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Module 12 PSW


What does NPO mean? Nothing by Mouth
What is a hemorrhage? Severe blood loss
A normal stoma should appear a? Deep pink color and moist
What is another name for the digestive system? Gastrointestinal tract
What organ produces bile and breaks down fatty food? Liver
What is peristalsis? It is rhythmic, muscular movement that pushes food through the stomach and intestines.
What is considered a diabetic diet? Reduced sugar and calories
Why are elderly people susceptible to choking? Their salivary glands don't function as well.
What is the first thing you do when someone is choking? Call for help.
What is considered good care for clients with arthritis? Hot and cold applications, range of motion exercises and help with activities of daily living.
What is proper cast care when the plaster is drying? Assistance with repositioning so the cast dries evenly, length of cast supported by pillows, cast supported with palms of hands when moved.
When caring for a client in a cast what should be reported right away? pain, numbness, inability to move toes and fingers, chills, nausea, vomiting, fever, odor, cyanosis, and temperature changes to the skin.
When a client had osteoporosis what are they at risk of? Fractures
Quadriplegia is? Paralysis of legs, arms and trunk
Hemiplegia is? Paralysis of one side
Paraplegia is? Paralysis from the waist down
What can increase tremors in a client with Parkinsons? Anxiety, stress and fatigue
Multiple Sclerosis is characterized by? Exacerbations and remissions
What are two types of seizures? Partial and generalized
What are signs of Parkinsons? Drooling, flat affect and shuffling gait
What is an ileostomy? A surgical opening into the small intestine
Symptoms of a stroke? Weakness and paralysis on one side, difficulty speaking, confusion and inability to follow directions
What is angina? Chest pain caused by decrease in oxygenated blood flow to the heart muscle caused by coronary artery disease. Can be brought on by exertion or extreme weather conditions
Created by: Katie A
Popular Medical sets




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