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Chapter 6

(Root) ocul/o, ophthalm/o, opt/o eye oculopathy, ophthalmologists, optometrist
(Root) lacrim/o, dacry/o tear lacrimation, dacryorrhea
( Suffixes) -opia, -opsia vision condition hyperopia, akinetopsia Akinetopsia = a + kinet + -opsia = no movement vision condition.
(Root) blephar/o eyelid blepharedema, blepharoplasty Blepharoplasty = blepharo + plasty = surgical reconstruction of the eyelid.
(Root) corne/o, kerat/o cornea corneal transplant, keratitis
(Root) conjunctiv/o coniunctiva coniunctivitis
(Root) scler/o sclera (the white of the eve) scleritis
(Root) vitre/o vitreous liquid (also called vitreous humor) vitreous liquid, vitrectomy
(Root) cycl/o ciliary body cycloplegia
(Root) retin/o retina retinitis, retinoscope
(Root) ir/o, irid/o iris iritis, iridalgia
(Root) phac/o, phak/o lens phacoscope, phakitis
(Root) aur/o, ot/o ear aural, otoscope
(Root) acous/o, audi/o sound, hearing acoustic, audiogram
(Suffix) -acusis hearing condition hyperacusis, osteoacusis
(Root) cerumin/o ear wax ceruminolysis
(Root) salping/o eustachian tube rhinosalpingitis
(Root) tympan/o, myring/o eardrum tympanostomy, myringotomy
(Root) mastoid/o mastoid process mastoiditis
(Root) labyrinth/o labyrinth labyrinthitis
(Root) vestibul/o vestibule vestibulitis
(Root) cochle/o cochlea cochleitis
uh-KEE-nah-TOP-see-ah akinetopsia a / kinet / opsia no / movement / vision condition inability to see obiects in motion
AM-bee-OH-pee-ah ambiopia ambi / opia both / vision condition double vision
AM-blee-OH-pee-ah amblyopia ambly / opia dull / vision condition decreased vision; when it occurs in one eye, it is referred to as lazy eye
AS-the-NOH-pee-ah asthenopla asthen / opia weak /vision condition weak vision (i.e., eye strain)
dip-LOH-pee-ah diplopia dipl / opia double / vision condition double vision
HEM-ee-ah-NAWP-see-ah hemlanopsla hemi / an / opsia half / no / vision condition blindness in half the visual field
HAl-per-OH-pee-ah hyperopla hyper / opia over / vision condition farsightedness
mal-OH-pee-ah myopla my /opia shut / vision condition nearsightedness
PREZ-bee-OH-pee-ah presbyopia presby / opia old age / vision condition decreased vision caused by old age
skaw-TOH-pee-ah scotopia scot / opia darkness / vision condition adjustment of the eye to seeing in darkness
BLEF-ah-roh-PLEE-jee-ah blepharoplegia blepharo / plegia eyelid / paralysis paralysis of the eyelid
BLEF-ah-roh-spazm blepharospasm blepharo / spasm eyelid / involuntary contraction involuntary contraction of an eyelid
DAK-ree-oh-AD-en-AL-jah dacryoadenalgia dacryo / aden / algia tear / gland / pain pain in the tear sac
DAK-ree-oh-HIM-oh-REE-ah dacryohemorrhea dacryo / hemo / rhea tear / blood / excessive discharge blood in the tears
DAK-ree-oh-REE-ah dacryorrhea dacryo / rrhea tear / excessive discharge excessive tearing
AWF-thal-MAL-Jee-ah ophthalmalgla ophthalm / algia eye / pain eye pain
awf-THAL-moh-PLEE-jah ophthalmoplegla ophthalmo / plegiae eye / paralysis eye paralysis
ZER-off-THAL-mee-ah xerophthalmia xer / ophthalm / ia dry / eye / condition dry eves
ah-STIG-mah-tizm astigmatism a / stigmat / ism no / point / condition vision problem caused by the fact that light rays entering the eye aren't focused on a single point in the back of the eve
