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ch 18 med term cont

med term

proteinuria the presence of protein (albumin) in the urine;also called albuminuria. this can be a sign of pregnancy induced hypertension
progesterone a female hormone secreted by the corpus luteum & the is primarily responsible for the changes that occur in the endometrium in anticipation of a fertilized ovum & for development of the maternal placenta after implantation of a fertilized ovum
primpiara a woman who has given birth for the first time after a pregnancy of at least 20 weeks gestation
primigravida a woman who is pregnant for the first time
prenatal pertaining to the period of time pregnancy;that is before the birth of the baby
pregnancy the period of intrauterine development of the fetus from conception through birth. the average pregnancy lasts approximately 40 weeks ; also known as the gestational period
preeclampsia a state during pregnancy in which the expectant mother develops high blood pressure, accompanied by proteinuria or edema or both after 20 weeks gestation
placenta a highly vascular,disc shaped organ that forms in the pregnant uterine wall for exchange of gases & nutrients between the mother and the fetus
parturition the act of giving birth
perineum the area between the vaginal orifice and the anus. it consists of muscular and fibrous tissue and serves as support for pelvic structures
para a woman who has produced an infant regardless of whether the infant was alive or stillborn.this term applies to any pregnancies carried to more than 20 weeks gestation.
transvaginal ultrasonography an ultrasound image that is produced by inserting a transvaginal probe into the vagina.the robe is encased in a disposable caver and is coated with a gel for easy insertion.
testes the paired male gonads that produce sperm. they are suspended in the scrotal sac in the adult male
tachycardia rapid heartbeat, consistently over 100 beats per minute.
sperm a mature male germ cell; spermatozoon
symptoms a subjective indication of a disease or a change in condition as perceived by the patient; something experienced or felt by the patient
striae gravidarum stretch marks that occur during pregnancy due to the great amount of stretching that occurs.they appear as slightly depressed, pinkish purple streaks in the areas of greatest stretch -which is abdomen,breasts and the thighs
signs objective findings as perceived by an examiner, such as the measurement of a fever on the thermometer, the observation of a rash on the skin or the observation of a bluish-violet color of the cervix
sexual intercourse the sexual union of two people of the opposite sex in which the penis is introduced into the vagina; also known as copulation or coitus
salpingectomy surgical removal of a fallopian tube
quickening the first feeling of movement of the fetus felt by the expectant mother; usually occurs at about 16 to 20 weeks gestation
pyrosis heartbeat; indigestion
puberty the period of life at which the ability to reproduce begins; that is in the female it is the period when the female reproductive organs become fully developed & secondary sex characteristics appear
waddlin gait a manner of walking in which the feet are wide apart and the walk resembles that of a duck
varicose veins twisted, swollen veins that occur as a result of the blood pooling in the legs
vagina the muscular tube that connects the uterus with the vulva. it is approximately 3 inches in length and rests between the bladder(anteriorly) and the rectum(posteriorly)
uterus the hollow,pear-shaped organ of the female reproductive system that houses the fertilized, implanted ovum as it develops throughout pregnancy; also the source of the monthly menstrual flow from the non pregnant uterus
umblicial cord a flexible structure connecting the umbilicus(navel) of the fetus with thee placenta in the pregnant uterus. it serves as passage for the umbilical arteries and vein
ultrasongraphy a noninvasive procedure that involves the use of reflected sound waves to detect the presence the embryo or fetus
trimester one of the 3 period of approximately 3 months into which pregnancy consists of weeks 13 to 27 & the 3 trimester consists of weeks 28 to 40
backache common during the 2 & 3 trimester of pregnancy & is due to the body's adaptation to the stresses placed upon the back as the pregnancy progresses.
fatigue occurs during the 1 trimester of pregnancy, disappears during the 2 trimester, & returns toward the end of the pregnancy
heartburn discomfort occurs mainly in the last weeks of pregnancy due to the pressure exerted on the esophagus by the enlarged pregnant uterus
edema swelling of the lower extremities is not uncommon in pregnancy
hemorrhoids swollen veins of the rectum and anus that develop as a result of in the increasing pressure on the area due to the progressing pregnancy
nausea occurs during the 1 trimester of pregnancy and is known as "morning sickness" although it may occur during the morning, in the afternoon, or throughout the day
