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BNS 107 Week 9

Emotion and Health

James-Lange Theory emotional experience results from physiological arousal that precedes it. Different emotions are the result of different patterns of arousal
Cognitive theory (schachter-singer theory/two factor theory) belief that the identity of an emotion is based on cognitive assessment of a situation. Physiological arousal contributes only to emotion’s intensity.
Integrative embodiment theory of emotions bodily sensations are a critical component of emotions, but these perceptions must be integrated with cognitive information.
Botox experiments Women who had botox are unable to frown and they report less negative mood. When they attempt to imitate angry expressions, they produce less activation of the amygdala than women who have not had Botox treatment
Mirror neurons fire both when we engage in a specific act and while observing that act in others
Limbic system network of structures arranged around the upper brain stem. Central to emotion, motivation, learning, and memory
Septal area stimulation also produced a sense of pleasure, but in this case the feeling was accompanied by sexual fantasies and arousal.
Amygdala small limbic system structure near the lateral ventricle of temporal lobes involved in a variety of emotions, including anxiety and fear response. Detects and responds to threats.
Anterior cingulate cortex brain structure best known for roles in attention, decision making, and impulse control, it also plays a major role in emotion
Prefrontal cortex moderates aggression with regard to amygdala
Skin conductance response (SCR) measure of sympathetic nervous system activity obtained by recording changes in skin’s electrical conductance during sweat gland activation
Case of patient “SM” (bilateral amygdala damage) Researchers were unable to find a stimulus that invoked fear in SM. However, during a test where she inhaled carbon dioxide, (producing a feeling of suffocation), she had a panic attack. Therefore, internal fear has another neural basis.
Alcohol and aggression alcohol is an environmental factor that can cause aggression in people
serotonin and aggression conventionally inhibitory, suppressing motivated behaviors. Research suggests that the role in aggression is no different. Low serotonin is linked to impulsive aggression.
Testosterone and aggression plays a role in animals and both male and female human aggression. Reduces connection between the orbitofrontal cortex (emotional control) and the amygdala, leading to poor emotion regulation.
Affective aggression aggression characterized by its impulsiveness and emotional arousal
Predatory aggression occurs when an animal attacks and kills prey or a human makes a premeditated, unprovoked attack on another. Cold and emotionless.
Aggression forceful or assertive behavior intended to harm/control another
Congenital insensitivity to pain rare genetic disorder of PNS in which people are unable to sense pain
Sudden cardiac death excessive sympathetic activity with stress sends heart into fibrillation, contracting so rapidly that it pumps little or no blood
What are the major stress hormones? epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol
Epinephrine/Norepinephrine increase output from the heart and liberate glucose from the muscles for additional energy
Cortisol glucocorticoid that produces additional physiological stress responses
Stress condition in environment that makes unusual demands on an organism, stress is an internal condition. Threat, failure, or bereavement.
Created by: Lee543
Popular Neuroscience sets



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