KOR-nee-al zeh-ROH-sis corneal xerosis corne / al xer / osis cornea / pertaining to dry / condition dryness of the cornea
KER-ah-TAL-jah keratalgia kerat / algia cornea / pain pain in the cornea
SAI-kloh-PLEE-jee-ah cycloplegia cyclo / plegia ciliary body / paralysis paralysis of the ciliary body
IR-Id-AL-lah iridalgia irid / algia iris / pain pain in the iris
mal-OH-sis miosis from Greek, for "to lessen" abnormal contraction of the pupil
mi-DRAl-ah-sis mydriasis from Greek, for "red-hot metal" abnormal dilation of pupil
skaw-TOH-mah scotoma scot /oma darkness / tumor dark spot in the visual field
HAI-per-ah-KO0-sis hyperacusis hyper / acusis over / hearing condition excessively sensitive hearing
HAI-poh-ah-KOO-sis hypoacusis hypo / acusis under / hearing condition excessively insensitive hearing
AWS-tee-oh-ah-K0O-sis osteoacusis osteo / acusis bone / hearing condition hearing through bone
PREZ-bih-KOO-sis presbycusis presby / cusis old age / hearing condition loss of hearing in old age
MAS-told-AL-lee-ah mastoldalgla mastoid / algia mastoid / pain pain in the mastoid
oh-TAL-jee-ah otalgla ot / algia ear / pain ear pain
OH-toh-DIN-ee-ah otodynla oto / dynia ear / pain ear pain
OH-toh-REE-ah otorrhea oto / rrhea ear / excessive discharge discharge from the ear
tin-Al-tus tinnitus from Latin, for "to ring or jingle“ ringing in the ears
VER-tih-goh vertigo from Latin, for "to whirl around" sensation of moving through space (while stationary)
awf-THAL-mah-SKOHP ophthalmoscope ophthalmo / scope eye / instrument for looking instrument for looking at the eye
AWP-toh-mal-AWM-eh-ter optomyometer opto / my / meter eye / muscle / instrument for measuring device used to determine the strength of eye muscles
FAK-oh-SKOHP phacoscope phaco / scope Iens / instrument for looking instrument for looking at the lens
RET-Ih-noh-skohp retinoscope retino / scope retina / instrument for looking instrument for looking at the retina
RET-in-AWS-koh-pee retinoscopy retino / scopy retina / looking procedure procedure for looking at the retina
toh-NAWM-et-er tonometer tono / meter tension / instrument for measuring instrument for measuring tension or pressure in the eye (intraocular pressure)
bin-AWK-yoo-lar binocular bin /ocul / ar two / eye /pertaining to pertaining to both eyes
IR-id-oh-kin-EE-sis iridokinesis irido / kinesis iris / movement the movement of the iris
LAK-rih-MAY-shun Lacrimation lacrim / ation tear / condition formation of tears (I.e., crying)
NAY-Zoh-LAK-rih-mal nasolacrimal naso / lacrim / al nose /tear / pertaining to pertaining to the nose and tear system
awf-THAL-mik ophthalmic ophthalm / ic eye / pertaining to pertaining to the eye
AWF-thal-MAWL-oh-list ophthalmologist ophthalmo / logist eye / specialist eye specialist
AWP-tik optic opt / ic eye / pertaining to pertaining to the eye
AWP-toh-kih-NET-Ik optokinetic opto / kinet /ic eye / movement / pertaining to pertaining to eye movement
awp-TAWM-eh-trist optometrist opto / metr / ist eye / measure / specialist specialist in measuring the eye
RET-ih-nal retinal retin / al retina / pertaining to pertaining to the retina
BLEF-ar-eh-DEE-mah blepharedema blephar / edema eyelid / swelling eyelid swelling
BLEF-ah-rawp-TOH-sis blepharoptosis blepharo / ptosis eyelid / drooping condition drooping eyelid
BLEF-ah-roh-PAl-oh-REE-ah blepharopyorrhea blepharo / pyo / rrhea eyelid / pus / discharge discharge of pus from the eyelid
