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Tongue Mechanical processing; manipulation; sensory analysis; secretion of mucins and lipase
Hard Palate Provides traction for mechanical processing of food.
Soft Palate Closes off nasal cavity when swallowing.
Esophagus Passageway for food for the stomach.
Epiglottis Prevents food from entering the trachea and larynx.
Uvula Prevents food from entering the nasal cavity
Stomach Temporarily stores food; Mechanical processing; digestion of proteins; production of intrinsic factor.
Small Intestine Break down food, absorption of nutrients and minerals from food and get rid of the unnecessary components.
Pancreas (Digestive Function Produces digestive enzymes and buffers
Liver (Digestive Function) Produces bile; Drug inactivation; vitamin storage; mineral storage; regulates blood composition; removes toxins.
Gallbladder Stores and concentrates bile.
Mesentery Provides a route for vessels and nerves to the intestines; prevents entangling. fun
Large Intestine Absorption of vitamins and water; Compaction and temporary storage of waste materials.
3 sections of the small intestines Duodenum: Mixes chyme from stomach with secretion from pancreas and liver; neutralizes stomach acid. Jejunum: Digestion and absorption of nutrients Ileum: Protects small intestines from large intestines bacteria
3 sections of the large intestines 1. Ascending: Traveling up. 2. Transverse: Traveling across to the left. 3. Descending: Traveling down.
How does bile Flow? Hepatocytes. Bile canaliculi. Interlobular bile duct. Left/right Hepatic ducts. Common hepatic Duct. Storage: Cystic Duct and Gall bladder. Release: Common bile ducts and duodenum.
Digestion The breakdown of food we eat into usable nutrients.
Enzyme Substances that speed up digestion (or another chemical reaction) but are not changed between themselves.
Substrate The substance that the enzyme acts on
Denaturation Enzymes can be permanently destroyed by changing their shape.
Created by: bmarie5828
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