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Medical Abbreviation

Abd abdomen
ABR absolute bedrest
ac, a.c. before meals
ad lib as desired
ADL activities of daily living
adm admission
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
amb ambulate, ambulatory
amt amount
ap apical
AROM active range of motion
ASAP as soon as possible
as tol as tolerated
ax. axillary (armpit)
BID, b.i.d. two times a day
BM bowel movement
BP, B/P blood pressure
BRM beats per minute
BR bedrest
BRP bathroom privileges
BSC bedside commode
c¯ (line on top) with
C Centigrade
CA cancer
cath. catheter
CBC complete blood count
CBR complete bedrest
CCU cardiac care unit, cardiovascular care unit
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
C. diff Clostridium difficile
CHF congestive heart failure
ck✓ check
cl liq clear liquid
CMS Centers for Medi-care and Medicaid Services
CNA certified nursing assistant
CNS central nervous system
c/o complains of, in care of
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CS Central Supply
CVA cerebrovascular accident, stroke
CVP central venous pressure
CXR chest x-ray
DAT diet as tolerated
DM diabetes mellitus
DNR do not resuscitate
DOA death on arrival
DOB date of birth
DON director of nursing
Dr., DR doctor
drsg dressing
DVT deep vein thrombosis
Dx, dx diagnosis
ECG, EKG electrocardiogram
EMS emergency medical services
ER emergency room
exam examination
F Fahrenheit
FBS fasting blood sugar
FF force fluid
ft foot
F/U, f/u follow-up
FWB full weight-bearing
FYI for your information
geri chair geriatric chair
GI gastrointestinal
H20 water
h, hr, hr. hour
H/A, HA headache
HBV hepatitis B virus
HHA home health aide
HIPAA Health insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HOB head of bed
HS, hs hours of sleep
ht height
HTN hypertension
Created by: bcho11
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