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Midterm Exam

Faith and Foundations

The word saint comes from the latin word "sanctus" which means? Holy
To be holy literally means what? Set apart
What is grace? -a gift -free and gratuitous help god gives us -needed to help us grow in holiness -given to us in the sacraments
Who is called to holiness? Everyone
Which of the following are not included in the Communion of Saints The souls in hell
Julie was born in what country? France
What main event in Julie’s childhood led her to work as a field laborer? A robbery in the family shop
What main event in Julie’s childhood led her to work as a field laborer? The trauma of a gun shot being fired into the family store
During this time in history, parish priests were ordered to stop saying mass and giving Eucharist. French revolution
Julie’s best friend that helped her start her order of sisters was __? Francoise
Why was St. Julie wanted by the French Revolutionaries? She was a spiritual leader
Julie was healed from her paralysis because a priest asked her to do what? Pray a novena with him and then take a step in faith
What was the original ministry of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur? Educating poor women
The saying on the crosses the SND’s wear is: (in English translates to) Oh, how good is the good God
The Sisters of Notre Dame moved from France to Namur, Belgium
Which of the following is NOT one of the Hallmarks of a Notre Dame Learning Community We teach everything necessary for life
Which are the locations where SND’s are currently serving? -europe -africa -asia -north america
Why did Notre Dame Academy eventually add “Mount” to the title? Because the school was on a big hill or mountain
Why was the grotto (the oldest structure on site) built at Mount Notre Dame? In thanksgiving that no one was hurt in the construction of the five story building
Why was the old Mount Notre Dame High School rebuilt? The building was eroding (because it was made of sandstone) and it was to small
Julie was given permission to receive first communion at age nine. T
Julie escaped being captured three times. F
Julie had many difficulties throughout her life and she became bitter and mad because of them. F
The patroness of the Sisters of Notre Dame is the Blessed Virgin Mary. T
Julie was told in a vision that her community of Sisters would be marked by the cross. T
Françoise was a wealthy woman. T
Notre Dame means “Our Lady.” T
The Sisters of Notre Dame were called to the United States in 1870 F
Sr. Dorothy (Dot) was murdered in France. F
Sr. Dorothy was protecting the people from loggers who wanted to destroy their homeland. T
The central dogma about the one true God is that He is a Trinity of Persons T
The Nicene Creed is longer and was written in 325 AD T
The Apostles Creed is newer and far removed from the apostles F
People died in defense of the Creeds we profess T
Faith is the human response to Divine Revelation T
Jesus is the model for our human living T
Jesus needed to be baptized to be cleansed of sin F
The Pharisees led Jesus into the desert to be tempted F
Jesus is the New Adam T
The intellectual proofs were written by St. Anthony F
According to our notes, how do we get to know God? -Human Intellect -Human Experience - Sacred Scripture -Sacred tradition
We were made to do what in relationship with God? Know God love God & serve God
The Creeds in the Catholic Church are outlined by The persons of the Trinity
An expression/statement of belief: Creed
Jesus’ public ministry began with this event His baptism
According to the notes, temptations handled well can do these TWO things: Purify us, and unite us with the father
Jesus’ message required an immediate response of faith and ________ Repentance
Symbols of the holy spirit are? Fire, Water, Wind, Oil
What was the event in Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit came upon Mary and the Apostles in power? Pentecost
Examples of Charisms Gifts of healing, speaking in tongues, words of knowledge
Examples of fruits of the spirit Peace,patience,kindness, and joy
Examples of the gifts of the holy spirit Understanding, counsel, fortitude
Charisms are gifts that Serve the church
Gifts of the holy spirit are gifts that Make us holy
Fruits if the spirit The effect of the life of holy spirit living within us
There is beauty symmetry immensity and power in our world that forces us to conclude there is a Grand designer
Whatever is in motion had to be moved by something else The unmoved mover
Creator God implanted a sort of homing device that causes us to be restless till we find him An unquenchable thirst for joy and happiness
Any thought, word, or act that expresses hatred or contempt for God, Christ, the Church, saints, or holy things. Blasphemy
The reign of God proclaimed by Jesus and begun in his Life, Death, and Resurrection. Kingdom of God
God's forgiveness of sins, accomplished through the mercy of Jesus Christ, resulting in the restoration of friendship with God. Salvation
A name for the Holy Spirit that means advocate, defender, consoler. Paraclete
What means “good news”? Gospel
A short story told to teach a religious message. Parable
The Church is our Mother – nurturing and sustaining us through life. T
Jesus is present in the Church through the power of the Holy Spirit. T
The laity is called to a form of priestly, prophetic, and kingly ministry. T
Consecrated religious (ex: religious brothers and sisters, nuns, etc.) are part of the laity. F
I will read the same readings and experience the same Mass in another country. T
Christ is the model for the Church’s holiness. T
Catholics believe that original sin is inherited. T
The Church militant is made up of the souls on earth. T
You only sin when you act wrongly/do something wrong. F
You only sin when you act wrongly/do something wrong. F
What describes the Church? -people of God -the body of christ -Christs' bride
