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WS quick quiz 61-65

painstaking extremely careful ; taking pains
palliate to relieve or alleviate something without getting rid of the problem ; to assuage ; to mitigate
palpable capable of being touched ; obvious ; tangible
paltry insignificant ; worthless
panacea something that cures everything
paradigm a model or example
paradox a true statement or phenomenon that nonetheless seems to contradict itself ; an untrue statement or phenomenon that nonetheless seems logical
parochial narrow or confined in point of view ; provincial
parody a satirical imitation
parsimonious stingy
partisan one who supports a particular person, cause, or idea
patent obvious
paternal fatherly ; fatherlike
pathology the science of diseases
patriarch the male head of a family or tribe
patrician a person of noble birth ; an aristocrat
patronize to treat as an inferior ; to condescend to
paucity scarcity
peccadillo a minor offense
pedantic boringly scholarly or academic
pedestrian unimaginative ; banal
pejorative negative ; disparaging
penchant a strong taste or liking for something ; a predilection
penitent sorry ; repentant ; contrite
pensive thoughtful and sad
peremptory final ; categorical ; dictatorial
perennial continual ; happening again and again or year after year
perfidy treachery
perfunctory unenthusiastic ; careless
peripatetic wandering ; traveling continually ; itinerant
periphery the outside edge of something
perjury lying under oath
permeate to spread or seep through ; to penetrate
pernicious deadly ; extremely evil
perquisite a privilege that goes along with a job ; a perk
pertinent relevant ; dealing with the matter at hand
perturb to disturb greatly
peruse to read carefully
pervade to spread throughout
petulant rude ; cranky ; ill-tempered
philanthropy love of mankind, especially by doing good deeds
philistine a smugly ignorant person with no appreciation of intellectual or artistic matters
plous reverent or devout ; outwardly (and sometimes falsely) reverent or devout ; hypocritical
pivotal crucial
placate to pacify ; to appease ; to soothe
plaintive expressing sadness or sorrow
platitude a dull or trite remark ; a cliche
plebeian common ; vulgar ; low class ; bourgeois
plethora an excess
poignant painfully emotional ; extremely moving ; sharp or astute
polarize to break up into opposing factions or groupings
polemic a powerful argument often make to attack or refute a controversial issue
ponderous so large as to be clumsy ; massive ; dull
portent an omen ; a sign of something coming in the future
postulate something accepted as true without proof ; and axiom
pragmatic practical ; down to earth ; based on experience rather than theory
precedent an earlier example or model of something
precept a rule to live by ; a principle establishing a certain kind of action or behavior ; a maxim
precipitate to cause to happen abruptly
precipitous steep
Created by: user-1793240
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