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Female, Male,Urinary

Assessment 3

nephrologist specialist who studies the kidney
urethrostenosis narrowing of the urethra
haematuria condition of blood in the urine
cystitis inflammation of the bladder
micturition passing urine
cystoscopy instrumental examination of the bladder
oliguria reduced production of urine
nephritis inflammation of the kidney
pyelopathy disease of the renal pelvis
ureteromegaly enlargement of the ureter
orchitis inflammation of the testes
cyptorchidism undescended testes
phimosis condition of tight foreskin
orchidpexy fixation of the testes
balanitis inflammation of the glans penis
urethrectomy removal of the urethra
prostatalgia pain in the prostate gland
seminoma tumour of the semen producing cells
hypertrophy overgrowth of tissue
prostatorrhoea discharge from the prostate gland
hysteropathy disease of the uterus
colposcopy instrumental examination of the vagina
diuretic agent to increase urinary output
micturition urination
hysteropathy disease of the uterus
colposcopy instrumental examination of the vagina
oophoropexy fixation of the ovary
gynaecology study of the female reproductive system
dysmenorrhoea painful periods
amniocentesis puncture of the amniotic sac to remove fluid
colpoplasty surgical repair of the vagina
vaginoplasty surgical repair of the vagina
salpingitis inflammation of the fallopian tubes
menopause cessation of the menses
mastectomy excision of the breast
cyst bladder
haemat blood
nephr kidney
prostat prostate gland
py pus
pyel kidney pelvis
ren kidney
ureter ureter
urethr urethra
dys difficult/painful
hyper excessive
olig scanty/little (quantity)
cele hernia
ectomy excision of
gram x-ray/recording
itis inflammation
lithiasis multiple stones
logist person who studies
megaly enlargement
osis condition
pathy disease
plasty surgical repair
scope instrument to view
scopy instrumental examination
tomy incision into
uria condition of urine
cervic cervix
colp vagina
gynaec women's diseases
hyster uterus
lapar abdomen
men menses
oophor ovary
ovar ovary
salping fallopian tubes
uter uterus
vagin vagina
endo within/inside
al relating to
arche commencement/ onset
centesis puncture to remove fluid
logy study of
pexy fixation
rrhaphy suturing
tocia labour
balan glans (penis)
eipididym epididymis
orch/orchid testes
prostat prostate gland
semin semen
spermat sperm
testic testes
ureter ureter
urethr urethra
vas vas deferens
crypt hidden
hydro water/fluid
algia pain
dynia pain
genesis formation
oma tumour/swelling
rrhoea discharge
stenosis narrowing
trophy growth
hydrocele swelling of the scrotum due to fluid around the testes
phimosis tight foreskin
EMU Early Morning Urine
IVP Intravenous Pyelogram
MSU Midstream Specimen of Urine
UTI Urinary Tract Infection
BNO Bladder Neck Obstruction
GU Genitourinary
TURP Transurethral Resection of Prostate
IUCD Intrauterine Contraceptive Device
IVF Invitro Fertilisation
LMP Last Menstrual Period
STI Sexually Transmitted Infection
Created by: antopuch
Popular Medical sets




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