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Chapter 5

Professional liability

Law of Agency The law that governs the relationship between a principal and his or her agent
Liable Legally responsible or obligated
Standard of care The level of performance expected of a health care practitioner in carrying out his or her professional duties
Duty of care The legal obligation of health care workers to patients and, sometimes, nonpatients
Reasonable person standard The standard of behavior that judges a persons actions in a situation according to what a reasonable person would or would not do under similar circumstances
Malfeasance The performance of a totally wrongful and unlawful act
Misfeasance The performance of a lawful act in an illegal or improper manner
Nonfeasance The failure to act when one should
Res Ipsa Loquitur "The thing that speaks for itself" also known as the doctrine of common knowledge. A situation that is so obviously negligent that no expert witnesses need be called.
Damages Court ordered monetary awards to patients, given as a result of legally recognized injuries to patients.
Wrongful death statutes State statutes that allows a persons beneficiaries to collect for loss to the estate of the deceased for future earnings when a death is judged to have been due to negligence
Summons A written notification issued by the clerk of the court and delivered with a copy of the complaint to the defendant in a lawsuit, directing him or her to respond to the charges brought in a court of law
Subpoena A legal document requiring the recipient to appear as a witness in court or to give a deposition
Deposition Sworn testimony given and recorded outside the courtroom during the pretrial phase of the case
Interrrogatory A written set of questions requiring written answers from a plaintiff or defendant under oath
Subpoena duces tecum A legal document requiring the recipient to bring certain written records to court to be used as evidence in a lawsuit
Testimony Statements sworn to under oath by witnesses testifying in court and giving depositions
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) Settlement of civil disputes between parties using neutral mediators or arbitrators without going to court
Consent Permission from a person, either expressed or implied, for something to be done by another
Doctrine of informed consent The legal basis for informed consent, usually outlined in a state's medical practice acts
Good samaritan acts State laws protecting physicians and sometimes other health care practitioners and laypersons from charges of negligence or abandonment if they stop to help the victim of an accident or other emergency
Agent One who acts for another
Respondeat superior Physician is responsible for acts of employee
Created by: jeslew7905
Popular Medical sets




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