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Blood and Lymphatic System

The combining form plasm/o means plasma
Blood is characterized as what type of tissue? connective
The formed elements of blood (erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes) are suspended in the plasma
Plasma is about 90%: water
Plasma proteins are called albumin
Chemical structures that carry a positive or negative charge in the blood that include sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium, are called electrolytes
The process by which all the formed elements in blood are produced is called hematopoesis
Immature blood cells are called stem cells
A red blood cell is called an erythrocyte
A white blood cell is called a leukocyte
THe red iron-containing molecule in the blood is called hemoglobin
Hemoglobin bound to oxygen is known as oxyhemoglobin
The hormone secreted by the kidneys that increases the speed at which erythrocytes are produced and become mature is called erythropoietin
WHen a person drowns or suffocates there is a high level of what in the blood? carbon dioxide
What is the number of types of white blood cells? five
A leukocyte with large granules in its cytoplasm is called a granulocyte
Granulocytes include basophils, neutrophils,and eosinophils
The most common type of white blood cell is the neutrophil
Neutrophils are also part of the immune system because they are also phagocytes which engulf and destroy ......... bacteria
THe smalles leukocytes are called lymphocytes
The least common leukocytes are called basophils
Thrombocytes are also called platelets
Thrombocytes help the blood to clot
How many blood types are there? four
WHich blood type is known as the "universal donor" because it can be given to patients with any type of blood without causing a reaction? Type O negative
When the body is injured the injured blood vessel constricts to decrease the loss of blood
Thrombocytes stick to the damaged blood vessel wall and form clumps that decrease the loss of blood. This process is known as platelet... aggregation
THe process of the blood clotting is known as coagulation
The cessation of bleeding is known as hemostasis
The medical word for blood clot is thrombus
THe number of clotting factors is twelve
The technical term for lymphatic fluid is lymph
The word that means "pertaining to the lymph system" is lymphatic
Lymph nodes are also called lymph glands
The term that means "resembling the lymph system is lymphoid
The pink colored lymph structure that is located within the mediastinum, posterior to the sternum is called the thymus gland
The lymphatic organ that is located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen is the spleen
The coordinated effort between the blood and the lymphatic system to destroy microorganisms that invade the body is called the immune response
Microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, yeasts, etc) that cause disease are known as pathogens
A very immature cell that comes from a stem cell in the red marrow and then developes into a myelocyte is called a myeloblast
The fluid portion of the plasma that remains after the clotting factors are activated to form a blood clot is called serum
The body's continuing immune response and defense against pathogens that is has seen before is called active immunity
THe fluid that flows through the lymphatic system is called lymph
Immune response and defense against pathogens that is conveyed by the mother's antibodies to the fetus via the placenta is called passive immunity
THe suffix -cyte means cell
THe suffix -blast means immature cell
The suffix that means "that which is produded" is -gen
THe suffix that means "dissoved substance" is -lysis
The suffix the means "resembling" is -oid
The suffix that means "thing that eats" is -phage
The suffix that means "attraction to; fondness for" is -phil
The suffix that means "condition of formation" is -poiesis
The suffix that means "substance that forms" is -poietin
The suffix that means "condition of deficiency; decrease: is -penia
The suffix that means "excessive flow or discharge" is -rrhage
The suffix that means "a mixing" is -crasia
The suffix that means "condition of the blood" is -emia
The suffix that means "condition; abnormal condition; process" is -osis
THe suffix that means "tumor or mass" is -oma
The suffix that means "disease or suffering" is -pathy
The suffix that means "immune response" is -immune
The suffix that means "swelling" is -edema
The suffix that means "immature celle" is -blast
The suffix that means "dissolved substance" is -lyte
The suffix that means "condition of standing still; staying in one place" is -stasis
The suffix that means "movement" is -kine
The suffix that means "structure or thing" is -body
The combining form "granul/o" means granule
The combining form that means "base of a thing" is bas/o
The combining forms "hem/o" and "hemat/o" mean blood
The combining form "electr/o" means electricity
The combining form that means eosin (red acidic dye) is eosin/o
The combining form that means "red" is erythr/o
The combining form that means "normal; usual" is norm/o
The combining form that means "small network" is reticul/o
The combining form that means "shaped like a globe" is glob/o
The combining form that means "oxygen; quick" is ox/y
The combining form "leuk/o" means white
The combining form that means "lymph; lymphatic system" is lymph/o
The combining form that means "one; single" is mon/o
The combining form that means "bone marrow; spinal cord; myelin" is myel/o
The combining form that means "not taking part" is neutr/o
The prefix that means "many;much" is poly-
The combining form "morph/o" means shape
The combining form for "white" is leuk/o
The combining form that means "eating;swallowing" is phag/o
The combining form "meg/a or macr/o" means large
The combining form "kary/o" means nucleus
The combining form that means "thrombus or blood clot" is thromb/o
The prefix "anti-" means against
The combining form "fibr/o" means fiber
The combining form "hem/o" means blood
The prefix "pro-" means before
The combining form that means "growth; formation" is plast/o
The prefix "inter-" means between
The prefix that means "innermost;within" is endo-
The combining form "tox/o" means poison
The combining form that means "press down" is suppress/o
The combining form "meg/a" means large
The combining form "kary/o" means nucleus
The combining form "macr/o" means large
The combining form for "bone marrow; spinal cord; myelin" is myel/o
The combining form for "not taking part" is neutr/o
The combining form "plasm/o" means plasma
The combining form for "thrombus or blood clot" is thromb/o
The combining form "morph/o" means shape
The combining form "coaglu/o" means clotting
The combining form "splen/o" means spleen
A severe bacterial infection of the tissues that spreads to the blood is called septicemia
Decreased numbers of all types of blood cells is called pancytopenia
Loss of a large amount of blood, externally or internally,is called hemorrhage
The combining form "chrom/o" means color
The combining form "anis/o" means unequal
The combining form "poikil/o" means irregular
The combining form that means "well-timed; taking advantage of an opportunity" is opportun/o
The suffix "-oma" means tumor
The prefix that means "above normal; more than normal" is hyper-
The prefix that means "clotting" is coagul/o
The combining form that means "embolus" is embol/o
The combining form that means "widely scattered throughout the body" is dissemin/o
The combining form that means "blood vessel" is vascul/o
The combining form "aden/o" means gland
The combining form that means "unknown; individual" is idi/o
The suffix that means "enlargement" is -megaly
The combining form "aut/o" means self
The combining form that means "outer aspects" is peripher/o
The suffix that means "separation of" is -crit
The combining form "heter/o" means other
The combining form "ferr/o" means iron
The prefix that means "beyond;higher" is ultra
The combining form "son/o" means sound
The suffix that means "process of recording" is -graphy
The suffix that means "a record or picture" is -gram
The combining form "ven/i" means vein
The combining form "phleb/o" means vein
The combining form that means "giving a vaccine" is vaccin/o
The suffix that means "process of making, creating, or inserting: is -ization
The combining form that means "give as a gift" is donat/o
The combining form that means "move something to another place" is transplant/o
The combining form that means "surgical excision (removal)" is -ectomy
The combining form "cortic/o" means cortex
The combining form that means to "block or hold back" is inhibit/o
The abbreviation for "acquired immune deficiency syndrome" is AIDS
The abbreviation for "red blood cell" is RBC
The abbreviation for "white blood cell" is WBC
The abbreviation Hgb is hemoglobin
The abbreviation for "complete blood count" is CBC
The abbreviation HCT stands for hematocrit
The abbreviation for human immunodeficiency virus is HIV
Created by: GKSMS97
Popular Medical sets




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