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Module 2g - A&P

Introduction to the Human Body

"normal" body temperature 98.F can range from 97 to 100degrees
core temperature inner parts of the body, cranial, thoracic and abdominal cavities higher
shell temperature surface areas such as skin and mouth are cooler
thermoregulation mechanism whereby the body balances heat production and heat loss
hypothermia excessive decrease in body temperature
hyperthermia excessive increase in temperature
heat production heat is thermal energy and is produced by the millions of chemical reations
heat loss most of the heat is lost through the skinthe remaining through the respiratory excretory systems
heat loss occurs by four means: radiation, conduction, convection and evaporation
radiation heat is lost from a warm object to the cooler air surrounding the warm object
conduction loss of heat from a warm body to a cooler object in contact with the warm body
convection is loss of heat by the air currents moving over the surface of the skin
evaporation when a liquid becomes a gas
body temperature regulated by several different mechanisms
hypothalamus located in the brain - senses a change in temperature and sends information to the skin and skeletal muscle
increased temperature blood vessels dilate, giving flushed appearancesweat glands become more active
decreased temperature blood vessels constrict heat is trapped in deeper tissues; sweat glands less active; skeletal muscles contract causing shivering
heat related conditions heat syncope; heat cramps; heat exhaustion; heat stroke
how burns are classified according to depth; and extent of area burned
depth partial-thickness or full-thickness
partial-thickness 1st or 2nd degree burns
first-degree burn red, painful, and slightly edematousonly the epidermis is involve; suburn
second-degree burn damage to both epidermis and dermis, with little damage to the dermis it is red painful and edematous and blisters; with greater damage to dermis skin can blister
full-thickness burn third-degree burns; both epidermis and dermis are destroyed, painless because sensory receptors are destroyed
rules of nine the total body surface area into regions
eschar dead burned tissue that form a thick,inflexible scablike layer over the burned surface
escharotomy eschar is slit
acne a disorder of the skin in which the sebaceous glands oversecrete sebum
athlete's foot fungal infection
boil also called furuncle; localized colledction of pus caused by stphylococcal infection of hair follicles and sebaceous glands
carbuncle multiple, interconnecting furuncles
cold sore fever blister, collection of watery vesicles caused by infection with herpes simplex virus
cyst saclike structure containing fluid or semisolid material surrounded by s strong capsule
dermatitis inflammation of the skin that may be caused by a variety of irritants
erythema reddness
papules pimplelike lesions
vesicles blisters
eczema inflammatory condition (atopic dermatitis)
hives urticaria - allergic reaction characterized by red patches (wheals) intense itching (pruritus)
impetigo contagious infection of skin caused by the staphyloccus baterium
psoriasis chronic condition characterized by lesions that are red dry elevated and covered by silvery scales
skin cancer several kinds are all related to sun exposure
Created by: janmaire
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