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DCUSH Exam 3

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Which problem with cotton did Eli Whitney solve by inventing the cotton gin? Removing seeds from the cotton was a slow and painstaking task, but Whitney made it much easier and less labor intensive
How did the ideals represented by the cult of domesticity differ from feminine ideals of the eighteenth century? They represented a shift into a purely private world, dominated by the family and emotion.
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were two prominent members of the transcendentalist movement.
What is the role of Joseph Smith in the Mormon religion? prophet who, though divine intervention, received the Book of Mormon
The first industry to be shaped by the large factory system was textiles.
Which of the following helped to increase the visibility and power of the Catholic Church in America in the mid-nineteenth century? the dramatic increase in the number of Irish-Catholic immigrants
Which of the following describes the experience of the “mill girls”? They were required to live in closely supervised boardinghouses.
Which statement is true about the difference between farming in the Old Northwest and the Northeast? Farming was done on a much bigger scale in the Old Northwest.
Which geographic area was the first to adopt an industrial system of manufacturing? New England
During the first half of the nineteenth century, free black Americans could not, under federal law, obtain public land.
In the 1840s, nativists blamed immigrants for urban crime and political corruption.
Which group represents the typical pattern of western migration between 1790 and 1840? groups who helped one another clear land, put up buildings, and establish communities
Which statement is true about the Second Seminole War of 1835–1842? Seminoles and African-Americans fought together.
Which of the following characterizes the practice of politics in America during the Age of Jackson? a mass spectacle that served as a kind of public entertainment
What triggered the Panic of 1837? Jackson’s war on the national bank
The U.S. Supreme Court’s 1832 Worcester v. Georgia decision supported the right of the Cherokee people to maintain a separate political identity.
What were Spain’s only remaining American colonies in 1825? Puerto Rico and Cuba
The nullification crisis involved the fears of some slaveholders that the federal government might act against slavery.
What issue was argued during the Webster-Hayne debate? a state’s right to nullify a federal law
Which of the following characterizes the practice of politics in America during the Age of Jackson? a mass spectacle that served as a kind of public entertainment
Which statement is true about the Whigs? Whigs were strongest in the Northeast.
What was the significance of the controversy over Peggy Eaton? It solidified Martin Van Buren’s position as Jackson’s closest adviser.
In the early to mid-nineteenth century, property qualifications for voting continued in Virginia because large-scale slaveholders dominated the state’s politics
Both Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams suggested that the Missouri controversy of 1820–1821 revealed a sectional divide that potentially threatened the Union.
The term “Lords of the Loom” refers to early New England factory owners.
Urban slaves most often were servants, cooks, and other domestic servants.
Where did the task labor system originate from? It was a holdover from the colonial period.
What resulted from the sexual exploitation of slave women? Some wives of plantation owners resented when this happened and then punished slaves.
Harriet Tubman was a fugitive slave who risked her life many times to bring others out of slavery.
The Brer Rabbit stories of slave folklore celebrated how the weak could outsmart the more powerful.
Frederick Douglass argued that in desiring freedom, slaves were truer to the nation’s founding than were most white Americans.
The proslavery argument that slavery made economic independence among whites possible was widely accepted by southern whites.
What economic effect did southern slavery have on the North? Southern slavery helped finance industrialization and internal improvements in the North.
On what grounds did the Supreme Court decide in favor of the slaves on the Amistad? They had been brought from Africa in violation of the international ban on the slave trade.
John C. Calhoun and George Fitzhugh agreed that slavery was not a necessary evil but something actually positive and good.
What was the significance of the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin? It portrayed slaves as sympathetic and Fully human characters.
How did the views of William Lloyd Garrison differ from those of Frederick Douglass? Garrison described the Constitution as an evil document.
Burned-over districts were in New York and Ohio, where intense revivals occurred.
What colonial-era approach did institutions such as orphanages and poorhouses replace? community- and family-based care for those in need
How did Shaker communities differ from most other religions? All members of the community practiced celibacy
The reform communities established in the years before the Civil War set out to reorganize society on a cooperative basis.
Advocates for building asylums, prisons, poorhouses, and orphanages believed that social ills once considered incurable could in fact be eliminated.
Which statement is true regarding women in the abolition movement? Much of the abolition movement’s grassroots strength derived from northern women.
