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BIO 324 Orthopedics

What are the four rotator cuff tendons? supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis
Which of the four rotator cuff tendons is most commonly inflamed? supraspinatus
What are clinical findings for rotator cuff tendinitis? "empty beer can position", shoulder stiffness, pain over deltoid with resistance, decreased ROM of shoulder
What causes rotator cuff tendinitis? abduction and internal rotation of upper extremity
What is the supraspinatus test? hold arm out like holding a beer can, flip it over to empty the can and have them resist pushing from the provider
What are treatments for rotator cuff tendinitis? rest, ice, pain relievers, physical therapy!, steroid injections
What causes olecranon bursitis? trauma, prolonged pressure (leaning on elbow), infection (insect bite, scrape, puncture wound), rheumatoid arthritis, gout
What are s/s of olecranon bursitis? tenderness in elbow, swelling, reddened look (may be confused for cellulitis)
What is treatment for olecranon bursitis? Drainage!, check fluid for infection, sling, pain meds, ice, antibiotics (if necessary)
What causes carpal tunnel syndrome? median nerve compression
What are s/s of carpal tunnel syndrome? numbness, burning, tingling (thumb, index, and middle fingers), weakness in hand, dropping things, night time symptoms
What test do you perform for carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis? Tinel's test
WWhat is the Tinel test? tap on median nerve to see if there's a response, positive test will have tingling response radiate the hand
What is nonsurgical management for carpal tunnel syndrome? bracing/splinting (especially at night), NSAIDs, activity changes, steroid injections
What is surgical management for carpal tunnel syndrome? carpal tunnel release
What is ankylosing spondylitis? chronic inflammation of the spine and sacroiliac joints that can lead to pain and stiffness resulting in fusing of vertebrae (ankylosis)
Who does ankylosing spondylitis most commonly occur in? young adults, before age of 35
What is ankylosing spondylitis most associated with? HLA-B27 gene
What is a common way to get relief from ankylosing spondylitis? bending over a grocery cart
What treatment is used for AS? NSAIDs, ice, rest, physical therapy, rehab, and surgery
What is spondylolysis? a crack or stress fracture in one of the vertebrae
Where does spondylolysis most commonly occur? L5
Who is spondylolysis most common in? children/adolescents who participate in sports that put stress on lower back (gymnastics, football, weight lifting)
What are symptoms of spondylolysis? low back pain that can radiate to butt or back of thighs, worsens with activity and improves with rest, limited ROM, muscle weakness in back, change in posture or gait
What is necessary for spondylolysis diagnosis? x-ray imaging! will reveal a break in the dog's neck or dog collar
What are treatments for spondylolysis? ice, rest, no sports, physical therapy, lamintomy, disectomy
What is spondylolisthesis? forward slip of one vertebrae relative to another, symptoms occur with growth spurts
What are symptoms of spondylolisthesis? pain with growth spurts, sensory loss or leg weakness, hamstring tightness!, waddling gait
What are treatments for spondylolisthesis? bracing, rest, ice, physical therapy, decompression, decompression with fusing of vertebrae
What is a dislocation? a full loss of contact between two joint surfaces
What is the most common type of shoulder dislocation? anterior
What is the most common nerve injury with shoulder dislocation? axillary nerve
What are symptoms of shoulder dislocation? deformity, swelling, numbness, weakness, bruising
What is important for a shoulder dislocation? x-ray
What is treatment for a shoulder dislocation? reduction of shoulder joint, sling or brace, physical therapy
What is nursemaid's elbow? "pulled elbow"; subluxation of the radial head
What are symptoms of nursemaid's elbow? child holds arm at their side, refuse to bend or rotate their elbow
Is an x-ray necessary for nursemaid's elbow? no
How is nursemaid's elbow treated? reduction of the elbow; will hear a "pop"
What is a comminuted fracture? more than 2 separate bones
What is an impacted fracture? bone breaks into multiple fragments which are driven into each other
What is a segmented fracture? type of comminuted where a completely separated segment of bone is bordered by fracture lines
What is a pathologic fracture? through bone weakened by tumor, metabolic bone disease, or osteoporosis
What is a stress fracture? a normal bone subjected to repeated or cyclical loads that in and of themselves are not sufficient to cause a fracture
What is an avulsion? part of the bone is broken off or "avulsed" from rest of the bone
What is the most common pediatric fracture? clavicle fracture
How is a clavicle fracture treated? slings of figure eight straps
What causes a clavicle fracture? falling directly onto shoulder or outstretched hand
What is a Colle's fracture? a break across the distal end of the radius
What usually causes a Colle's fracture? results from trauma from a fall in which the person tries to break the fall with the hands and arms
How is a Colle's fracture treated? casting
What is a Boxer's fracture? fracture of 5th metacarpal
How does a Boxer's fracture occur? punching someone or a wall
How is a Boxer's fracture treated? ulnar gutter splint
What is a Scaphoid fracture? most common carpal bone to fracture
What are symptoms of a scaphoid fracture? snuff box tenderness
What type of hip fracture may destroy the blood supply? proximal
What are symptoms of a hip fracture? shortening and external rotation of the affected leg with pain in the hip region
How are hip fractures managed? surgery within 24-48 hours, simple fractures receive conservative treatment
How are 5th metatarsal fractures treated? hard soled shoe and partial weight bearing
What is multiple myeloma? malignant tumor of plasma cells arising from a single clone
What is a symptom of multiple myeloma? bone pain over sternum and pelvis
What is the diagnostic test for multiple myeloma? x-ray
What type of bone does Ewing's Sarcoma usually affect? long bones (tibia, femur, humerus)
What diagnostic tests can confirm Ewing's Sarcoma? x-ray and biopsy
What is the treatment plan for Ewing's Sarcoma? chemo, surgery, and radiation
What is a sprain? the overstretching or tearing of ligaments
What is a strain? the overstretching or tearing of tendons
Created by: kristina2992
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