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CPCU 520-05

Chapter 5

Fire-Resistive Constr. that inc. load bearing members and that has a fire resistance rating of at least 2 hours
Modified Fire Resistive Constr. that has load bearing walls and columns of masonry or reinforced concrete constr. and that has a fire resistance rating of 1-2 hours
MNC Construction Masonry construction that includes exterior walls or fire resistenve contruction with a fire resistence rating of not less that one hour
JM Construction that has load bearing exterior walls makde of brick, adobe, concrete, gypsum, stone, etc. that has floors and roofs of combustible materials, and that has a fire resistence of at least 1 hour.
Frame Const. that has load bearing components made of other combustible materials
Fuel/Fire load the expected max amount of combustibel material in a given area of a building, inc. both structural elements and contents.
Modified Fire Resistive Constr. that has load bearing walls and columns of masonry or reinforced concrete constr. and that has a fire resistance rating of 1-2 hours
MNC Construction Masonry construction that includes exterior walls or fire resistenve contruction with a fire resistence rating of not less that one hour
JM Construction that has load bearing exterior walls makde of brick, adobe, concrete, gypsum, stone, etc. that has floors and roofs of combustible materials, and that has a fire resistence of at least 1 hour.
Frame Const. that has load bearing components made of other combustible materials
Fuel/Fire load the expected max amount of combustibel material in a given area of a building, inc. both structural elements and contents.
Fire Division A section of a structure so well protected that a fire cannot spread from that section to another.
Fire Wall A wall that resists the spread of fire by serving as a fire resistive barrier
Parapet A verticle extention of a fire wall that extends above the roofline
Fender Wall An extension of a fire wall through an outer wall
Building Codes Local ordinances or state statutes that reg. the const. of blg within a municipality, county, or state.
Common Hazards Hazards existing in almost every class of business occupancy, usually referring specifically to 1) housekeeping, 2) heating equip, 3) elec equipment, and 4) smoking
Special Hazards of the class Hazards that are typical for the class of loss exposures
Special hazards of the risk Hazards that are created by the activities of a particular business (risk) and that are not typical of other businesses with which it would be classed
Public Fire Protection Fire protectino equipment and services made avail. thru govt. authority to all properties within a defined area.
Local Fire Alarm system A detection system, triggered by smoke or heat, that sounds an audible alert inside/outside the blg.
Central Station Alarm A private detectino service that monitors tha tsys. of mult. business and/r residences and that calls appr. auth. or dispatches ir own personnel with an alarm is activated.
Auto sprink. systems Fire sprinkler systems with a serioes of interconnected valves and pipes with sprinkler heads. Each sprinkler head usually contains a heat sensing element that responds indiv. to the heat generated by a fire.
Wet pipe sprinkler systems Automatic fire sprinkler systems with pipes that always containt water under pressure, which is released immediately when a sprinkler head opens.
Dry pipe sprinkler systems Autom. fire sprinkler sys. with pipes that contain compressed inert gas that holds a valve in the water line shut until an open sprnklr head releases that gas and allows water to flow through.
Pre-Action Sprinkler Systems Autom. Sprinkler system w/ automatic valvues controlled by smoke or heat detectors
Deluge Sprinkers Systems Autom. Sprinkler system with valves that remain open and that are controlled by auto fire detection device such as smoke or heat
Exernal Loss Exposures Loss exposures outside the area owned or controlled by the insured
Amount Subject The total value exposed to loss at any one location from any one event.
PML An estimate of largest likle loss
Nationwide Marine Detection Definitino of the kinds of loss exposures and cvgs that can be classified under state ins. laws as marine and inland marine ins.
Navigation warranty Part of a yacht ins. policy that restricts cvrg. to the navigational area for which the hull, equip, and operational exp are appropriate.
Filed Classes Inland Marine classes for which adv. orgs are required to file loss costs, rules, and forms.
Non-filed classes IM classes tared according to the indiv. insurer's UW practices
Loss control A Risk Mgt Rech to reduce loss freq. or loss severity.
Loss Prevention A loss control rech. to lower the freq. of losses.
Loss Reduction A loss control rechnique to lower the severity of losses that occur.
Created by: holl6425
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