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Study Stacks Skel WP

Osteo bone
myelo spinal cord/bone marrow
opathy disease of
otomy incision into
tome instrument used to cut
porosis having pores
itis inflammation
algia pain
blast immature cell
clast dissolving cells/breakdown
desis binding/fusion
genic originating in/beginning in
genesis beginning of
um tissue
peri around
endo within
Cerv/Cervico neck
ical pertaining to
burso little sac
chondro cartilage
malacia softening
oma tumor/mass
coccygo tailbone
dynia pain
costo rib
thoraco chest
intra within
inter between
al pertaining to
ostomy creation of more or less permanent opening
Carpo wrist
meta beyond
tarso ankle
arthro joint
hemo blood
centesis puncture to remove fluid
scopy inspecting/examanining
scope instrument used to examine
plasty surgical repair
ography process of recording an image/record
graph instrument used to record the record recored
clasia breaking down
hydro water
acro tip/extremity
Cranio skull
spondylo vertebra
syndesis binding together
listhesis slipping
syn together
ankylo crooked/bent/stiff
dactyl fingers/toes
phalango fingers/toes
ogram the written record/image
poly many
chiro hand
y process of
spasm involuntary contraction
ischi hip
kypho hump
scolio crooked
lordo bent backwards
lumbo lower back
ar referring to
tracto to pull
ion the process of
Latero to the side
bi two
contra opposite/against
sterno breast bone
sub under
al referring to
pod/ped feet
iatric medical treatment
ortho straight
clavico collar bone
brachi arm
a/an not/without
physis growth
epi upon
dia through
sym together
brady slow
dys bad/painful/difficult
kinesio movement
kinesia movement
Created by: hope hanks
Popular Medical sets




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