DAK-ree-oh-lith dacryolith dacryo / lith tear / stone hard formation (stone) in the tear system
DAK-ree-oh-pai-oh-REE-ah dacryopyorrhea dacryo / pyo / rrhea tear / pus / discharge discharge of pus in tears
ek-TROH-pee-on ectropion ec / tropion out / turn outward turning of the eyelid, away from the eye
en-TROH-pee-on entropion en / tropion in /turn inward turning of the eyelid, toward the eye
EKS-of-THAL-mus exophthalmus ex / ophthalmus out / eye protrusion of the eyes out of the eye socket
his-TAG-mus nystagmus from Greek, for "to nod" involuntary back-and-forth movement of the eyes
stuh-BIZ-mus strabismus from Latin, for "to squint" condition where the eyes deviate when looking at the same object
es-oh-TROH-pee-ah esotropla eso /trop /ia inward /turn / condition inward turning of the eye, toward the nose
EKS-oh-TROH-pee-ah exotropia exo /trop/ia outward / turn / condition outward tuming of the eye, away from the nose
KER-ah-toh-mah-LAY-shee-ah keratomalacia kerato / malacia cornea / softening abnormal softening of the cornea
ter-l-ee-um pteryglum from Greek, for "wing" winglike growth of conjunctival tissue extending to the cornea
SKLEH-roh-mah-LAY-shee-ah scleromalacia sclero / malacia sclera / softening abnormal softening of the sclera
PAP-I|-eh-DEE-mah papilledema papill / edema nipple / swelling swelling of the optic nerve where it enters the retina
FAK-oh-mah-LAY-shee-ah phacomalacia phaco / malacia lens / softening abnormal softening of the lens
FAK-oh-skler-OH-sis phacosclerosis phaco / scler osis lens / hardening / condition abnormal hardening of the lens
AWD-ee-oh-GRAM audiogram audio / gram hearing / record record produced by an audiometer
AWD-ee-AWM-et-er audiometer audio / meter hearing / instrument for measuring instrument for measuring hearing
AWD-ee-AWM-ee-tree audiometry audio / metry hearing / measuring procedure procedure for measuring hearing
OH-toh-SKOHP otoscope oto / scope ear / instrument for looking instrument for looking in the ear
oh-TAWS-koh-pee otoscopy oto / scopy ear / looking procedure procedure for examining the ear
noo-MAT-ik oh-TAWS-koh-pee pneumatic otoscopy pneumat / ic oto / scopy air / pertaining to ear / looking procedure procedure for examining the ear using air
sal-PING-goh-SKOHP salpingoscope salpingo / scope eustachian tube / instrument for looking instrument for examining the eustachian tubes
TIM-pah-NOM-eh-tree tympanometry tympano / metry eardrum / measuring process procedure for measuring the eardrum
AWD-ee-AWL-oh-jist audiologist audio /logist hearing / specialist hearing specialist
AWR-al aural aur / al ear / pertaining to pertaining to the ear
OH-toh-LAR-in-GAWL-oh-jist otolaryngologist oto / laryngo /logist ear /throat / specialist specialist in the ear and throat
OH-toh-nih-RAWL-oh-jist otoneurologist oto / neuro / logist ear / nerve / specialist specialist in the nerve connections between the ear and brain
OH-toh-RAI-noh-LAR-in-GAWL-oh-jist otorhinolaryngologist oto / rhino / laryngo / logist ear nose /throat /specialist specialist in the ear, nose, and throat
oh-TAWS-tee-al otosteal ot / oste / al ear / bone / pertaining to pertaining to the bones of the ear
sal-PING-goh-fah-RIN-jee-al salpingopharyngeal salpingo / pharyng / eal eustachian tube / throat / pertaining to pertaining to the eustachian tubes and the throat
