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C130 FE MQF 3-3.25

AFTTP 3-3.25 (25May2006)

Fuel Consumption. Increased fuel consumption in the low-level environment will reduce range. Generally, C-130 operating at low alt burn approx __ lbs/hr. At TITs at or near maximum continuous power, low-level fuel consumption can be as high as __ lbs/hr. 6,000/7,000
Aircraft Stress. Low-level flight, especially in areas of convective or mechanical turbulence (e.g. mountains, hills), places additional aerodynamic stress on the aircraft. Stress is also increased while maneuvering around terrain during __________. threat avoidance
Inadvertent Altitude Loss. CRM must be effectively briefed and practiced to prevent loss of SA while maneuvering at low altitude. A common tendency is to __________ in the direction the pilot is looking, resulting in an unplanned __________. overbank/descent
Contour Flying. When attempting to avoid visual detection, try to minimize bank angle. Using more than _____ degrees of bank __________ chances of being seen. 20/increases
Wind effects must be considered when flying low-lvl, especially in terrain. For Example, a __ will tend to push the acft down as it approaches the top of the ridge. Conversely, a __ will “balloon” the acft as it crosses over the ridge, exposing to threat. headwind/tailwind
Degraded Performance. The flight engineer should annotate three- and two-engine performance for the route, __________ and __________ speeds for common gross weights. stall/best climb angle
__________ noting illumination of the “LOW” altitude light on the radar altimeter shall notify the pilot flying; a correction to the altitude should be made immediately. Any crewmember
The pilot, copilot, navigator, and engineer must cross-check __________ altimeters against desired altitude for all low-level operations or the __________ altimeter when a specified altitude is flown. radar/pressure
Minimum taxi interval is _____ aircraft length with four engines operating and _____ aircraft lengths with two engines operating. one/two
There is an approximate _____ to _____ knot airspeed difference between aircraft with the standard pitot system and the Rosemount system (Rosemount indicates the _____ airspeed). 5/10/higher
NVG Airland Considerations. Crews must exercise sound, conservative judgment when determining whether to continue NVG Airland operations with __________. aircraft malfunctions
NVG Airland Considerations. For flight engineer or navigator NVG failure within _____ NM to landing, the approach to landing may continue at the discretion of the pilot. 2
NVG Airland Final Approach. Prior to landing, the __________ may confirm the runway is clear and re-check the landing configuration (“RUNWAY CLEAR, CONFIGURATION CHECKED”). flight engineer
To reduce blowing sand, dirt, or FOD and to reduce heat stress to ground personnel during engine running onload/offload, consider raising flaps to _____%. 0
During sharp turns on the ground, use minimum taxi speed and LSGI on the engines __________ on the turn. Remember, on loose sand, the engines on the __________ of the turn will be affected by the rooster tail. inside/outside
Dust and Sand Contamination. Cycle the wing, empennage, and engine anti-icing systems __________ to prevent dust and sand contamination of the ant-icing valves. after takeoff
Crew Coordination. Crews __________ skip checklists in order to minimize ground times. The combat offload can be extremely valuable if performed correctly, if not it can be dangerous and time consuming. must not
The C-130 performance manual stipulates that all Max-Effort TOLD calculations are based on a “__________” runway. hard surfaced, paved
If threat considerations are the primary factor, takeoff at normal takeoff speed and accelerate __________ to the end of the runway. in ground effect
Created by: arminjr
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