What was the source of the term “utopia” as applied to utopian communities in America in the nineteenth century? a sixteenth-century novel by Thomas More
What contribution did Sojourner Truth make to the women’s rights movement? She urged a focus on the plight of poor and working-class women.
What was the most common means of acquiring slaves to work on newly established cotton plantations in the Lower South purchasing them at auctions in cities such as Mobile, Natchez, and New Orleans
What best describes the *individualism* of the market revolution era? Americans were sovereign individuals who had the right to privacy
What was the biggest motivating factor in moving westward in the 1820s and 1830s? People sought to acquire cheap land
Which event led to the establishment of the African Methodist Episcopal Church? Richard Allen was forcibly removed from praying at the alter rail at his former place of worship
Which of the following describes the role of cotton in the U.S market revolution? Slavery expanded dramatically in the South
What modern example fulfills the goals of the Workingmen's Parties? Congress raising the federal minimum wage
As president, John Tyler vetoed a bill to create a new national bank, thus angering Whigs.
Which political quality did Andrew Jackson and George Washington share? an appeal to voters based at least partly on a history of military leadership
In its decision in the MCulloch v. Maryland, the U.S Supreme Court ruled that the Second Bank of the United States was constitutional
What position did Andrew Jackson take during the nullification crisis States did not have the right to secede and threaten the rest of the union
What is true about race in the mid-nineteenth century United States Race replaced class as the boundary between men who enjoyed political freedom and those who did not
What did critics of the John Quincy Adams presidency accuse him of leading the federal government to overstep the bounds of what was constitutionally allowed
What does the period from the Era of Good Feelings indicate about American politics in the nineteenth century Single-party rule did not result in the easing of sectional rivalries
What would have been an accurate assessment of the Monroe Doctrine at the time? The United States had battle plans drawn to attack Europe to prevent further colonization
Why was Henry Clay charged with orchestrating a corrupt bargain during the 1824 election He cast his vote for Adams in the presidential election in return for a cabinet post
Which of the following statements about slavery and the law is true Slaves accused of serious crimes were entitled to their day in court, although they faced all-white judges and juries.
In the decades before the Civil War, the northern states financed industrial development with money earned in the trade of cotton produced by slave labor
Free blacks in the United States sometimes became wealthy enough to own slaves
Slave cultures were semi independent and centered on family and church
Which statement is true about slave families? Slave families were in constant danger of being broken apart by the slave owners through the sale of family members
Most white southern farmers were self-sufficient
Andrew Johnson of Tennessee and Joseph Brown of Georgia rose to political power as self-proclaimed spokesmen of the common man against the great planters
Which is true of plantation owners in the nineteenth century They insisted that slavery was required in order for whites to be truly free
Jumping over a broomstick was a ceremony celebrating a slave marriage
How did abolitionist portray those working in northern factories as the embodiment of freedom
Which statement is true of the temperance movement The American Temperance Society hoped to stop Americans from consuming alcohol altogether
The death of Elijah Lovejoy in 1837 led Congress to adopt the gag rule to prevent the sort of heated arguments that caused his death
Angelina and Sarah Grimke supported Catherine Beecher's efforts to expand political and social rights for women
Which was the goal of education in the New Harmony community train children to place the common good above their own desires
In his speech about the Fourth of July, how did Frederick Douglass critique the founding of the United States The American Revolution was a good starting point for principles of freedom.
How did the Second Great Awakening influence American society It inspired some to combat the sins of society, such as alcoholism
Which statements is true about black abolitionists Many formerly enslaved people published accounts of their lives in bondage, which together convinced thousands of northerners of the immorality of slavery
Which statement is true about the mid nineteenth century phenomenon known as the cult of domesticity White men moved freely between public and private spheres, women were expected tp remain within the private domestic realm.
What holy cult did the French writer Alexis de Tocqueville identify in the Americas in the 1830s the holy cult of freedom
Which best describes the individualism of the market revolution era Americans were sovereign individuals who had the right to privacy
Which statement about corporations was true in the first half of the mid nineteenth century Corporations were able to rise far more capital than the traditional forms of enterprise
Which improvements most dramatically increased the speed and lowered the expense of commerce in the first half of the nineteenth century canals and steamboats
Which of the following was a focus of the transcendentalist movement freeing the individual from social constraints
America's first commercial railroad was the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
What was the significance of Robert Fulton His work designing steamboats made upstream commerce possible
What is true about the Lowell mill girls Many valued the opportunity to earn money independently
The American System proposed providing federal financing of internal improvements such as roads and canals
During Andrew Jackson's presidency, what occurred in the financial realm The national government debt was eliminated
Under the Missouri Compromise of 1820. the remaining Louisiana Purchase territory was divided into slave and free zones.
