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stuff I need to know but really don't :)

Executive Branch prestents cabnet -votes bills,appoints juges ,calls special sessins ,and recomends legislation.
judcaial Branch Suprem Court/Juges
Legleslative Branch the Congress and Senate
Great Compromise a guy who decided there had to be a senate House of Representatives
Constitution the supreme law of the United States of America
checks and balances provides each branch of government with individual powers to check the other branches and prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.
French Revolution in Americans response the french rebelled against king louise the 16th The United States remained neutral
Louisiana purchase pros and cons pros-gave the young contry land to grow cons-the conution dosent say anything about the purches
Era of Good Feeling The Era of Good Feelings marked a period in the political history of the United States that reflected a sense of national purpose and a desire for unity among Americans
War of 1812 The brttish did bad things to amarica. And it started a war that took 2 1/2 years
Monroe Doctrine Europe doesn't mess in our Affairs and we don't mess in the in Europe Affairs unless it contributes to us
list the first five presedents in order 1.gorge washington 2. John Addems 3. james maddison 4. Thomas Jefferson 5. James Monro
Created by: edithredhot
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