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final patho

arteriosclerosis thickening and hardening of the walls in arteries
Congestive heart failure Left sided heart failure
Left sided heart failure occurs when.. Left ventricle fails causing CO to fall. The blood back up into the Left atrium and lungs causing pulmonary congestion
Causes of Left sided heart failure Coronary artery disease, MI, PE, Anemia, Kidney failure Hyper/Hypo thyroidism,
S/s of left sided heart failure Crackles, cough, Bloody sputum, S3, S4, Orthopnea, cool pale skin
Right sided heart failure Cor pulmonale
Right sided heart failure occurs when.. Right ventricle doesn't contract effectively; blood backs up into right atrium and peripheral circulation which causes edema and enlargement of kidneys/other organs
causes of right sided heart failure left sided heart faoilure, HTN, COPD, PE
s/s of right sided failure hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, edema, anorexia, JVD
hepatomegaly enlarged liver
splenomegaly enlarged spleen
Cardiac output amount of blood ejected from the L ventricle over 1 min
Normal cardiac output 4-8 liters/min
How to calculate stroke volume Heart rate x Stroke volume= cardiac output
Stroke volume: preload Amount of blood returning to R side of heart. Getting blood IN
Ways to increase preload elevate legs, place in Trendelenburg position
Ways to decrease preload sit client up with legs down
Afterload pressure in aorta and peripheral arteries that left ventricle has to work against to get blood out ; getting blood out
Pressure is referred to as resistance how much resistance the vent has to overcome to pump blood out
increase afterload make BP go up
decrease afterload give antihypertension
Contractility hearts ability to squeeze volume out of the vent
Coronary artery disease due to atherosclerosis, thrombus detaches and blocks another artery further down
Risk factor of CAD Male, HTN, smoking, DM,
s/s of CAD MI, Angina, HTN, SOB, decreased peripheral pulse, cool extremities
Circulatory shock Occurs when vascular space becomes too empty, too large (vasodilated) for volume
Cardiogenic shock heart ceases to effectively pump blood forward; sudden acute pump failure following MI
Hypovolemic shock (circulatory) hemorrhagic/loss of blood from vascular space, intravascular dehydration from loos of fluid, intravascular loss due to loss of fluid, intravascular loss due to massive fluid change
Obstructive shock (circulatory) blood cannot be ejected from left ventricle into circulation die to heart beings displaced. (cardiac tamponade); squeezing of heart
Distributive shock (circulatory) loss of vasomotor tone due to interference with sympathetic nervous system (histamine release, spinal injury); septic shock, anaphylactic
Example of hemorrhagic aortic aneurysm
Example of Intravascular dehydration diarrhea, Addison's
Example of intravascular volume loss burns
Initial shock s/s weakness, tachycardia, tachypnea, diaphoresis, anxiety, polydipsia, confusion, unconsciousness, imbalance
Advanced shock s/s weak/thready pulse, cool/pale/clammy skin, oliguria, hemoconcentration, hypotension
Late shock s/s Decreased LOC, shallow respiration/none, olguria, anuria, cardiac failure
septic shock caused by widespread infection
S/s of septic shock altered temp, warm, flushed, hypotension, confusion, hyper/hypoventilation
Anaphalactic shick occurs in someone who is hypersensitive to an allergen
s/s of anaphylactic shock nasal congestion, flushed, nervousness, anxiety, doom feeling, red wheals that itch, tachypnea, edema, hypotension
Corticosteriods reduces inflammation
Diphenhydramine IV Benadryl; reduces allergic reactions
Vasopressors dopamine; support BP
aminophylline dilate bronchi
Neurogenic shock Sympathetic nervous system stops sending signals to the vessel walls, casing vessels to vasodilate and BP drop
s/s Example of neurological shock when edema leaves No sweating below injury, bradycardia, fainting, Flaccid paralysis
cardiogenic shock inability of heart to maintain CO to meet body needs
causes of cardiogenic shock Systolic/diastolic problems, arrythmias, Cardiac tamponade
s/s of cardiogenic shock Anxiety, delirium, pulmonary congestion, decreased BP, increased preload,
Created by: Anna91715
Popular Medical sets




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