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chapter 8

female reproduction system

ovum one egg
ova lots of eggs
gametes ovum and sperm cell
-rrhea discharge
dys painful
endo- or -intra within
salping/o fallopian tubes
ovari/o oophor/o ovary
ov/o or o/o egg
nat/i birth
my/o muscle
metr/o hyster/o uterus
mast/o mamm/o breast
lact/o galact/o milk
gynec/o women, female
episi/o vulva
culd/o cul-de-sac
colp/o vagina
chori/o chorion
cervic/o cervix, neck
dyspareunia painful sexual entercose
leukorhea white discharge from vagina
PID sexually transmitted diseases
abruptio placentae premature seperation of the normally implanted placenta
fallopian tubes One of a pair of ducts through which the ovum travels to the uterus
colposcopy visual examination of the vagina
culdocentesis surgical punctual to remove fluid from the area between rectum and the vagina
ovary or gonad produce ovum
zygoto 1-2 weeks
embryo 2-8 weeks
fetus 8-40 weeks
nicu Neonatal intensive care unit
neonatology study of newborns
gestation Time period from fertilization of the ovum to birth; pregnancy.
nipple mammary papilla
menses period/ menstruation
menstrual cycle every 28 days
ovulation day 14 days
placenta forms, attaches to the uterine wall
vascular organ contain many vessels that carry and circulate blood
amniotic cavity the closed sac between the embryo and the amnion, containing the amniotic fluid
hcg human chorionic gonadotropin (pregnancy test)
chorionic Pertaining to the outermost layer of the two membranes surrounding the embryo
chorion outern membraine surrounding embrio
miscarriage Spontaneous abortion/ end of pregnancy
uterus pear-shaped muscular female organ
after birth delivery of placenta
involution natural shrinking of (urinary)bladder
menopause climacteric (45-60) falling estrogen levels
HRT hormone replacement therapy
cervicitis Inflammation of cervix (std or inflammation)
galactorrhea abnormal persistant discharge of milk from breast
gyncomastia enlargement of breasts in a male
episiotomy incision of the perineum
lactation Normal production of milk from the breast
aminiocentesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the amniotic cavity
Cervix Lower, neck like portion of the uterus
placenta Blood filled organ that develops during pregnancy
ovaries external genitaila of a female
endometrium Inner lining of the uterus
vulva External female genitalia
fimbriae Finger- or fringe-like projections at the end of the fallopian tubes.
clitoris Organ of sensitive erectile tissue in females.
estrogen Hormone produced by the ovaries
FSH follicle stimulating hormone
Created by: marinka1
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