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English Midterm 2024

Select vocabulary from units 1-8

bereft deprived of; made unhappy through a loss
gibe an expression of scorn
intimation a hint, indirect suggestion
opulent wealthy, luxurious; ample
pliable easily bent, flexible; easily influenced
unkempt not combed; untidy; not properly maintained; unpolished, rude
verbatim word for word
amicable peaceable, friendly
jeopardy danger
meticulous extremely careful; particular about details
nostalgia a longing for something past; homesickness
quintessence the purest essence or form of something
tepid lukewarm; unenthusiastic; marked by an absence of interest
coerce to compel, force
demise a death, especially of a person in a lofty position
muse to think about in a dreamy way, ponder
negligible so unimportant that it can be disregarded
perpetuate to make permanent or long lasting
precedent an example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action
sojourn to stay for a time
ascertain to find out
bequeath to give or pass on as an inheritance
expunge to erase, obliterate, destroy
finite having limits; lasting for a limited time
malevolent spiteful, showing ill will
supercilious proud and contemptuous; showing scorn because of a feeling of superiority
altruistic unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others
clemency mercy, humaneness; mildness, moderateness
dearth a lack, scarcity, inadequate supply; a famine
diffident shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved
truculent fierce and cruel; aggressive; deadly, destructive
virulent extremely poisonous; spiteful
brandish to wave or flourish in a menacing or vigorous fashion
deft skillful, nimble
destitute deprived of the necessities of life; lacking in
officious meddling; excessively forward in offering services or assuming authority
rampant growing without check, running wild
solace (n) comfort, relief
solace (v) to comfort, console
amend to change in a formal way; to change for the better
implicate to involve in; to connect with or be related to
martinet a strict disciplinarian
reprehensible deserving blame or punishment
squalid filthy, wretched, debased
vociferous loud and noisy; compelling attention
animosity strong dislike; bitter hostility
multifarious having great variety; numerous and diverse
parsimonious stingy, miserly; meager, poor, small
stultify to make ineffective or useless, cripple; to have a dulling effect on
quandary a state of perplexity or doubt
suave smoothly agreeable or polite; pleasing to the senses
Created by: kaykayc
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