seh-ROO-mih-NOH-mah ceruminoma cerumin / oma ear wax / tumor benign tumor of the cerumen-secreting glands of the ear
seh-ROO-mih-NOH-sis ceruminosis cerumin / osis ear wax / condition excessive formation of ear wax
mak-ROH-shee-ah macrotia macr / ot / ia big /ear / condition abnormally large ears
mal-KROH-shee-ah microtia micr /ot / ia small / ear / condition abnormally small ears
OH-toh-PAI-oh-REE-ah otopyorrhea oto / pyo / rrhea ear / pus / discharge discharge of pus from the ears
OH-toh-skleh-ROH-sis otosclerosis oto / scler / osis ear / hardening / condition hearing loss caused by the hardening of the bones of the middle ear
tim-PAN-ik PER-foh-RAY-shon tympanic perforation tympan / ic per / for / ation eardrum / pertaining to through / pierce / condition tear or hole in the eardrum
TIM-pah-noh-skleh-ROH-sis tympanosclerosis tympano / scler /osis eardrum / hardening / condition hardening of the eardrum
BLEF-ar-Al-tis blepharitis blephar / itis eyelid / inflammation eyelid inflammation
BLEF-ah-roh-con-JUNK-tih-VAI-tis blepharoconjunctivitis blepharo / conjunctiv / itis eyelid / conjunctiva / inflammation inflammation of the eyelid and conjunctiva
DAK-ree-oh-sis-TAl-tis dacryocystitis dacryo / cyst / itis tear / sac / inflammation Inflammation of the tear sac
DAK-ree-oh-AD-en-AIT-is dacryoadenitis dacryo / aden / itis tear /gland / inflammation inflammation of the tear gland
DAK-ree-oh-HEM-oh-REE-ah dacryohemorrhea dacryo / hemo / rhea tear / blood / discharge discharge of blood in tears
DAK-ree-oh-lih-THAI-ah-sis dacryolithiasis dacryo / lith / iasis tear / stone / presence presence of hard formations (stones) in the tear system
DAK-ree-oh-steh-NOH-sis dacryostenosis dacryo / sten /osis tear / narrowing / condition narrowing of the tear duct
glaw-KOH-mah glaucoma glaucoma from a Greek word meaning "gray-eyed“ eye disease that causes vision loss by damaging the optic nerve
AWK-yoo-loh-mai-KOH-sis oculomycosis oculo / myc / osis eye / fungus / condition fungal eye condition
AWK-yoo-LAWP-ah-thee oculopathy oculo / pathy eve / disease eye disease
AWF-thal-MAT-roh-fee ophthalmatrophy ophthalm / a / trophy eye / no / nourishment atrophy (wasting away) of the eye
AWF-thal-MAl-tis ophthalmitis ophthalm / itis eye / inflammation inflammation of the eye
awf-THAL-moh-mal-KOH-sis ophthalmomycosis ophthalmo / my / osis eye / fungus / condition fungal eye condition
aw-THAL-moh-mal-AIT-Is ophthalmomyltis ophthalmo / my / itis eye / muscle / inflammation Inflammation of the eye muscles
AWF-thal-MAWP-ah-thee ophthalmopathy ophthalmo / pathy eye / disease eye disease
trik-Al-ah-sis trichlasis trich / iasis hair / presence condition caused by eyelashes growing backward and coming in contact with the eye
con-JUNK-tih-VAIT-is coniunctivitis conjunctiv / itis conjunctiva / inflammation inflammation of the conjunctiva (also known as pink eye)
KER-ah-TAIT-is keratitis kerat / itis cornea / inflammation inflammation of the cornea
KER-ah-TAWP-ah-thee keratopathy kerato / pathy cornea / disease disease of the comea
SKLEH-rek-TAY-zee-ah sclerectasla scler / ectas /ia sclera / expansion / condition overexpansion of the sclera
SKLEH-roh-al-RAI-tis scleroiritis sclero / ir / itis sclera / iris / inflammation Inflammation of the sclera and iris
SKLER-oh-ker-ah-TAI-tis sclerokeratitis sclero / kerat / itis sclera / cornea / inflammation Inflammation of the sclera and cornea
