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Medical Terminology
Finals Root Terms
Term | Definition |
adipo | fat |
bronchiolo | branchiole |
adeno | gland |
balano | penis |
athero | fatty plaque |
arthro | joint |
adreno | adreno gland |
carcino | cancer |
broncho | bronchus |
abdomino | abdomen |
cardio | heart |
choleo | gall (bile) |
chondro | cartilage |
coagulo | coagulation |
colono | colon lg intestine |
colpo | vagina |
conjuctivo | conjunctiva |
costo | rib |
craino | skull,head |
cyano | blue |
cyco | ciliary body (eye) |
cysto | bladder |
cyto | cell |
dacro | tear |
dactylo | finger or toe |
dermato | skin |
dipso | thirst |
duro | dura mater (tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord) |
ellipto | oval shaped (red blood cell) |
embolo | embolus |
entero | sm intestine |
episio | vulva |
erythro | red |
fascio | fascia (connecting tissue) |
femoro | thigh bone femur |
ganglio | ganglia (nerve bundle) |
gastro | stomach |
glomerulo | glomerulus (tiny ball of blood vessels/filters blood to form urine) |
gluco | sugar |
glucoso | sugar |
glyco | sugar |
gonado | gonads (sex organ glands) |
gyno | woman |
gyneo | woman |
hemo, hemato | blood |
hepato | liver |
hystero | uterus Greek "womb" |
irido | iris ( color part of eye) |
jejuno | jejunum (2nd sm intestine) |
kalo | potasium |
kerato | cornea |
lacrimo | tear |
lacto | milk |
laprao | abdomen |
laryngo | larynx (voice box) |
leuko | white |
lipo | fat |
litho | stone |
lobo | lobe |
lumbo | lumbar lower back |
lympho | lymph (gland, node) |
mammo | breast |
masto | breast |
melano | melanin |
mengingo | meninges (membrane that surrounds brain and spinal cord) |
metro | uterus |
myo | muscle |
myelo | spinal cord bone marrow |
myringo | eardrum |
naso | nose |
natro | sodium |
nephro | kidney |
neuro | nerve |
normo | normal |
odonto | tooth |
oligo | few |
oncho | nail |
oophoro | ovary |
osteo | bone |
oto | ear |
pachy | thick |
palato | palate (top of inside of the mouth) |
patho | disease |
peritoneo | peritoneum (membrane that surrounds the abdominal cavity) |
phago | eat talk |
pharmaco | drug |
pharyngo | pharynx (throat) |
phlebo | vein |
phreno | mind or diaphragm |
pilo | hair |
pneumo | air lungs |
pneumato | air lungs |
presby | old age |
procto | anus rectum |
psycho | mind |
pulmono | lungs |
pyelo | renal pelvis |
reno | kidney |
reticulo | immature (rbc) |
rhino | nose |
salpingo | eustachian tube or fallopian tube |
sigmoido | Sigmond colon Greek "S" |
spleno | spleen |
steato | fat |
stomato | mouth |
tars | ankle |
thoraco | chest |
thrombo | blood clot |
tonsillo | tonsil |
tracheo | trachea (wind pipe) |
tropho | development nourishment |
unguo | nail |
veno | vein |
vesico | bladder |
xanthro | yellow |