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WS quick quiz 51-55

infer to conclude ; to deduce
infinitesimal very, very, very small ; infinitely small
ingenuous frank ; without deception ; simple ; artless ; charmingly naive
inherent part of the essential nature of something ; intrinsic
injunction a command or order, especially a court order
innate existing since birth ; inborn ; inherent
innocuous harmless ; banal
inordinate excessive ; unreasonable
insatiable hard or impossible to satisfy ; greedy ; avaricious
insidious treacherous ; sneaky
insinuate to hint ; to creep in
insipid dull ; bland ; banal
insolent arrogant ; insulting
instigate to provoke ; to stir up
insular like an island ; isolated
insurgent a rebel ; someone who revolts against a government
integral essential
intractable uncontrollable ; stubborn ; disobedient
intransigent uncompromising ; stubborn
Intrinsic part of the essential nature of something ; inherent
Introspective tending to think about oneself ; examining ones feelings
Inundate to flood ; to cover completely with water ; to overwhelm
Invective insulting or abusive speech
Inveterate habitual ; firm in habit ; deeply rooted
Irascible easily angered or provoked ; irritable
Ironic meaning the opposite of what you seem to say ; using words to mean something other than what they seem to mean
Irrevocable irreversible
Itinerant moving from place to place
Judicious exercising sound judgment
Juxtapose to place side by side
Kinetic having to do with motion ; lively ; active
Labyrinth a maze ; something like a maze
Laconic using few words, especially to the point of seeming rude
Lament to mourn
Languish to become weak, listless, or depressed
Largess generous giving of gifts (or the gifts themselves) ; generosity ; philanthropy
Latent present but not visible or apparent ; potential
Laud to praise ; to applaud ; to extol ; to celebrate
Legacy something handed down from the past ; a bequest
Lethargy sluggishness ; laziness ; drowsiness ; indifference
Levity lightness ; frivolity ; unseriousness
Libel a written or published falsehood that injures the reputation of, or defames, someone
Litigate to try in court ; to engage in legal proceedings
Loquacious talking a lot or too much
Lucid clear ; easy to understand
Lugubrious exaggeratedly mournful
Luminous giving off light ; glowing ; bright
Created by: user-1793240
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