SKLER-oh-KER-ah-toh-al-RAl-tis sclerokeratolritis sclero / kerato / ir / itis sclera / cornea / iris / inflammation inflammation of the sclera, cornea, and iris
AN-ih-RID-ee-ah aniridia an/ irid / ia no / iris / condition absence of an iris
ah-FAY-kee-la aphakia a /phak / ia no / lens / condition absence of a lens
KAT-ah-RAKT cataract from Latin, for "waterfall“ opacity (cloudiness) of the lens of the eye
KOR-nee-al a-BRAY-zhun corneal abrasion corne / al ab /rasion cornea / pertaining to away / rubbing scratch on the cornea
SAI-cloh-ker-ah-TAI-tis cyclokeratitis cyclo / kerat / itis ciliary body / cornea / inflammation inflammation of the ciliary body and cornea
EN-dof-thal-MAI-tis endophthalmitis end / ophthalm / itis inside / eye /inflammation Inflammation of the Inside of the eye (often a complication from Intraocular surgery)
IR-Ih-DEE-mee-ah Iridemla irid / emia iris / blood condition bleeding from the iris
IR-Ih-doh-sal-KLAIT-Is Iridocyclitis irido / cycl / itis iris / ciliary body / inflammation Inflammation of the iris and ciliary body
IR-Ih-doh-KER-ah-TAI-tis Iridokeratitis irido / kerat / itis iris / cornea / inflammation inflammation of the iris and cornea
IR-Ih-DOP-ah-thee Iridopathy irido / pathy iris / disease disease of the iris
ai-RAI-tis Iritis ir / itis iris / inflammation inflammation of the iris
OP-tik noo-RAI-tis optic neuritis opt / ic neur / itis eye / pertaining to nerve / inflammation inflammation of the optic nerve
fak-Al-tis phakitis phak / itis lens / inflammation inflammation of the lens
RET-Ih-NAI-tis retinitis retin / itis retina / inflammation inflammation of the retina
RET-in-AWP-ah-thee retinopathy retino / pathy retina / disease disease of the retina
RET-ih-NOH-sis retinosis retin / osis retina / condition retinal condition
SEH-roo-men im-PAK-shun cerumen impaction cerumen im / pac / tion ear wax in / drive / condition buildup of ear wax blocking ear canal
MAS-toid-AIT-is mastolditis mastoid / itis mastoid / inflammation inflammation of the mastoid
oh-TAIT-Is eks-TERN-nah otitis externa ot /itis externa ear / inflammation outside Inflammation of the outer ear
oh-toh-mal-KOH-sis otomycosis oto / myc / osis ear / fungus / condition fungal ear condition
AIR-oh-TAIT-is aerotitis aer / ot / itis air / ear / inflammation inflammation of the ear caused by air
con-DUK-tiv conductive hearing loss con /duct / ive together / lead / pertaining to hearing loss caused by sound not getting to the middle/inner ear (due to blockages)
MIR-in-JAl-tis myringitis myring / itis eardrum / inflammation inflammation of the eardrum
mir-IN-goh-DER-mah-TAIT-is myringodermatitis myringo / dermat / itis eardrum / skin / inflammation inflammation of the eardrum and surrounding skin
mir-IN-goh-mai-KOH-sis myringomycosis myringo / myc / osis eardrum /fungus / condition fungal condition of the eardrum
oh-TAIT-is MED-ee-ah otitis media ot / itis media ear / inflammation middle inflammation of the middle ear
oh-toh-skleh-ROH-sis otosclerosis oto / scler / osis ear / hardening / condition hearing loss caused by the hardening of the bones of the middle ear
RAI-noh-SAL-pin-JAl-tis rhinosalpingitis rhino / salping / itis nose / eustachian / tube inflammation Inflammation of the nose and eustachlan tubes
ah-KOOS-tik nir-OH-mah acoustic neuroma acous / tic neur / oma hearing / pertaining to nerve / tumor tumor on the acoustic nerve
