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CSD 412

Exam 1 (Ch.1, Ch.11-cerebrospinal fluid)

Anatomy Study of the structure of an organism
Physiology Study of the function of a living organism and its components
Neurology Study of the diseases of the nervous system
Motor Neurons Send information to muscles
Betz Cells Provide the initial response from the conscious brain
Frontal Plane Divides body into front & back halves
Midsagittal Plane Exactly the same on both sides, right down the middle
Sagittal Plane/Sideview Divides the body or body part into right & left halves
Transverse Plane
Coronal Plane
Anterior Front
Ventral Pertaining to the belly or anterior surface
Posterior Toward the rear
Dorsal Pertaining to the back of the body
Superficial Surface On or near the surface
Peripheral Surface Relative to the periphery or away from (ex.: if able to peel back first 5 layers of skin)
Deep Further from the surface; peel back all layers
Distal Away from the midline (ex.: fingers are distal to head)
Proximal Next to (ex.: shoulder is proximal to head)
Superior Above looking down (adults are superior to kids)
Inferior Down looking up (kids are inferior to adults (shorter))
Prone Face down on the floor (ex.: babies are prone during tummy time)
Supine Laying on the back
Lateral Outside looking in on the sides
Medial Inside looking out on the sides
Rostral Towards the head
Cranial Towards the skull
Caudal Towards the ground/tail
Gray Matter Refers to cell bodies (where nuclei is stored, power house of the cell, mitochondria)
White Matter Refers to myelinated fibers (most motor neurons are myelinated)
Glial Cells Supportive cells
Action Potential Electrical activity of a neuron that conveys information
Dendrite Receives; Input location on neuron for information (gather info from other cells)
Axon Transmits; Output location on neuron for information
Soma Body of neuron (where the nucleus is)
Nucleus Contains DNA the synthesises proteins & enzymes
Golgi Apparatus Collecting, packaging, & releasing proteins & liquids fabricated within the systems
Enzymes Break down & recycle other organels
Mitochondria Energy generators for the cell; power house of the cell
Created by: rianna.aasen
Popular Anatomy sets




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