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Chapter 1,2,3, 4,5,7,9,10 ROOTS, PREFIX, SUFFIX

A/An/Ana -without
Di Two
Bi two
bi/o life
Anti against
Contra against or opposite
Dys difficult, bad, painful
Ecto outer
Endo inner
En inside
Epi above, upon, on
Heter/o different, other
Homo same as
hyper above
hypo below
Ipsi same
mal bad, poor
mega very large
meso middle
meta change
multi many
neo new
pan everywhere
para abnormal, beside
per through
peri surrounding, around
poly many
post after
pre before
pro favoring, supporting
supra super, above
uni one
ic pertaining to
ac pertaining to
ar pertaining to
ary pertaining to
aliga pain
ation act, process
sion act, process
dynia pain
itis inflamation
genesis begining
gnosis knowledge
gram recording
graph Tool for recording
graphy process of recording
-para bring forth, to bear
pathy disease
scope tool for viewing
scopy process of viewing
therapy treatment
verse turn
vert turn
vers/o turn
Arthr/o joint
Cardi/o Heart
Coagul/o Clot
Coitis Sex
Dem/o People
Later/o Side
Lingu/o Tongue
Meter/o Measure
Morph/o Change
Nat/i Birth
Ped/o Foot/Child
Pod/o Foot
Tension Blood Pressure
Inter Between
Intra Inside
Extra outside
blast to form, create
clast to destroy, dissolve
Phage swallow
In against, not
Abdomen/o Abdominal area
Lapar/o Abdominal area
Adip/o Fat tissue
Lip/o Fat Tissue
Caud/o Tail
Iatr/o Healthcare Professional
-iatry Healthcare Specialist
Idi/o Unknown
Cess Stop
-um tissue
Dia through, complete
dis apart, seperate
Acetabul/o Hip socket
Acr/o Limbs, extremities
Acromi/o extension of the shoulder bone
Ankyl/o crooked, bent, stiff
Append/o Appendages (arms, legs) Appendix
Articul/o Joint
Burs/o Bursa, fluid filled pouch
Carp/o wrist bones
Chondr/o cartiledge
Clavicul/o collar bone
Cleid/o Collar bone
Cost/o Ribs
Coccyg/o Coccyx, tail bone
Crani/o Skull
Crepitus crackling sound
Cervic/o neck
Chir/o hand
disc/o soft pad between the vertebra
disk/o soft pad between the vertebra
faci/o face
Femor/o Femur
Glen/o the glenoid fossa of the shoulder blade
Gnath/o jaw
Humer/o Humerus bone
Ili/o Flat bone of pelivs
Ischi/o Lower portion of pelvis, ischium
Kyph/o outward (posterior) curvature of the thoracic spine.
Ligament/o fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone
Lord/o forward (anterior) curvature of the lumbar and cervical
Lumb/o lower back
Mandibul/o Lower jaw
Maxill/o upper jaw
Myel/o Bone marrow OR Spinal cord
Orth/o straight
Oste/o Bone
Patell/o knee cap
Phalang/o Fingers and toes
physi/o function
Prosop/p face
Pub/o pubic bone
Rachi/o spinal collum
Radi/o Radius bone
Sacr/o tailbone
Scapul/o Shoulder blade, scapula
Scoli/o crooked, bent
Spin/o spine
Spondyl/o Vertabrea
stern/o breast bone
Tars/o ankle bones
Tibi/o large bone of the lower leg, shin bone.
Uln/o ulna, bone of the forearm.
