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Falls Prevention

Geriatric Medicine

USPSTF screening recommendations for osteoporosis all women 65+
__% of women >50 have osteopenia 40
__ of women >50 have osteoporosis 7
what is a T score a measure (in SDs) below the young adult mean value for bone mineral density
WHO T-score for osteoporosis vs. National Osteoporosis Foundation 2.5 vs 2.0
12 risk factors for osteoporosis age, low body wt or BMI, not on ERT, white/asian, hx of fracture, family hx, low physical activity, smoking, excessive EtOH or caffeine, low calcium/vit D, medication use
prevention of osteoporosis calcium, vit D and weight-bearing excercise, consider women and men, drugss (fosamax)
leading cause of death for all age 65+ heart disease
wt loss for obese patients will reduce __ cardiovascular load and assist in mgmt of DM and HTN
cholesterol lowering drug treatment __ years decrease risk of CHD by 30% in people with high total cholesterol or average colesterol and low HDL-C 5-7
all patients (regardless of lipid level shoud be counseled about dietary mods, regular physical activity, avoiding tobacco, maintaining a healthy wt
treatment of HTN in the elderly significantly reduces cardiac mortality, reduces rates of fatal and nonfatal endpoints for stroke, CHD, and CVD
JNC VII recommendations for HTN treatment wt reduction, physical activity and medical treatment
National Stroke Association recommendations for BP screening at every office visit and self monitor BP at home
most important preventable problem associated with treatment iatrogenesis-the more aggressive the treatment the greater the chance of an adverse effect (polypharmacy)
therapeutic window as the response to therapy decreases the susceptibility to toxic side effects increases, space between therapeutic dose and toxic dose narrows with age
risks associated with hospitalization medical errors, risks of bed rest, infection, delerium, sundowning, falls, dependancy, nursing home placement
Created by: Abarnard
Popular Medical sets




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