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Med 104 Stack

Medical Terminology

MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
CT Computerized Tomography
EKG Electrocardiogram
CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
SOAP Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan
SC Subcutaneous
PRN As needed
C-spine cervical spine
Pre-op Preoperative
Parkinson's Disease Named after James Parkinson. It is a brain-function disorder that can cause imbalance between the brain and other parts of the body.
Huntington's Disease Named after James Huntington. It is a disease that causes degeneration of nerve cells in the brain.
Crohn's Disease Named after Burrill B. Crohn. It is a chronic disease that causes inflammation in your digestive tract.
Alzheimer's Disease Named after Alois Alzheimer. It is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes the deterioration of mental cognition and memory.
Lou Gehrig's Disease Named after Lou Gehrig. It is progressive degeneration of nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain.
Integumentary System Set of organs that form the external covering of the body. Ex. hair, nails, skin
Cardiovascular System Provides adequate circulation of blood to the body. Ex. heart, blood vessels.
Urinary System Body drainage system comprised of the group of organs that produce and excrete urine. Ex. kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.
Digestive System functions to degrade food into smaller and smaller compounds, until they can be absorbed into the body and used as energy. Ex. Stomach, esophagus, liver, pancreas.
Nervous System Controls how we interact with and respond to our environment, by controlling the function of the organs in our other body systems. Ex. Spinal cord, brain, nerves.
Mono-, Uni- One, Unisex
Bi- Two, Bilateral
Tri- Three, Triceps
Ab- Away from, Abduct
Ad- Towards, Adrenaline
Ecto-, exo- Outside, Ectoderm
Endo- Inside, Endocrine
Epi- Upon, Epidermis
Anterior or Ventral Front, pectoral muscles
Posterior or Dorsal Back, Shoulder blades
Superior Above, Head is superior to shoulders
Inferior Below, Foot is inferior to knee
Lateral To the side, Arm is lateral to belly button
DIstal Far from center, Hand is distal to shoulder
Proximal Close to center, Knee is proximal to hip
Ambi- Both, Ambidextrous
Dys- Bad, Dysentery
Eu- Good, Euphoria
Homo- Same, Homogenesis
Iso- Equal, Isotonic
Mal- Bad, Malignant
-algia Pain, Myalgia
-emia Blood condition, Leukemia
-itis Inflammation, Arthritis
-lysis Loosen or break down, Hemolysis
-oid Resemble, Keloid
-opathy Disease, Myopathy
-pnea Respiration, Hyperpnea
-centesis Puncture, Amniocentesis
-ectomy Surgical removal, Lobectomy
-ostomy Create an opening, Colostomy
-otomy Cut into, Dermotomy
-orrhapy Suture, Myorrahpy
-opexy Surgical fixation, Retinopexy
-oplasty Surgical repair, Rhinoplasty
-otripsy Crushing, Angiotripsy
Epiphyseal plate Growth plate
Bradykinesia Slow Movement
Myasthenia Muscle Weakness
Arthroscope Instrument used to look at joints
Scoliosis S curve to your spine
Cerebrum Largest part of the brain
Craniomalacia Softening of the skull
Hemiplegia Complete loss of sensation and movement on one side of the body
Kleptomania Desire to steal
Microcephaly Small skull
Blephar/o Eyelid
Sclera White part of the eye
Retina Deepest part of the eye
Myringotomy Cut into the eardrum
Cochlea Bony shell filled with fluid and hair
Aden/o Gland
Thym/o Thymus
-trophin Stimulating hormone
Hyperthyroidism Overactive Thyroid
Polydipsia Excessive thirst
Hemat/o Blood
Cyt/o Cell
Phleb/o Vein
Anemia Reduction of red blood cells noticed in the patient as fatigue and weakness
Ecchymosis Bruise
Valvul/o Valve
Ventricle Lower chamber
Aorta Main outgoing vessel
Ather/o Fatty Plaque
SCA Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Rhinorrhea Runny nose
Tonsillectomy Removal of the tonsils
Pulmon/o Lungs
Apnea Not breathing
Hemothorax Blood in the chest
Orthodontist Specialist in the straightening of the teeth
Hepat/o Liver
Pancreat/o Pancreas
Jaundice Yellowing of skin, tissue and fluids due to increase in bilirubin
Endoscopy Procedure of looking inside
Meat/o Opening
Cystorrhexis Bladder rupture
Nephrosis Kidney condition
Urinalysis Analysis of urine
Pyelopathy Disease of the renal pelvis
Lact/o Milk
-cyesis Pregnancy
Mastectomy Surgical removal of a breast
Pap smear Test used to detect cancer cells
Gynecologist Specialist in women's medical health
Created by: helenabrook4
Popular Medical sets



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