What is the significance of Andrew Jackson's actions during the Bank War? His strong stance cemented his reputation as the symbolic representative of the common people.
Which of the following was used as a justification for excluding women and blacks from voting during the Age of Jackson? Both of these types of people lacked the necessary intellectual capacity to be voters
Which was the result of the Panic of 1819 some states suspended debt collections
Why was slavery called a peculiar institution of the South it set the south apart from the north
The end of slavery in most Latin American nations involved gradual emancipation accompanied by recognition of owners' legal rights to slave property
Which statement is true about Harriet Tubman Tubman rescued about 75 people from slavery
Denmark Vesey's conspiracy reflected a combination of American and African influences
Which was the only significantly large city in the Cotton Kingdom in 1860? New Orleans
In his speech about the Fourth of July, how did Frederick Douglass critique the founding of the United States? The American Revolution was a good starting point for principles of freedom
The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 established equal rights as the basis of the early women's rights movement
According to Alexis de Tocqueville, what were the most important institutions for organizing Americans voluntary associations
The North Carolina-born free black whose An Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World won widespread attention was David Walker
What did reformers commonly believe about prisons and asylums That they could rehabilitate individuals and then release them back into society
Which is true of the Second Great Awakening Its religious ideals complemented the secular focus on self reliance and self improvement
What was culturally expected of a white middle-class woman in the period from 1800 to 1840? She would find fulfillment by focusing her energies on her family and home
How did Mormonism challenge societal norms The Mormons came to endorse the doctrine of polygamy
The German triangle in the mid nineteenth century referred to Cincinnati, St. Louis and Milwaukee- cities with large German populations
What caused the Panic of 1819 a decline in the European market for American farm products
In his Cherokee Nation v. Georgia opinion, Chief Justice John Marshall stated that Indians were wards of the federal government
What name is given to the sharp increase in printing and the availability of printed material in the 1830s? Information Revolution
How did Latin American republics established between 1810 and 1822 differ from the United States? Latin American constitutions extended the right to vote to Indians and free blacks
In what way did slave families differ from those of their white masters Slaves did not think it appropriate to marry first cousins
Frederick Douglass argued that knowledge was essential to achieving freedom from slavery
Which of the following statements about religious life among African-Americans in southern cities is true? Urban free blacks sometimes formed their own churches
In the South, paternalist ethos reflected the hierarchical society in which the planter took responsibility for the lives of those around him.
Which of the following was pioneered by abolitionist societies fundraising through charity fairs
Which of the following did Horace Mann NOT propose as a goal of public schools? create racial equality
How did the Catholic viewpoint differ from the Protestant viewpoint in the first half of the nineteenth century? Catholics viewed sin as an inescapable part of human society
Which is true of the "colonization" of freed slaves before 1830? Some African Americans emigrated to Liberia to enjoy rights they did not have in America
The new breed of abolitionist that arose in the 1830s called for immediate abolition of slavery and equal rights for all African-Americans
The Second Great Awakening promoted the belief that individuals were free to shape their own spiritual desires
What was a factor in the nation's acquisition of Florida from Spain Andrew Jackson led an army to invade Florida, subsequently killing British traders
The Second Bank of the United States was created by Congress in 1816, with the support of President Madison
When considering slavery's geographic extent, the numbers held in bondage, and the institution's economic importance, what was the largest and most powerful slave society the modern world has known? the U.S South
In 1855. an enslaved woman in Missouri named Celia killed her enslaver while resisting his sexual assault. State law deemed "any woman" in such circumstances to be acting in self-defense. The court sentenced Celia to death because she was property in the eyes of the law, and thus not legally a "woman."
Which is true of the role of slaves in the southern economy By 1860, a significant number worked in industrial settings
What was the significance of the planter class in antebellum Southern society Their values and goals dominated Southern life
The Oneida community controlled which of its members would be allowed to reproduce
Which is true of the efforts of the Colonization Society They were scorned and opposed by most free African Americans
Created by: jenniph
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