Vertebr/o Bones of the spinal collum
-ist specialist
-clasis to breakdown
ium structure or tissue
-malacia softening
physis growth plate on bone
-plasty surgical repair
-ectomy surgical removal
por/o opening, spaces
sclerosis hardening
-otomy cut
ostomy opening in the abdominal wall
Ab away
Add toward
Ambi around, both sides, about
Ant/a against
Brady slow
Circum around
Dextr/o right
Dorsi back
Hyper increase, above
infra below, less
Iso same, equal
Levo left
Tachy fast
Tri three
Agon/o to assemble, together
Brachi/o Arm
Cep heads or origin
Collarteral accessory part
crux, cruciate to cross
Duct/o to lead or carry
Fasci/o outer fibrous layer of the muscle
Flex/o decrease angle of joint
Glute/o buttock muscle
Kinise/o movement
long/o long
My/o muscle
metr/o measure
obliqu/o angled
Rect/o straight/rectum
An/o Anus
Tend/o Tendon
Tendin/o Tendon
Ten/o thin
Tenosyn/o tendon sheath
Ton/o Tension
Trophy nourishment, development
Vast/o Large
Ex/o out, away from
Gen/o substance that produces
Macr/o large
Micr/o small
Pin/o cellular drinking
Aden/o glands
Adenoid glands
Agglutin/o clumping together
Corpor/o Body
Cras/o mixture, temperment
Cyt/o Cell
Embol/o Embollus
Endothelium squamous cells that line the inner blood vessels, heart and lymphatic vessels
Globul/o protein
Hist/o tissue
immun/o immunity
Lymph/o Lymph fluid or tissue
Lymphaden/o Lymph glands
Path/o disease
Reticul/o network
Seps/o infection
Splen/o Spleen
Thromb/o clot
Tonsil/o Tonsils
-amino nitrogen compound
-crit to seperate
emia blood condition
-gen producer
lysis to break apart
lytic to break apart
megaly enlargment
osis condition of
penia decrease
poiesis creation, formation
rrhagia bursting forth
rrhea flowing
stasis stop, control, place
De lack of, less, removal
Bol/o cast, throw
Bucc/o Buccal - cheek
Carb/o Carbon
Cecum first part of large intestine
Chol/e Bile or gallbladder
Cirrh/o orange
Colon Large intestine
Crease flesh
Cyte Cell
Cyst/o Bladder
Decidu/a falling off
Dent/o teeth
Duodenum 1st part of small intestine
Enter/o small intestine
Esophago Esophagus
flatus blowing
Gastr/o stomach
Ginigiva gums
Hepta/o liver
Herni/o protrude, rupture
Hydr/o hydrogen, water
Ile/o Last part of small intestine
Lact/o milk sugar
Lith/o stone
malt/o malt sugar
Muc/o mucus
nas/o nose
naus/ea sickness
Or/o mouth
os/o mouth
Peritone/o to stretch over
Prote/o protein
Ulcer/o a sore
Sacchar/o sugar
Sigmos S shaped
Zyme leaven
ase enzyme
emesis vomit
ia condition of
ism process, condition
oid resembles
pepsia digestion
Melan/o Black
Xanth/o Yellow
Leuko White
Erythr/o Red
Cyan/o Blue
Derm/o Skin
tome cutting tool
Cyst Bladder
Ren/o Renal/Kidneys
Ur/Urin Urine
Nephr/o Kidney
Glomerul/o Glomerulus
Ureter Ureter(s)
Urethr/a/o Urethra
Pyel Renal Pelvis
Hydro water
Lith Stone
Azo/azot Urea
Py pus
osis Abnormal condition
-sclerosis hardening
-ia condition of
-pexy fixation
ectasis Dilation
-stenosis abnormal hardening
phyma tumor/boil
metry process of measuring
Cry/o Cold
Ec- Out
Hidr/o Sweat
Cis/o To cut
Column/o taller than wide
Cub/o tall as it is wide
Contus/o bruise
Cut/o Skin
Cutane/o Skin
Chym/o Juice
Edema Swelling
Kerat/o Hard. thickened, horned layer of skin
Myco Fungus
-Static stop
-ous pertaining to
-tomy to slice
Onych/o nail
Ungu/o nail
Pil/o Hair
Trich/o Hair
Sud/o sweat
Sudur/o sweat
Wheal a red, swollen mark left on flesh by a blow or pressure.
Pachy thickening
Seb/o Sebum - skin oils
Squam/o scale/square
Xer/o Dry
Urticaria Hives
Popular Medical sets



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