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Absolute Refractory Period The interval during which a second action potential absolutely cannot be initiated, no matter how large a stimulus is applied.
Asystole Asystole (flat line) is a state of no cardiac electrical activity, no contractions of the myocardium and no cardiac output or blood flow. It is required for a medical practitioner to certify death.
Automaticity The ability to do things without occupying the mind with the low level details required, allowing it to become an automatic response pattern or habit. It is usually the result of learning, repetition, and practice.
Autorhythmicity Spontaneous and periodic
Autorhythmicity # 2 Ability of tissue to depolarize
Cardiomegaly Enlargement of the heart
Complex Group of several EKG waves.
Conductivity Ability to pass electrical impulses from cell to cell.
depolarization to cause to become partially or wholly unpolarized
Diastole When the heart chambers relax and fill with blood. Also known as Ventricular relaxation.
ectopic originating in an area of the heart other than the sinoatrial node
Excitability to depolarize spontaneously. SA nodes are the most excitable.
Fibrillation involuntary muscular contraction whose nerve supply has been damaged or cut off
Flutter A flutter is a heart rhythm that is characterized by fast "flutter" waves.
Heart Block A block in the impulses between the atria and the ventricles. It is characterized on an EKG as a dissassociation between the P wave and the QRS complex that follows it.
hypertrophy Increased heart muscle mass.
Infarction infarction is the complete occlusion of a coronary artery. "Heart Attack=Myocardial infarction"
Internodal Pathway segments between two nodes of the heart that make up the pathway
Interval A space of time between events or states.
Irritable Foci Is the point at which the area is irritable and an ectopic beat will generate from dealing with cardio.
Junctional rhythm An abnormal heart rhythm. Junctional rhythm can be diagnosed by looking at an EKG: an EKG exhibiting it usually presents without a P wave or with an inverted P wave. Occasionally the P wave will appear after the QRS complex.
Multifocal Multifocal atrial tachycardia is a rapid heart rate that occurs when too many signals (electrical impulses)
Overdrive Suppression Electrical stimuli for the heart is usually created by the SA Node, but other sites can take over if needed.
P Wave firing of SA Node
P-R Interval the length of the cardiac cycle from the beginning of one P wave to the next P wave
Created by: 1958abba
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