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Chapter 13 Cards

Medical Terminology: Creative Study Assignment - Chapter 13

balan/o glans penis
vas deferens duct that carries sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct (vas = vessel; deferens = carrying away); also called ductus deferens
seminal vesicle one of two sac-like structures behind the bladder and connected to the vas deferens on each side; secretes an alkaline substance into the semen to enable the sperm to live longer
bulbourethral glands pair of glands below the prostate, with ducts opening into the urethra, that adds a viscid (sticky) fluid to the semen; also called Cowper glands
oligospermia decreased production and expulsion of sperm
prostate gland trilobular gland that encircles the urethra just below the bladder and secretes an alkaline fluid into the semen (pro = before; stat = to stand); also called prostate
azoospermia semen without living spermatozoa; a sign of infertility in a male (zoo = life)
hydrocele hernia of fluid in the testis or in the tubes leading from the testis
hypospadias congenital abnormal opening of the male urethra on the undersurface of the penis (spadias = to draw away)
Peyronie disease ′disorder characterized by a buildup of hardened fibrous tissue in the corpus cavernosum, causing pain and a defective curvature of the penis, especially during erection
phimosis a narrowed condition of the prepuce (foreskin) resulting in its inability to be drawn over the glans penis, often leading to infection; commonly requires circumcision (phimo = muzzle)
spermatocele painless, benign cystic mass containing sperm lying above and posterior to, but separate from, the testicle
digital rectal examination (DRE) insertion of a finger into the male rectum to palpate the rectum and prostate
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test blood test used to screen for prostate cancer; an elevated level of the antigen indicates the possible presence of tumor
semen analysis study of semen, including a sperm count with observation of morphology (form) and motility; usually performed to rule out male infertility
circumcision removal of the foreskin (prepuce), exposing the glans penis
epididymectomy removal of an epididymis
orchiopexy fixation of an undescended testis in the scrotum
transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) removal of prostatic gland tissue through the urethra using a resectoscope, a specialized urologic endoscope; common treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia/hypertrophy (BPH)
vasovasostomy restoration of the function of the vas deferens to regain fertility after a vasectomy
chemotherapy treatment of malignancies, infections, and other diseases with chemical agents that destroy selected cells or impair their ability to reproduce
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) use of a hormone to remedy a deficiency or regulate production (e.g., testosterone)
penile prosthesis implantation of a device designed to provide an erection of the penis; used to treat physical impotence
ejaculatory duct duct formed by the union of the ductus (vas) deferens with the duct of the seminal vesicle; its fluid is carried into the urethra
Cowper glands pair of glands below the prostate, with ducts opening into the urethra, that adds a viscid (sticky) fluid to the semen; also called bulbourethral glands
chlamydia most common sexually transmitted bacterial infection in North America; often occurs with no symptoms and is treated only after it has spread
syphilis sexually transmitted infection caused by a spirochete and which may involve any organ or tissue over time; usually manifests first on the skin, with the appearance of small, painless, red papules that erode and form bloodless ulcers called chancres
human papillomavirus (HPV) virus transmitted by direct sexual contact that causes an infection that can occur on the skin or mucous membranes of the genitals
cryptorchism undescended testicle, or failure of a testis to descend into the scrotal sac during fetal development; the testis most often remains lodged in the abdomen or inguinal canal, requiring surgical repair (crypt = to hide); also called cryptorchidism
erectile dysfunction (ED) failure to initiate or maintain an erection until ejaculation because of physical or psychologic dysfunction; formerly termed impotence (im = not; potis = able)
Created by: sstrickland25
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