KOHK-lee-Al-tis cochleitis cochle / itis cochlea / inflammation inflammation of the cochlea
LAB-ih-rin-THAIT-is labyrinthitis labyrinth / itis labyrinth / inflammation inflammation of the labyrinth
SEN-soh-ree-NOO-ral sensorineural hearing loss sensori / neur / al sense / nerve / pertaining to hearing loss caused by sound not being transmitted from the inner ear to the brain (due to problems with the sensory organs or nerves)
ves-TIB-yoo-lar noo-RAl-tis vestibular neuritis vestibul/ ar neur / itis vestibule / pertaining to nerve / inflammation inflammation of the vestibular nerve
ves-TIB-yoo-LAIT-is vestibulitis vestibul /itis vestibule / inflammation inflammation of the vestibule
mal-AW-tik miotic constriction / pertaining to drug that causes the abnormal contraction of the pupil
MID-ree-AT-Ik mydrlatic mydriat / ic dilation / pertaining to drug that causes the abnormal dilation of the pupil
SAI-Kloh-PLEE-JIk cycloplegic cyclo / pleg /ic ciliary body / paralysis / pertaining to drug that paralyzes the ciliary body
IN-trah-VEE-tree-alANT-Ih-bai-AWT-Iks Intravitreal antibiotics intra /vitre / al anti biot /ics inside / vitreous / pertaining to against / life / agent antibiotics administered directly into the vitreous gel liquid
seh-ROO-mih-noh-LIT-ik ceruminolytic cerumino / lytic ear wax / breakdown agent drug that aids in the breakdown of ear wax
OH-toh-TOK-sik ototoxic oto / tox /ic ear / poision / pertaining to drug that is damaging to the ear/hearing
BLEF-ah-roh-PLAS-tee blepharoplasty blepharo / plasty eyelid / reconstruction surgical reconstruction of the eyelid
BLEF-ah-RAWT-oh-mee blepharotomy blepharo / tomy eyelid / incision incision into the eyelid
DAK-ree-oh-AD-en-EK-toh-mee dacryoadenectomy dacryo / aden / ectomy tear / gland / removal removal of the tear gland
DAK-ree-oh-sis-TEK-toh-mee dacryocystectomy dacryo / cyst / ectomy tear / sac / removal removal of the tear sac
DAK-ree-oh-SIS-toh-ral-NAWS-toh-mee dacryocystorhinostomy dacryo / cysto / rhino / stomy tear / sac / nose / opening creation of an opening between the tear sac and the nose
DAK-ree-oh-sis-TAWT-oh-mee dacryocystotomy dacryo / cysto / tomy tear / sac / incision incision Into the tear sac
eh-NOO-clee-AY-shun enucleation e / nucle / ation out / nucleus / procedure removal of an eve
AWK-yoo-loh-PLAS-tee oculoplasty oculo / plasty eye / reconstruction surgical reconstruction of the eye
AWF-thal-MEK-toh-mee ophthalmectomy ophthalm / ectomy eye / removal removal of the eve
KOR-nee-al TRANZ-plant corneal transplant corne / al trans / plant cornea / pertaining to across / place replacement of damaged cornea with donated tissue
KER-at-oh-PLAS-tee keratoplasty kerato / plasty cornea / reconstruction surgical reconstruction of the cornea
KER-ah-TAWT-oh-mee keratotomy kerato / tomy cornea / incision incision into the cornea
skleh-RAWT-oh-mee sclerotomy sclero / tomy sclera / incision incision into the sclera
sal-KLAWT-oh-mee cyclotomy cyclo / tomy ciliary body / incision incision into the ciliary body
IN-trah-AWK-yoo-lar lenz IM-plant Intraocular lens Implant intra /ocul / ar lens im / plant inside / eye / pertaining to lens in / place insertion of a new lens inside the eye
IR-Ih-DEK-toh-mee Iridectomy irid / ec / tomy iris / out / incision removal of the iris