The Church is whose presence in the world? Jesus'
What is the definition of liturgy? Public worship (the work of Christ and the church
How is liturgy celebrated? In community
According to Basin Theology, what example does Jesus set? One of service and humility
According to Basin Theology, what example does Pilate set? One of avoiding responsibility
Who guides the Roman Catholic Church (choose the best answer)? The pope and Bishops through the holy spirit
Put the hierarchy in order with the head first. Pope Cardinals Archbishops/Bishops Priests Deacons
Which of the following does NOT belong in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church? Laity
Which one of these describe archbishops/bishops? Can serve as the pastor of a diocese & primarily administers Holy Orders & Confirmation
A person who has never been baptised but has participated in RCIA Catechumen
Which of these describes the catholic mark of the Church? She follows Jesus' command to go out to all people
The movement, inspired by the Holy Spirit, that seeks the union of all christian religious Ecumenism
What are some ways to foster ecumenism? -work with other Christian denominations -study the truths of the church -learn about other christian denominations
Prideful disobedience of Adam and Eve and the effect of this that humans inherit Original Sin
Personal, individual sin; an act, word, or desire contrary to eternal law Actual sin
What is necessary for sin to be considered mortal? -a grave matter -full consent of the will -sufficient reflection
Describe venial sin? -lesser sin -stumbling blocks in our relationship with God/ Others -weakens love and attaches us to created goods rather than God
What is the purpose of a sacrament -sanctify -build the body of christ -give worship to God
What is true of sacraments? -they were instituted by Christ - they have scriptural basis -there are seven of the in the catholic church
What “church” is made up of souls in heaven? the triumphant church
How many total Marian apparitions have been approved by the Church 26
This virtue implants in us a hunger for Heaven and enables us to trust in God’s promises for eternal life. This helps us combat selfishness and strengthens us to cooperate with God’s Will. Hope
Helps control our appetites, especially in the areas of food, drink, sex, and possessions. Temperance
Right reason in action. It is spiritual common sense that tells us how we should act. Prudence
This makes it possible for us to love God above everything else. It enables us to treat others with care. Charity
The spiritual strength to do right, even when tempted or afraid. Fortitude
respecting the rights of God and other people. It is treating others with fairness. Justice
This makes it possible to believe in God and His Revelation. Faith
A 5th grader stole a candy bar at CVS. Her dad found her opening it in the car. He made her go back in to the store, return it, and apologize to the worker. Her dad then punished his daughter by grounding her for a week from her electronics. Justice
Theo believes he has been successful in life because God has blessed him abundantly. He does not take the credit for his achievements but instead thanks God for all that he has been given in life. Faith
An MND student is getting made fun of because she loves going to the chapel to pray during flex. She hears her classmates whispering about her during block 12 but she chooses to go to the chapel again despite being made fun of. Fortitude
A 7 year old is allowed to eat two cookies. He knows where mom keeps the cookies in the pantry. Realizes he is can reach them. He really wants more cookies but knows he shouldn’t have anymore. He decides to do the moral thing and not eat anymore cookies. Temperance
Matthew is a firefighter. Helps people and often puts his own life at risk. He has witnessed things that make him saddened by humanity. No matter how difficult things are he is filled with a good outlook knowing he is meant for more. Hope
Molly is married to Bobby. Bobby’s number one priority is God. God more important than Molly has allowed Bobby to love his wife even more. Bobby has loved her better than when she used to be his top priority. Molly has noticed this. Charity
There is a loud student in class. Everyone is frustrated because never get to work on their homework. Partner is going to say something. Hey stud. I struggle getting my homework done because you’re always talking. Something I can do to you stay focused? Prudence
S in the STOP decision making model stands for what? Search out the facts
T in the STOP decision making model stands for what? Think through all options and Consequences
O in the STOP decision making model stands for what? Who are other people or resources that are full of wisdom that would help me do the right thing?
P in the STOP decision making model stands for what? Pray
What question must you ask to find the moral object in a situation that just happened? What just happened?
What question must you ask to find the intention? Why did you just do that?
The three sources of morality are: Moral object, intention, circumstances
St Josephine was an inspirational Saint! What country was she from? Sudan
St Josephine was born around what year? 1876
St. Josephine was a model for us in the virtue of hope because although she was enslaved, she knew she was a free child of God and could be with Jesus Himself one day in Heaven if she lived according to His Word. True or False? T
St Josephine was a model for us in the virtue of charity because she chose to forgive and love everyone, even those who kidnapped her and sold her into slavery. True or False? T
St Josephine was a model for us in the virtue of fortitude because she became a martyr which means she died for her faith. Instead of denying Jesus, she told her killers she believed in Jesus and all that he revealed. True or False? F
Created by: astei
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