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Heart pt.1

A&P II Chapter 20

Cardiovascular System Components 1. A pump (heart) 2. Conducting system (blood vessels) 3. A fluid medium (blood)
Heart (pump) composed of cardiac muscle O2 rich to the body; returns O2 poor blood to lungs size of a fist
Cardiology study of the hear & related disorders
Mediastinum space between lungs and behind sternum
Base Broadest part, site of attachment on upper right
Apex pointed end of a heart
Key Structures of the Heart Pericardium Heart Wall Chambers Valves
Pericardium double walled sac, made of 2 layers
Heart Wall 3 layers
Chambers 4 hollow chambers
Valves 4 Valves
Pericardium has how many layers and cavities 2 layers, 1 cavity
Fibrous Pericardium outermost layer of loose but strong, dense CT -protects heart, anchors to cavity, protects it from overfilling
Serous Pericardium intermost layer of pericardium
Parietal Pericardium lines inside of fibrous pericardium facing the heart
Visceral Pericardium covers the surface of the heart itself (same as epicardium)
Pericardial Cavity contains serous fluid to reduce friction as heart beats
Pericarditis caused by pathogens in pericardium inflammation- pericardial surfaces rub together- produce distinct scratching sound may cause cardiac tamponade
Cardiac Tamponade restricted movement of the heart due to excess fluid in pericardial cavity
3 layers of Myocardium 1.Epicardium 2. Myocardium 3. Endocardium
Epicardium outer layer of CT on surface of heart blends into visceral layer of the serous pericardium
Myocardium Multiple layers of cardiac muscle, blood vessels and nerves thickest layer performs the work of the heart
Endocardium inside the four chambers covers valves, goes into vessels thin layer of squamous epithelium = smooth
Four Chambers 1. Right Atrium 2. Right Ventricle 3. Left Atrium 4. Left Ventricle
Right Atrium collects blood from systemic circulation
Right Ventricle pumps blood to pulmonary circuit
Left Atrium collects blood from pulmonary circuit
Left Ventricle pumps blood to systemic circuit
Great Vessels of the heart Superior Vena Cava Inferior Vena Cava Pulmonary Trunk 4 Pulmonary veins Aorta Coronary Sinus
Pulmonary Trunk divides into R & L Pulmonary arteries
Foramen Ovale opening in interatrial septum in fetal stage allows oxygenated blood from mother to bypass lungs at birth, seals to form fossa ovalis
Trabeculae Carnae (little beams) muscular ridges on the internal surface of the heart
Moderator Band electrical highway of the muscle connecting interventricular septum to a papillary muscle so they will contract and shut the tricuspid valve only in R Ventricle
Cardiac Skeleton semi-rigid, fibrous CT encircling each valve
Functions of the Cardiac Skeleton 1. Supports heart & prevents stretch 2. Stabilizes valves 3. Insulating barrier separating atria ventricles 4. Prevents Stray electrical impulses
Papillary Muscles attach chordae tedinae to floor at apex hold fast the chordae tedinae when the AV valves slam shut
Chordae Tendinae prevent valves from swinging open backwards and allowing blood to regurgitate into atria
Cusps/Leaflets flaps of tissue which seal together to make a valve allows only 1 way flow of blood prevents blood backflow into the wrong chambers
Right Ventricular Valve one valve between each atrium and its ventricle regulate flow between atria and ventricles aka tricuspid valve (3 cusps/leaflets) prevents back flow from right ventricle to right atria
Left Ventricular Valve one valve between each atrium and its ventricle regulate flow between atria and ventricles aka mitral/bicuspid valve (2 Cusps/leaflets) prevent backflow from left ventricle to left atria
Right and Left Semilunar Valve have moon shaped leaflets/cusps regulate flow between ventricles and the great arteries Pulmonary Valve Aortic Valve
Pulmonary Valve prevents backflow from pulmonary artery to right ventricle
Aortic Valve prevents backflow from aorta to left ventricle
Valvular Heart Disease (VHD) Deterioration of valve function may develop after carditis (inflammation of the heart) may result from rheumatic fever(inflammatory autoimmune response to strep bacteria)
