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Medical Terminology
Chapter 13
Question | Answer |
balan/o | glans penis |
orch/o | testis or testicle |
balanoplasty | surgical reconstruction of the glans penis |
perineum | anatomic area between the scrotum and the anus in males |
vasorrhaphy | procedure of suturing a vessel is called |
scrotum | skin-covered pouch in the groin divided into two sacs, each containing a testis and an epididymis |
epididymis | coiled duct on the top and at the side of the testis that stores sperm before emission |
glans penis | bulging structure at the distal end of the penis (glans = acorn) |
prepuce | loose casing that covers the glans penis; removed by circumcision; also called foreskin |
vas deferens | duct that carries sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct (vas = vessel; deferens = carrying away); also called ductus deferens |
seminal vesicle | one of two sac-like structures behind the bladder and connected to the vas deferens on each side; secretes an alkaline substance into the semen to enable the sperm to live longer |
semen | a mixture of the secretions of the testes, seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands discharged from the male urethra during orgasm (semen = seed) |
ejaculatory duct | duct formed by the union of the ductus (vas) deferens with the duct of the seminal vesicle; its fluid is carried into the urethra |
prostate gland | trilobular gland that encircles the urethra just below the bladder and secretes an alkaline fluid into the semen |
bulbourethral glands | pair of glands below the prostate, with ducts opening into the urethra, that adds a viscid (sticky) fluid to the semen; also called Cowper glands |
prostate | Greek word that literally means “to stand before,” |
aspermia | inability to secrete or ejaculate sperm |
azoospermia | semen without living spermatozoa; a sign of infertility in a male |
oligospermia | decreased production and expulsion of sperm |
mucopurulent discharge | drainage of mucus and pus |
anorchism | absence of one or both testes |
balanitis | inflammation of the glans penis |
cryptorchism | undescended testicle, or failure of a testis to descend into the scrotal sac during fetal development; the testis most often remains lodged in the abdomen or inguinal canal, requiring surgical repair (crypt = to hide); also called cryptorchidism |
hydrocele | hernia of fluid in the testis or in the tubes leading from the testis |
hypospadias | congenital abnormal opening of the male urethra on the undersurface of the penis (spadias = to draw away) |
Peyronie disease | disorder characterized by a buildup of hardened fibrous tissue in the corpus cavernosum, causing pain and a defective curvature of the penis, especially during erection |
phimosis | a narrowed condition of the prepuce (foreskin) resulting in its inability to be drawn over the glans penis, often leading to infection; commonly requires circumcision (phimo = muzzle) |
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) | enlargement of the prostate gland, common in older men, causing urinary obstruction; also called benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) |
spermatocele | painless, benign cystic mass containing sperm lying above and posterior to, but separate from, the testicle |
seminoma | most common type of testicular tumor, composed of immature germ cells; highly treatable with early detection |
nonseminoma | testicular tumor arising from more mature germ cells; these tumors have a tendency to be more aggressive than seminomas and often develop earlier in life; includes choriocarcinoma, embryonal carcinoma, teratoma, and yolk sac tumors |
varicocele | enlarged, swollen, herniated veins near the testis |
chlamydia | most common sexually transmitted bacterial infection in North America; often occurs with no symptoms and is treated only after it has spread |
gonorrhea | contagious inflammation of the genital mucous membranes caused by invasion of the gonococcus Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
syphilis | sexually transmitted infection caused by a spirochete and which may involve any organ or tissue over time; usually manifests first on the skin, with the appearance of small, painless, red papules that erode and form bloodless ulcers called chancres |
transrectal sonogram of the prostate | scan of the prostate made after introducing an ultrasonic transducer into the rectum; also used to guide needle biopsy; also called endorectal sonogram of the prostate |
orchiectomy | removal of a testicle; also called orchidectomy |