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Bone Terminology

By: Amanda Lee

Periosteum Dense connective tissue covering the surface of bones
Endosteum Tissue lining the medullary cavity and marrow spaces in a bone
Compact Bone Dense bone tissue; makes up the outer layer of all bones
Trabecular Bone Less dense compact bone that has spaces like a sponge to lighten the weight; bone marrow is found here. Inner layer of bones.
Osteogenic Stem Cell Stem cell; produces osteoblasts and chondroblasts
Osteoblasts Bone makers; synthesizes new bone matrix; makes collagen
Osteocytes Mature osteoblasts surrounded by matrix (stress detectors); regulates activity of osteoblasts and osteoclasts
Osteoclasts Bone breakers; made from hematopoietic stem cells; more similar to WBC than bone cells
Chondroblasts Cells that build cartilage
Chondrocyte Mature chondroblasts
Intramembranous Ossification Embryonic stem cells create sheets of collagen CT; osteoblasts ossify into new bone
Endrochondral Ossification Hyaline cartilage made by chondroblasts, ossification of the cartilage by osteoblasts creates new bone
Hydroxyapatite Calcium and phosphate; adds rigidity/streangth
Achondroplasia Impaired long bone growth and development caused by a mutation in a gene for Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-3 that creates an inability
Does PTH increase or decrease in response to low blood calcium? Increases
Does calcitriol increase or decrease in response to low blood calcium? Increases
What effect does PTH and calcitriol have when it targets the bone in response to low blood calcium? Stimulates osteoclast activity leading to bone resorption
What effect does PTH and calcitriol have when it targets the kidney in response to low blood calcium? Increases calcium reabsorption (moves from the kidney tubules back out into the blood) and decreases excretion (don't want it in the urine)
What effect does PTH and calcitriol have when it targets the small intestine in response to low blood calcium? Increases calcium absorption (moves from the kidney tubules back out into the blood) and decreases excretion (don't want it in the feces)
Does PTH increase or decrease in response to high blood calcium? Decreases
Does calcitriol increase and decrease in response to high blood calcium? Decreases
What effect does PTH and calcitriol have when it targets the kidney in response to high blood calcium? Calcium reabsorption will decrease and excretion will increase (will move excess calcium to the urine)
What effect does PTH and calcitriol have when it targets the intestines in response to high blood calcium? Calcium absorption will decrease and excretion will increase (will eliminate in the feces)
Created by: Amandaklee
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