varicose veins twisted, swollen veins that occur as a result of the blood pooling in the legs-due to the added weight to the lower extremities of the body
abruptio placenta the premature separation of a normally implanted placenta from the uterine wall,after the pregnancy has passed 20 weeks gestation or during labor(birthing process)
abortion termination of a pregnancy before the fetus has reached a viable age;that is an age at which the fetus could live outside of the uterine environment
ectopic pregnancy abnormal implantation of a fertilized ovum outside the uterine cavity;also called a tubal pregnancy
gestational diabetes a disorder in which women who are not diabetic before pregnancy develop diabetes during pregnancy;that is they develop an inability to metabolize carbohydrates with resultant hyperglycemia
HELLP syndrome Hemolytic Elevated Liver enzymes and Low Platelet count
incomptent cervix a condition in which the cervical os(opening)dilates before the fetus reaches term,without labor or uterine contractions;usually occurring during the 2 trimester of pregnancy and resulting a spontaneous abortion of the fetus
hyperemesis gravidarum an abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by serve vomiting that results in maternal dehydration and weight loss
hydatidiform mole an abnormal condition that begins as a pregnancy and deviates from normal development very early.the diseased ovum deteriorates and the chorionic villi of the placenta change to a mass of cysts resembling a bunch of grapes
pregnancy-induced hypertension the development of hypertension(high blood pressure)during pregnancy in women who had normal blood pressure readings(normotensive) prior to pregnancy
Rh incompatibilty an incompatibilty between an Rh negative mother's blood with her Rh positive baby's blood causing the mothers body to develop antibodies that will destroy the Rh positive blood
eclampsia most severe form of hypertension during pregnancy and is evidenced by the presence of seizures
preeclampsia development of hypertension with proteinuria or edema after 20 weeks gestation
gestational hypertension development of hypertension after 20 weeks gstaion with no signs of edema orprotecinuria
placenta previa a condition of pregnancy in which the placenta is implanted in the lower part of the uterus and the precedes the fetus during the birthing process
bloody show a vaginal discharge that is a mixture of thick mucus and pink or dark brown blood
braxton hicks contraction mild, irregular contractions that occur throughout full term approaches these contractions intensify and are sometimes mistaken for true labor
increased vaginal discharge when the baby settles into the pelvis prior to the onset of labor,the pressure of the baby's head in the area creates congestion of the vaginal mucosa-which results in an increase in clear,nonirritating vaginal secretions
sudden burst of energy occurs in some women shortly before the onset of labor. these women may suddenly have the energy to do major housecleaning duties-things they haven not had the energy to do previously
rupture of the amniotic sac may occur prior to the onset of labor,may occur during labor or may not occur without assistance
lightening the expectant mother will notice that she can breathe easier because the descent of the bay relives some of the pressure from her diaphragm.when it occurs most expectant mothers will refer to it by saying that the baby has "dropped".obvious in 1 time moms
AFP screening a serum screening test for birth test for birth defects such as spina bifida,down syndrome and trisomy 18
contraction stress test a stress test used to evaluate the ability of the fetus to tolerate the stress f labor and delivery; also known as oxytocin challenge test
cesarean section a surgical procedure in which the abdomen and uterus are incised and a baby is delivered transabdominally.also known as cesarean delivery
amniocentesis a surgical puncture of the amniotic sac for the purpose of removing amniotic fluid
fetal monitoring (electronic) the use of an electronic device to monitor the fetal rate and the maternal uterine contractions.this procedure can be done with external of internal devices
pelvic ultrasound a noninvasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to examine the pelvis
obsterical ultrasound noninvasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to examine internal structures of the body
nipple stimulation test a noninvasive technique that produces basically the same results as the contraction stress test by having the pregnant woman stimulates the nipples of her breasts by rubbing them between her fingers
pregnancy testing tests preformed on maternal urine and/or blood to determine the presence of the hormone HCG.HCG is detected shortly after the first missed menstrual period
pelvimetry the process of measuring the female pelvis manually or x-ray to determine its adequacy for childbearing
Created by: Courtne
Popular Medical sets




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