with; obliterate" is efface/o
The combining form that means "oxygen; quick" is ox/y
The combining form that means "labor;childbirth" is toc/o
The combining form that means "to be in labor" is parturit/o
The combining form that means "extremity; highest point" is acr/o
The combining form "ne/o" means new
The word that means "pertaining to before the birth" is prenatal
The word that means "pertaining to after the birth" is postnatal
The word that means "around the time of birth" is perinatal
Inflammation or infection of a fallopian tube (uterine tube) is called salpingitis
The word that means "pus in the fallopian or uterine tube" is pyosalpinx
The word that means "abnormal condition of the endometrium" is endometriosis
A benign smooth muscle tumor of the myometrium is called a leiomyoma
Cancerous smooth muscle tumor of the myometrium is called leiomyosarcoma
Inflammation or infection of the myometrium is called myometritis
Infection of the cervix that extends to the uterus, tubes and ovaries is called pelvic inflammatory disease
Descent of the uterus from its normal position is called uterine prolapse
Absence of month menstrual periods is called amenorrhea
Painful menstruation is called dysmenorrhea
The normal cessation of menstrual periods occuring around middle age is called menopause
A menstrual period with excessively heavy flow is called menorrhagia
A menstrual period with very light or scanty or infrequent flow is called oliomenorrhea
Abnormal growth of squamous cells in the surface layer of the cervix is called cervical dysplasia
Bacterial infection of the vagina is called bacterial vaginosis
Yeast infection of the vagina due to Candida albicans is called candidiasis
A cheesy, white discharge form the vagina is called leukorrhea
Herniation of the bladder into the vagina because of weakness in the vaginal wall is called cystocele
Painful or difficult sexual intercouse is called dyspareunia
Herniation of the rectum into the vagina because of a weakness in the vaginal wall is called rectocele
Vaginal inflammation or infection is called vaginitis
Discharge of milk from the breasts when the patient is not pregnant or breast feeding is called galactorrhea
Complete or partial separation of the placenta from the uterine wall before the third stage of labor is called abruptio placentae
Any type of difficult or abnormal labor is called dystocia
Implantation of the fertilized ovum somewhere other than in the uterus is called tubal pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy
Bleeding in a fallopian tube is called hemosalpinx
Inflammation or infection of a breast is called mastitis
Decreased volume of amniotic fluid is called oligohydramnios
An increased volume of amniotic fluid is called polyhydramnios
Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy with increase BP, edema, weight gain and protein in the urine is called preeclampsia
Yellowish discoloration of the skin in the newborn is called hyperbilirubinemia
The screening test used to detect abnormal cells in the cervix is called the pap test
The word that means "pertaining to within the cervix" is endocervical
The word that means "pertaining to outside the cervix" is ectocervical
Test of the amniotic fluid in a pregnant woman is called amniocentesis
The word for "process of recording the uterine or fallopian tubes and the uterus" is hysterosalpingography
The word for "taking a picture or record of the breast" is mammography
The actual picture or record of the breast is called a mammogram
The word that means "pertaining to across or through the vagina" is transvaginal
The word for "process of using an instrument to examine the vagina" is colposcopy
The procedure that means "process of cutting or making an incision into the amniotic sac" is called amniotomy
The word that means "condition or state of being without sensation or feeling" is anesthesia
The name for a woman who has never been pregnant and is not pregnant now is nulligravida
The word for a woman who is having her first pregnancy is primigravida
The word for a woman who has had many pregnancies is multigravida
The word for a woman who has given birth many times is multipara
Surgical excision of the uterus is called hysterectomy
The surgical procedure to remove fibroid from the uterus is called myomectomy
The surgical excision of an ovary is called an oophorectomy
Removal of both ovaries is called a bilateral oophorectomy
A surgical procedure to remove a fallopian tube is called a salpingectomy
The surgical procedure to remove both uterine tubes and ovaries is called a salpingo-oophorectomy
The procedure of surgically fixing the uterus in place is called hysteropexy
The process of suturing the vagina is called colporrhaphy
The procedure to use an instrument ot examine the cul-de-sac behind the cerix is called a culdoscopy
Procedure used to remove a small cancerous tumor from the breast while leavin the breast intact is called a lumpectomy
The procedure of reshaping the brest by surgery is called mammoplasty
Surgical excision of the breast is called mastectomy
Surgical incision in the edge of the vagina to prevent a tear during delivery of a baby is called an episiotomy
Created by: GKSMS97
Popular Medical sets




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