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Module 2bb - A&P

Introduction to the Human Body

three types of muscle skeletalsmoothcardiac
skeletal muscle generally attached to bonecontrolled by choice (voluntary muscle)
skeletal muscle looks striped or striated
skeletal muscle produce movementmaintain body posturestabilize jointshelps maintain body temperature
smooth muscle generally found the walls of viscera, such as stomach
visceral muscle smooth muscle found in the organs
smooth muscle also found in tubes and passageways
smooth muscle functions automatically also called involuntary muscle
nonstriated muscle no strips, contractions of smooth muscle enables the viscera to perform their functions
cardiac muscle found only in the heart, where it functions to pump blood throughtout the body
intercalated discs cardiac muscle cells are long branching cells that fit together tightly at junctions
cardiac muscle classified as striated and involuntary muscle
belly refers to the enlarged fleshy body of the muscle between the slender points of attachment
fascia large skeletal muscle is surrounded by layers of tough connective tissue
epimysium outer layer of fascia
tendon fascia extends toward and attaches to the bone as tendon, a strong cordlike structure
perimysium another layer of connective tissue, surrounds smaller bundles of muscle fibers
fascicles bundles of muscle fibers
endomysium third layer of connective tissue that surround the fascicles
crush syndrome compartment syndrome, crush injury, muscle is damaged becomes inflamed; leaches fluid into the compartment; pressure increase and compresses nerves and blood vessels;deprived of oxygen and nourishement; muscles and nerves begin to die
aponeurosis muscle attaches to other structures in three ways; first the tendon attaches the muscle to the bone; second muscles attach directly without tendon; to a bone or soft tissue;
third a flat sheetlike fascia called aponeurosis connects muscle to muscle or muscle to bone
Created by: janmaire
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