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Module one (A) Massage Therapy

What plane divides the body into front and back? Coronal
What does the bolster do? Keeps your ankles from hyperexstinding.
Where is the Occiput located? Superior to the scapula.
What does Histology mean? Study of the tissue.
What is the study of observation and palpation? Surface anatomy.
What is the study of cause of disease? Etiology.
If you are laying face up, what position are you in? Supine.
What is the purpose of Swedish Massage? Improve circulation, elasticity, and flexibility of the muscles.
Another word for Ventral is? Anterior.
What is the purpose of Drapping? Modesty and Comfort.
The urinary bladder is located in what Cavity? Pelvic cavity.
What is prone position? Laying face down.
If a condition is short and severe, what is it? Acute.
Percussive massage stroke: Tapotement.
What is it called when you are loosening scar tissue and breaking down adhesions? Friction.
The liver is ______ to the heart. Inferior.
Who gave the Swedish massage a french name? Johan George Mezger.
Direction of the head? Cephalad.
What is the plane called the = divides the body down the middle? Midsagittal plane.
What is the primary goal of Swedish massage? Circulatory and Muscular.
How can you give a basic evaluation of your client? Gail assessment, Posture, & Palpation.
What is the human body? An organism.
What is the body's first line of defense? Integumentary system (SKIN)
The study of movement is what? Physiology.
The study of Structure is what? Anatomy.
If your client has a sway back in the LUMBAR region, he/she most likely has what? Lordosis.
What is the name of joints that DO NOT move? Synarthrotic Joints.
Which bone does not ARTICULATE with any other bone? Hyoid.
What links joints, bone to bone? Ligaments.
What direction do you always to Effleurage? Always towards the heart.
How man red blood cells does your bone marrow produce every min? 2,000,000.
How many bones are fused together at your sacrum? 5.
Myology is _____. The study of the muscular system.
The origin of a muscle is ______. STATIONARY.
How many bones are in the HUMAN body? 206.
Extensor is _______. Increased angle of a joint.
What is the only saddle joint in your body? the Thumb.
What is arthritis in peripheral joint caused by buildup of uric acid in the joint space? Gout.
How many muscles are in the human body? 630.
What surrounds the muscle? Fascia.
What is the hardest substance in your body besides your bones? Dentine. (TEETH)
What is depression in the middle of the clavicle? Sternal Notch.
Articulation is? Where two bones meet.
What is Flexor? Decreases angle of the joint.
What is another word for Prime mover? Agonist.
What is the outer layer of the Fascia? Epimysium.
What is another word for Torticolis? Wryneck.
Where is the insertion of the Teres Major? Inferior ridge of the Scapula.
What is Crepitus? Cracking and popping sounds of the joints.
Scapula. Gliding joint.
How many cervical vertebrae are there? 7, c-1 to c-7
How many Thoracic vertebrae are there? 12
How many Lumbar vertebrae are there? 5
How many sacrum/sacral vertebrae are there? 5
How many Coccyx(tail bone) vertebrae are there? 3
What is an Endangerment site? Area of the body where you may/maynot do massage w/ caution
What is an Indication? Reason to do massage.
What is an Contraindication? Reason you wouldn't.
What is the 1st vertebrae of your spine called? Atlas
What is the most widely used stroke? Gliding
Centripetal means? Effleurage towards the heart.
What is the definition of a massage? Systematic and scientific manipulation of soft tissues of the body.
Phlebitis, aneurysm, and Impetigo are ________? Contraindications.
What is there state massage rules/exams? Protect the public and to make boundaries.
What is palpation? Examine or explore by touching an organ or area of the body.
What is active movement? Performed by client by themselves.
What is Passive movement? Client relaxes while you move their body.
What is Resisted movement? Requires both of you to act. client attempts to to an action against your gentle resistance.
What is the largest organ of your body? Skin
What is Endomysium? Surrounds the individual muscle fibers.
What is Perimysium? Enveloping each fascicle (bundle of fibers)
What is Epimysium? Wraps around the entire muscle belly. (Deep fascia)
What attaches the muscle to the bone? Tendons.
What connects bones together at the joint? Ligaments.
What is superficial fascia? Located immediately deep to the skin and covers the entire body.
What is Deep Fascia? (underneath)surrounds muscle bellise, holding them together and separating them into functional groups.
What is a structure that holds and organ or tissue in place? Retinaculum.
What is a small, fluid filled sack that reduces friction between two surfaces? Bursa.
Which plane divides the body into front and back portions? Frontal (coronal) Plane. *Anterior and Posterior relate to this plane; The actions of adduction and Abduction happen along this plane*
Which plane divides the plane into upper and lower parts? Transverse plane *Superior and Inferior refer to this plane; Rotation happens W/in this plane*
Superior means? Up.
Inferior means? Down.
Cranial? Closer to the HEAD.
Caudal? Closer the the buttocks.
Posterior? Back.
Anterior? Front.
Medial? Closer to the Midline.
Lateral? Further away from the Midline.
Distal? Further away from the TRUNK/midline. (used only when referring to arms and legs)
Proximal? Closer the the trunk (Used only when referring to the arms & legs)
Superficial? Closer the body's surface.
Deep? Structure deeper in the body.
Movement that straightens or opens a joint? Extension. (Along the sagittal plane)
Movement that bends a joint or brings the bones closer together? Flexion. (Along the sagittal plane)
Inferior is defined as? Towards the feet.
A properly given massage makes sure to? Keep contact with the body.
Anatomically speaking the term "proximal" provides what directional information? The structure closer to the trunk.
which muscle is completely superficial? Deltoid.
Towards the head is defined as? Superior.
What is the condition of exaggeration of the thoracic curve? Kyphosis.
A hinge joint allows what movement? Flexion & Extension.
Which portion of the Trapezius muscle elevates the scapula? Upper fibers.
The thick, colorless, lubricating fluid secreted by the joint cavity membrane is? Synovial Fluid.
A serious of brisk blows following each other in rapid alternating fashion are? Tapotement.
The serratus anterior abducts the scapula, making a direct antagonist to which muscle? Rhomboids.
The Rhomboids are superficial to the erector spinae and deep to which muscle? Trapezius.
Which muscle is located in the space between the vertebral column and the scapula? Rhomboids.
What is never a part of therapeutic massage? Sexual Interaction.
Which movement should be used to flush out muscle? Effleurage.
Away from the midline is _______? Lateral.
Name the cavities of the body. Cranial cavity, Thoracic cavity, Abdominal cavity, and Pelvic cavity.
The liver is in which cavity? The Abdominal cavity.
What is the condition of exaggeration of the normal lumbar curve called? Lordosis.
The head is ______ to the torso? Superior.
What is Active assisted movement? movement of a joint in which both the client & the therapist produce the motion together.
The origin of the Deltoid is identical to the insertion of _______ muscle. Trapezius.
_____ is towards the midline. Medial.
What is the term for freely movable synovial joints? Diarthrosis.
Anterior is? In front of.
Internal rotation is known as what other type of rotation? Medial.
Which muscle is a complete synergist with the Latissimus dorsi and is sometimes called "lat's little helper"? Teres Major.
Created by: 613838754
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