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A&P II Ch 22

Why is oxygen necessary in the body? Cells use oxygen to produce energy in the form of ATP
2. What are the five functions of the respiratory system? Produces extensive gas exchange surface area btwn air and circulating blood
What are the five functions of the respiratory system? Moves air to and from exchange surfaces of lungs
What are the five functions of the respiratory system? Protects respiratory surfaces from outside environment
What are the five functions of the respiratory system? Produces sounds & Participates in olfactory sense
3. What is the dividing line between the upper and lower respiratory system? Larynx
4. What is the respiratory defense system? What does it do? Series of filtration mechanisms that removes particles and pathogens
5. What is the function of the cilia in the respiratory defense system? Sweep debris trapped in mucus up toward the pharynx where it can be coughed out or swallowed (mucus escalator)
6. Define nasal cavity Space inside the nose
Define external nares Nostrils
Define nasal vestibule Open area just inside the nostrils
Define nasal hairs In nasal vestibule/ First particle filtration system
Define nasal septum Divides nasal cavity into left and right areas
Define nasal mucosa Warms and humidifies inhaled air for arrival at lower respiratory organs
Define superior, middle, and inferior meatuses Constricted passageways that produce air turbulence/ Traps large particles/ Warms and humidifies air
Define internal nares Last part of the nasal cavity that open in to the pharynx
7. The pharynx is also called what? Throat
8. The pharynx is a shared component of two different organ systems. What are they? Digestive and respiratory systems
9. What are the three parts of the pharynx? How are they different in terms of location and/or function? Nasopharynx: Contains Estuation tubes / Oropharynx: Communicates with oral cavity/ Laryngopharynx : Extends from hyoid bone to entrance of larynx and esophagus
10. What are the three cartilages of the larynx and what are their functions? Thyroid & Cricoid: Supports and protects the glottis and entrance to trachea / Epiglottis: muscles involved with swallowing elevate larynx. Folds back over glottis
11. How is sound produced and modified? Phonation & articulation
12. What is the function of the tracheal cartilages? Strengthens and protects airway
13. Know the structural differences between the right and left lungs and why they exist. Right lung: 3 lobes, wider, displaced upward by liver/ Left lung: Two lobes, longer, displaced upward by heart
14. Know the structures of the bronchial tree, including which structures branch into other structures. Primary, secondary, tertiary bronchi
15. What happens to the walls of bronchi as they branch (from primary into secondary and tertiary)? Progressively less cartilage and more smooth muscle
16. What is bronchitis? Inflammation of bronchial walls (excessive constriction and breathing difficulty)
17. Bronchioles have no ______________ but are instead dominated by __________________. Cartilage/ Smooth Muscle
18. How is the smooth muscle of bronchi and bronchioles regulated? Autonomic Control
19. Understand bronchodilation and bronchoconstriction. Dilation. Sympathetic ANS/ Constriction. Parasympathetic ANS
20. Know the structure of pulmonary lobules, alveolar sacs, and alveoli.
21. What are alveoli? What occurs at alveoli? Tiny saclike structures within pulmonary lobules/ Gas exchange
22. What type of epithelium is the alveolar epithelium? What are the three types of specialized cells found there? Inner lining, simple squamous/ Thin, Pneumocytes type I/ Pneumocytes type II/ Alveolar macrophages
What are their functions? Pneumocytes type I: Form part of the membrane across which gas exchange occurs/ Pneumocytes Type II: Produce surfactant// Alveolar macrophages: Clean up dust, bacteria, or allergens
23. What is the function of surfactant in the lungs? Coats alveolar surfaces and reduces surface tension
24. What is the respiratory membrane? Thin membrane lining alveoli across which gas exchange takes place/ Made up of pneumocytes type I, capillaries, elastic fibers
25. Why is diffusion across the respiratory membrane very rapid? Short distance & gases are lipid soluble
26. What is pneumonia? Fluid leaks into gas exchange sacs/ compromises function of respiratory membrane bc gasses cant travel as rapidly through liquid
27. Understand each of the three integrated processes of respiration. Pulmonary ventilation: Breathing. Getting air from environment into the lungs/ External respiration: gases to lungs & bloodstream/ Internal respiration: gases to bloodstream and body tissues
28. Understand the relationship between volume & pressure and why this causes air to move into/out of the lungs. Volume incr=pressure decr/ Vol decr=pressure incr// Air flows from area of higher pressure to area of lower pressure
29. Which muscles are most important to respiration? Diaphragm & External intercoastal muscles of the ribs
30. Understand the difference in inhalation and exhalation in terms of which is active, passive, or both. Inhalation=active/ Exhalation=active or passive (muscles not needed to exhale but can be used)
31. Understand external respiration. Gases are exchanged between the lungs and bloodstream
32. Understand internal respiration. Gases are exchanged between bloodstream and body tissues
33. What causes oxygen and carbon dioxide to move to the right places? O2 from air is exchanged for CO2 from the bloodstream/ Becomes oxygenated/ O2 diffuses into bloodstream & pumped back to the heart/ CO2 diffuses into the air % expelled through exhalation
34. Blood arriving in alveolar capillaries has _____ O2 and ______ CO2. (high/low) Low/High
35. Blood arriving in peripheral capillaries has _____ O2 and _____ CO2. (high/low) High/ Low
36. In alveolar capillaries, which gas will enter blood and which gas will leave blood? O2 to enter and CO2 to leave
37. In peripheral capillaries, which gas will enter blood and which gas will leave blood? CO2 diffuse into blood/ O2 diffuse out of blood
38. What are three effects of aging on the respiratory system? Elastic tissues deteriorate/ Arthritic changes/ Emphysema
Created by: Clinton Perdue
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