IR-Ih-doh-sal-KLEK-toh-mee Iridocyclectomy irido / cycl / ectomy iris / ciliary body / removal removal of the iris and ciliary body
IR-Ih-DAWT-oh-mee Iridotomy irido / tomy iris / incision Incision into the iris
FAK-oh-ee-MUL-sih-fih-KAY-shun phacoemulsification phaco / emulsific / ation Iens / mix up / condition fragmentation of an existing lens in order to remove and replace it
reh-TIH-noh-PEK-see retinopexy retino / pexy retina / surgical fixation surgical fixation (reattachment) of a retina
RET-in-AWT-oh-mee retinotomy retino / tomy retina / cut incision incision into the retina
vih-TREK-toh-mee vitrectomy vitr / ectomy vitreous / removal removal of the vitreous liquid from the eve
AWD-ih-TOR-ee praws-THEE-sis auditory prosthesis auditory pros / thesis hearing toward / place hearing aid
seh-ROO-mih-NAW-lih-sis ceruminolysis cerumino / lysis ear wax / loose breakdown of ear wax
EER lah-VAZH ear lavage from Latin, for "to wash, bathe“ rinsing/washing the extemal ear canal (usually to remove ear wax)
MAS-toy-DEK-toh-mee mastoldectomy mastoid / ectomy mastoid / removal removal of the mastoid
mas-TOYD-oh-sin-TEE-sis mastoldocentesis mastoido / centesis mastoid / puncture puncture of the mastoid
OH-toh-PLAS-tee otoplasty oto / plasty ear / reconstruction surgical reconstruction of the ear
MIR-in-JEK-toh-mee myringectomy myring / ectomy eardrum / removal removal of the eardrum
mir-IN-goh-PLAS-tee myringoplasty myringo / plasty eardrum / reconstruction surgical reconstruction of the eardrum
mir-in-GAWT-oh-mee myringotomy myringo / tomy eardrum / incision incision into the eardrum
TIM-pah-noh-sen-TEE-sis tympanocentesis tympano / centesis eardrum / puncture puncture of the eardrum
TIM-pah-noh-lah-bih-RINTH-oh-PEK-see tympanolabyrinthopexy tympano / labyrintho / pexy eardrum / labyrinth / surgical fixation surgical fixation of the eardrum to the labyrinth
TIM-pan-oh-PLAS-tee tympanoplasty tympano / plasty eardrum / reconstruction surgical reconstruction of the eardrum
TIM-pah-NAW-stoh-mee tympanostomy tympano / stomy eardrum / opening creation of an opening in the eardrum
KOHK-lee-ar IMplant cochlear Implant cochle / ar im / plant cochlea / pertaining to in / place electronic device that stimulates the cochlea; it can give a sense of sound to those who are profoundly deaf
LAB-ih-rin-THEK-toh-mee labyrinthectomy labyrinth / ectomy labyrinth / removal removal of the labyrinth
LAB-ih-rin-THAWT-oh-mee labyrinthotomy labyrintho / tomy labyrinth / incision incision into the labyrinth
ves-TIB-yoo-LAWT-oh-mee vestibulotomy vestibulo / tomy vestibule / incision incision into the vestibule
ARMD age-related macular degeneration
HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat
IOL Intraocular lens
IOP intraocular pressure
LASIK laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
OD right eye (from Latin- oculus dexter)
OS left eye (from Latin oculus sinister)
OU both eyes (from Latin -oculus uterque)
PERRLA pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
VA visual acuity
VF visual field
AD right ear (from Latin-auris dextra)
AOM acute otitis media
AS left ear (from Latin-auris sinistra)
AU both ears (from Latin-auris utraque)
EENT eye, ear, nose, and throat
ENT ear, nose, and throat
OM otitis media
TM tympanic membrane
Created by: Kimshi
Popular Medical sets




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