Common Valve Problems Valvular insufficiency Valvular Stenosis -both can lead to heart failure - replaced with pig/artificial valves Heart Murmur
Valvular insufficiency Incompetent valve fails to prevent backflow during contraction -allows blood to regurgitate back into the chamber from which its pumped
Valvular stenosis stenotic valve is narrowed and causes the heart to strain
Heart Murmur Sound of regurgitation (insufficiency) -tolerance of backflow due to incompetent or stenotic heart valves
Heart Sounds AV Valves (Tri and Bi)- LUB- 1st Closure of SL Valves- DUB -2nd
Coronary Circulation Supplies blood to muscle tissue of heart elevated blood pressure and elastic rebound of aorta maintain blood flow through coronary arteries
Coronary Arteries Originate at aortic sinuses deliver oxygenated blood to myocardium
Coronary Circulation (heart to heart) Heart has own circulatory system due to high demand for oxygen and nutrients
End Arteries don't overlap with arteries from opposite directions, if blocked, nothing gets downstream
Right Side Arteries of the heart Right Coronary Artery Sinoatrial nodal artery Right Marginal Artery (Acute Marginal Artery) Posterior Inter-ventricular Artery (Posterior Descending Artery)
Right Coronary Artery arises from aorta on right, just above aortic valve travels in right coronary sulcus, under R. atrium
Sinoatrial Nodal Artery Supplies sinoatrial node
Left Side Arteries Arteries of the heart Left Coronary Artery Anterior interventricular artery Left circumflex artery left marginal artery (left obtuse artery)
Left Coronary Artery arises from the aorta on the left, just above aortic valve very short, bifurcates (splits) into 2 arteries
Anterior interventricular artery aka Anterior Descending Artery or Left Anterior Descending (LAD)-widowmaker
Left circumflex artery circles around to the back of the heart
Veins of the heart Great Cardiac Vein Middle Cardiac Vein Small Cardiac Vein Coronary Sinus
Great Cardiac Vein arises from anterior surface along intraventricular septum travels in left coronary sinus
Middle Cardiac Vein arises from posterior intraventricular septum
Small Cardiac Vein arises from the right margin, travels in R. Coronary Sulcus
Coronary Sinus end point of all cardiac veins, dumps deoxygenated right atrium
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) areas of partial or complete blockage of coronary circulation Cardiac Muscle cells need constant supply of O2 and nutrients reduction in blood flow-lower cardiac performance CAD due to narrowing from plaque
Coronary Ischemia reduced circulatory supply from partial or complete blockage of coronary arteries
Angina Pectoris pain due to incomplete blockage common 1st symptom of CAD temporary ischemia when workload increases
Angina Pectoris triggers and symptoms Exertion or emotional stress- sensations of pressure, chest compression and pain pain- sternal area to arms, back and neck pain on exertion= stops w/rest
Myocardial Infarction Coronary thrombus- clot formation at a plaque Consequences depend on site and f nature of blockage if near start of coronary arteries- widespread damage and heart may stop
(MI) near start of coronary arteries widespread damage and heart may stop
(MI) small aterial branch- individual may survive crisis but may h individual may survive crisis but may have reduced contractility & cardiac arrhythmias
Cardiac arrest electrical stoppage of heart
MI Symptoms intense persistent pain, even at rest pain not always felt (women may go untreated and unrecognized) often diagnosed with ECG and blood studies Damaged myocardial cells release enzymes
Myocardial Enzymes Cardiac Troponin T Cardiac Troponin I Form of Phosphokinase CK-MB
Collateral Collection Alternate circulation around blocked vein/artery via another pathway typically a nearby minor vessel If enough oxygenated blood gets to tissue that is blocked after an MI, the tissue may recover and survive Regular Exercise promotes collateral collect
Created by: treylowrey1
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