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Tobacco (Health)

Study Guide

What is a woody, shrub-like plant with large leaves? Tobacco
What are the five forms of tobacco Cigarettes Cigars and Pipes Speciality Cigarettes Electronic Cigarettes (aka vaping) Smokeless Tobacco
What is the most commonly used form of tobacco products that contain tobacco? Cigarettes
Filers decrease the amount of harmful chemicals that pass through to a smoker's lungs. True, BUT NOT enough
One large cigar can contain as much tobacco and nicotine as how many cigarettes? An entire pack of 20 cigarettes
What are the 3 types of specialty cigarettes? Flavored, Unfiltered, Cloves
Electronic cigarettes do not contain_______________, but they still have _______________________ inside. TOBACCO, NICOTINE
Users inhale ____________________________________ from electronic cigarettes. VAPOR/AEROSOL
The two forms of smokeless tobacco are? Chewing tobacco Snuff
What is the name of fine-grain smokeless tobacco? Snuff
What is the name of the shredded, twisted tobacco leaves? Chewing Tobacco
Chewing tobacco or __________________ are placed in the mouth rather than smoked. SNUFF
The three main chemicals in tobacco are? Nicotine Tar Carbon Monoxide
This chemical is the addictive-habit forming drug found in tobacco. Nicotine
This is a thick, dark liquid that forms when tobacco burns. Tar
When a person inhales the dangerous substance from question 15, what does it cover? Airways and the bronchi
A colorless, odorless, poisonous gas produced when tobacco burns. Carbon Monoxide
The air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke. Secondhand Smoke
What does it mean by a human carcinogen? It causes cancer
What kind of smoke is it called when smoke comes from the burning end of a cigarette or cigar? Sidestream
What kind of smoke is inhaled and then exhaled by a smoker? Mainstream
In what year did the Surgeon General issue a report saying that smoking may be hazardous? 1964
Tobacco smoke damages the _______________, in which are air sacs in the lungs. ALVEOLI
All forms of tobacco increase the risk of cavities and ________________ disease. GUM
Tobacco dulls the taste buds and can cause __________________________________________________ ____________________________________ as far as it relating to the digestive system. STOMACH ULCERS
Tobacco use is linked to cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, and ________________________________________________ as far as it relating to the digestive system. PANCREAS
When related to the nervous system tobacco use reduces the flow of oxygen to the brain, which can lead to a: STROKE
When related to the excretory system smokers have at least twice the risk of developing ___________________________________________________ cancer as nonsmokers. BLADDER
What is one of the main reasons that teens try tobacco? peer-pressure
Strategies tobacco companies use: A paid arrangement a company has made to show its products in media such as television or film. Product placement
Strategies tobacco companies use: Advertising campaigns in which a product is promoted at a store’s checkout counter. Point of sale promotions
What are some ways that people choose to stop smoking Cold Turkey Nicotine Therapies Help from medical professionals
Created by: user-1550738
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