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DF Blanc U7 L26

Cardinal and ordinal numbers, irregular adjectives, adverb formation

cent un 101
cent quinze 115
deux cents 200
deux cent neuf 209
trois cents 300
trois cent cinquante 350
quatre cent vingt 420
cinq cent quarante 540
six cents 600
sept cent quatre-vingts 780
mille personnes one thousand people
cent mille one hundred thousand
un million de dollars a million dollars
les trois premières classes the first three classes
Lundi est le premier jour. Monday is the first day.
la deuxième fois the second time
Le troisième jour est mercredi. The third days is Wednesday.
la onzième personne the eleventh person
Le cinquième jour est vendredi. The fifth day is Friday.
Le neuvième mois est septembre. The ninth month is September.
Avril est le quatrième mois. April is the fourth month.
bonnes good-f-pl
canadiens Canadian-m-pl
naturelle natural-f-s
secrètes secret-f-pl
cher expensive-m-s
généreux generous-m-pl
sérieuse serious-f-s
sportifs athletic-m-pl
normaux normal-m-pl
un beau tailleur a woman's beautiful suit
un bel homme a handsome man
une belle robe a beautiful dress
les beaux bijoux the beautiful jewels
des belles filles some beautiful girls
un vieil imper an old raincoat
les vieux costumes the old mens' suits
mon vieux sac my old handbag
ses vieilles bottes her old boots
votre nouvel ordinateur your new computer
leur nouvelle voiture their new car
ses nouvelles chaussures his new shoes
son nouveau chapeau her new hat
nos nouveaux maillots de bain our new bathing suits
élégamment elegantly
normalement normally
généralement generally
sérieusement seriously
patiemment patiently
lentement slowly
poliment politely
vite quickly
Created by: AC Grover
Popular French sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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