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chapter 5

nervous system

cerebr/o, encephal/o brain
cerebell/o cerebellum
lob/o lobe
cephal/o head
crani/o head, skull
mening/o, meningi/o meninges (membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord)
dur/o dura (tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord)
neur/o nerve
gangli/o nerve bundle
myel/o spinal cord, bone marrow
esthesi/o feeling, sensation
phas/o speech
phren/o, psych/o mind
somn/o, somn/i, hypn/o sleep
gnosi/o know
-mania excessive desire
-phobia excessive fear or sensitivity
-paresis slight or partial paralysis
ton/o muscle tone, tension, pressure
tax/o arrangement, order, coordination
-plegia paralysis
-asthenia weakness
a/ phas/ ia not speaking condition
a/ taxia no coordination
cata/ ton/ ia down muscle tone
delirium brief loss of mental function
de/ ment/ ia down mind condition
dys/ kinesia bad movement
dys/ lex/ ia bad reading condition
dys/ ton/ ia bad muscle tone condition
myo/ clonus muscle turmoil
myo/ spasm muscle involuntary contraction
neur/ asthenia nerve weakness
somn/ ambul/ ism sleep walk condition
syncope fainting; losing consciousness due to temporal loss of blood flow to the brain
cephal/ algia head pain
cephalo/ dynia head pain
encephal/ algia brain pain
neur/ algia nerve pain
neuro/ dynia nerve pain
hemi/ paresis half partial paralysis
hemi/ plegia half paralysis
mono/ plegia one paralysis
paralysis complete loss of sensation and motor function
paresis partial paralysis characterized by varying degrees of sensation and motor function
caus/ algia burn pain
dys/ esthesia bad sensation
hyper/ esthesia over sensation
par/ esthesia beside sensation
pseud/ esthesia false sensation
syn/ esthesia together sensation
acro/ phobia fear of heights
agora/ phobia fear of outdoor spaces
hydro/ phobia fear of water
klepto/ mania desire to steal
photo/ phobia excessive sensitivity to light
pyro/ mania desire to set fire
echo/ encephalo/ graphy echo/ brain/ writing procedure
electro/ encephalo/ graphy electricity/ brain/ writing procedure
lumb/ ar / puncture inserting a needle into the lumbar region of the spine
cerebral angiography procedure used to examine blood vessels in he brain
magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) procedure used to examine blood vessels
myelo/ gram spinal cord/ record
positron emission tomography (PET) scan an imaging procedure that uses radiation to produce cross sections of the brain
transcranial Doppler sonography an imaging technique that produces an image of the brain using sound waves sent through the skull
cerebellitits inflammation of the cerebellum
cerebral atrophy wasting away of brain tissue
duritis inflammation of the dura
encephalicele hernia of the brain
hematoma a tumorlike mass made up of blood
cranial hematoma a hematoma beneath the skull
epidural hematoma a hematoma located on top of the dura
intracerebral hematoma a hematoma located inside the brain
subdural hematoma a hematoma located beneath the dura
macrocephaly abnormally large head
microcephaly abnormally small head
meningocele a hernia of the meninges
myelocele a hernia of the spinal cord
myelomalacia abnormal softening of the spinal cord
glyco sugar
nystagmus involuntary back and forth eye movement
prosop face
gnos knowledge
af toward
ef away
ferent carry
ictal seizure
inter between
clonus muscle spasm of twitching
isch hold back
ient isch go hold back
eury wide
sm condition
astro star
glio glue
gangli ganglion
polio gray
orex appetite
bu ox
lim hunger
phor carry
aut self
schizo divide
phren mind
convuls convulsion
depress depression
anxio anxiety
lytic breakdown agent
pharmaco drug
thrombo clot
end inside
arter artery
ant agent
trop turn
therapy treatment
endo inside
ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
MS multiple sclerosis
EEG electroencephalogram
Created by: smith.jay97
Popular Medical sets




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