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Ch. 8 Muscules

What is the amount of oxygen needed to support the conversion of lactic acid to glucose and ADP to ATP? Oxygen Debt
What happens when there is a lack of Oxygen to form ATP which is needed to remove the Calcium back to the sarcoplasmic reticulum and release the actin and myosin? Muscle cramp
Which muscles elevate the eyebrows? frontalis and occipitalis
Which muscles help with situps? external obliques and rectus abdominus
Which muscle makes you smile? zygomaticus
Which muscle compresses your cheeks to help you blow up a balloon or play a wind instrument? buccinator
Which muscle closes your eyelids for winking and blinking? orbicularis oculi
Which muscles are considered the hamstrings? semitendonosis and semimembraneosis
Which muscles extend the leg at the knee? rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis
Which muscle helps you to pucker up? orbicularis oris
Which muscle helps you to hold your humerous in place? infrapinatus
What are the functions of the muscular system? movement, peristalsis, vasodilation/vasoconstriction, heart pumping, heat
What is the rhythmic, wavelike motion produced by smooth muscles in tubular visceral organs? peristalsis
What are the characteristics of smooth muscle contractions? slower/longer, more hormones, inhibit and stimulate, stretch with out pressure loss, involuntary
What are the characteristics of cardiac muscle contractions? only in heart, stores Ca differently, longer twitches, self exciting, rhythmic, involuntary
What are the characteristics of skeletal muscle contractions? for movement, depends on joint and attachment, works as groups, voluntary
Define and explain muscle fatigue. When a muscle loses its ability to contract during exercise due to buildup of lactic acid in the muscle.
Created by: ebickley
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