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Medical Terminology

a- / an- Without (eg: anemia)
ab- Away from (eg: abduction)
ad- Toward (eg: adrenal)
ante- / pre- / pro- before (eg: premature)
anti- / contra- against, opposed (eg: antibody, contraceptive)
brady- slow
tachy- rapid
con- / syn- / sym- together, with (eg: congenital, synthesis, symbiosis)
meso- middle (eg: mesoderm)
meta- beyond, after, change (eg: metacarpal, metastasis)
nulli- none (eg: nulliparous)
oligo- few, deficient (eg: oligospermia)
adomin/o- / lapar/o- abdomen (eg: laproscopy)
col/o- / colon/o- colon, large intestine (eg: colitis, colonoscopy)
Sigmoid-/o- part of the large intestine (eg: sigmoiditis)
Duoden-/o- first part of the small intestine (eg: duodenum)
-cele hernia, herniated, protrusion (eg: hydrocele)
crin/o to secrete (eg: endocrine)
hist/o- tissue
or/o mouth (eg: oral)
ped/o- child (eg: pediatric)
phag/o eat, swallow (eg: phagocyte)
phas/o speech (eg: dysphasia)
pleur/o- relating to the pleura (membrane of the lungs)
py/o pus (eg: pyorrhea)
scler/o hard
ur/o urin/o urine
-algia / -dynia pain (eg: myalgia, cephalodynia)
-e -us noun marker (eg: erythrocyte; thymus)
-emia blood condition
-genesis origin; production (eg: spermatogenesis)
-icle -ole -ula -ule small part of a whole (eg: ventricle, arteriole, macula, pustule)
-ium structural tissue (eg: atrium, pericardium)
-oid resembling (eg: lipoid)
-oma tumor
-osis condition; increasing (eg: acidosis)
-penia abnormal reduction (eg: thyropenia)
-poiesis formation (eg: hemopoiesis)
-ptosis falling down; displacement (eg: nephroptosis)
-rrhage / -rrhagia to burst forth, hemmorrhage
-rrhea discharge, flow
-rrhexis rupture
-stasis stop, stand
stomato- mouth
-pepsia Pertaining to digesation
-rrhaphy suture
Madsaggital Left and Right
Transverse upper and lower body
Radi/o- X-ray; forearm
-pnea, Pne/o, Spir/o breath; breathing
Larynx- / Laryng- vocal chords; larynx
Phreno- diaphragm
S.O.B. Short Of Breath
ENT Ear Nose Throat
Pharyng/o- Pharynx (passage btw/behind nose and mouth)
C.O.P.D. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
U.R.I. Upper Respiratory Infection
chondr/o- cartilage
-malacia softening
-plasia development, growth, cellular formation (eg: hyperplasia)
cost/o- rib
D.O. Doctor of Osteopathy
C.P.D. Cephalopelvic Disproportion
O.R.E.F. Open Reduction of External Fracture (surgical realignment of bones vs. closed reduction which is physical alignment)
O.R.I.F. Open Reduction of Internal Fracture
arther/o- arterial walls (eg: atherosclerosis, hardening of the artery walls)
auscult/o- listening to the sounds of the body (eg: auscultation; listening to the lungs using a stethoscope)
coron/o- encircle or crown (eg: coronary arteries)
cusp/o- projection point (eg: cuspid, points on the tooth)
diastol/o- rhythmic expansion or dilation
infarct/o- area of dead tissue or cells due to thrombus (blood clot) or embolus (traveling blockage)
isch/o- hold back; suppressed or deficient (eg: ischemia; restricted blood supply)
sphygm/o- pulse (eg: sphygmometer; device to measure pulse)
steth/o- chest (eg: stethoscope)
eosin red fluorescent dye
kary/o- denoting the nucleus of a cell
neutr/o- neither; neutral (eg: neutrophil)
reticul/o- network
splen/o- spleen
thym/o- thymus; rage
abras/o- to scrape off
actin/o- beam, ray of light; radiation
blephar/o- eye lid
contus/o- bruising
ecchym/o- blood in the tissue
errythm/o- redness
integument/o- / integu/o- layer, skin, membrane or husk of an organism or one of its parts (eg: integumentary system; skin, nails, hair, etc)
kel/o- tumor, fibrous growth (eg: keloid)
kerat/o- hard; fibrous proteinl; cornea
lacer/o- tearing
onych/o- / ungu/o- finger and toe nails
pedicul/o- lice
pil/o- hair
plast/o- living substance; growth formation (eg: plastic)
prurit/o- severe itching (eg: pruritus)
psor/o itching (eg: psoriasis)
rhytid/o- wrinkles
sarc/o- connective tissue
theli/o- cellular layer
ankyl/o- crooked, stiff, bent (eg: ankylosis; abnormal stiffening)
ethm/o- porous or sieve (eg: ethmoid bone, nasal cavity)
goni/o- anatomical angle or corner
humer/o- upper arm bone
ischi/o- hip bone
ili/o- ilium; upper hip bone
kyph/o- humpback, curvature in the thoracic region) (eg: kyphoplasty; repair of curvature )
lord/o- skeletal bending or curving
occipot/o- back of the hand
parieto wall of a cavity
perone/o- lower leg bone (fibula)
sphen/o- wedge shape (eg: sphenoid bone in skull)
spondyl/o- vertebra
tars/o- ankle
uln/o- forearm bone
zygomat/o- cheekbone
bruit audible vascular sound related to turbulent blood flow
albumin protein found in blood, egg white, milk, and other substances
B cell lymphocytes that is part of the immune system and develop from stem cells in the bone marrow
band cells immature form of neutrophils; the most commonly produced white blood cell. They are essential for fighting disease. That's why your body produces them in excess during an infection
Created by: hi.fabielie
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