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CRMA Body Systems

Waban CRMA 24hr Body Systems

True/False. Anaphylaxis is life threatening. True
When administering an Epi-Pen, how long do you hold the needle in place for? in for 3 seconds, rub for 10 seconds
Where do you administer an Epi-Pen? Outer thigh
True/False. If administering an Epi-Pen was effective, the individual does not need to go to the ER. False
In an anaphylactic reaction, how do you try avoiding shock? Laying the individual down and raising their feet about 12 inches, unless a spinal injury is suspected.
What would be the common oral medication for anaphylasis? Benadryl
What is important to remember about the muscular/skeletal system? If you don't use it, you lose it. ROM. Pain management.
What is a Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA/Stroke)? a sudden hemorrhage into the brain.
What is the acronym to remember when you suspect a stroke? F. A. S. T. (Face. Arms. Speech. Time.)
If you suspect someone is having a stroke what should you do first? Take note of the time the symptoms start, then call 911.
What is a myocardial infarction? Heart attack
What should you do if you suspect someone is having a heart attack? Call 911 and have them chew an aspirin.
What are signs of a heart attack? chest pain/pressure, extreme shortness of breath, anxiety, indigestion, left arm pain, profuse sweating, jaw pain, upper back pain, feeling of impending doom
What are signs of a CVA/Stroke? One sided facial droop, weakness/immobility on one side of their body, slurred/garbled speech, no speech.
What is important to remember in regards to the respiratory system? If an individual is in respiratory distress, not breathing, breathing too fast, turning blue/grey, that is a medical emergency.
What symptoms would you watch for in older med for signs of BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy)? Difficulty starting a urinary stream, frequency/urgency, urinary retention, pain, inconsistent urine stream.
What is important to remember when administering BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy) medications? Always wear gloves for the entire administration process (preparing and administering).
What are some signs of a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)? Frequency/urgency, pain, burning, foul odor, cloudy or sediment in urine, color of urine, changes from baseline
What are the structures of the GI system? Mouth, throat (esophagus), stomach, small and large intestines, rectum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas
What is constipation and why is it a problem? Infrequent/difficult evacuation of stools; can cause impaction, bowel obstruction, injuries, and it is very painful.
True/False: Your appendix and gallbladder are located on the left side of your abdomen? False.
True/False: you can take antacids at the same time as other medications? False, should wait 1-2 hours
What should we remember about urinary analgesics? They turn the urine bright orange
What does the Endocrine system do? Secretes hormones that regulate 1) growth, 2) development, 3) body functions, 4) metabolism, and 5) reproduction
What is the Integumentary system? Skin, sweat and oil glands
What is another name for a decubitus ulcer? Pressure sore, bed sore, hot spots
What should you do first if you suspect a decubitus ulcer? Relieve the pressure
What is the best practice in preventing decubitus ulcers? Repositioned at a minimum of every 2 hours
When scheduling an antibiotic, should you schedule it around the clock, or only during the waking hours? Around the clock to allow the max therapeutic level of the medication in their system to allow it to work better.
When administering an antibiotic, do you take it with food or without food? With
When administering an antibiotic, how do you avoid developing diarrhea? Eat yogurt or get an order for a pro-biotic.
What are the organs in the sensory system? Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin
What are the structures of the urinary system? Kidneys (x2), ureters, bladder, urethra
Created by: jdonovancrma
Popular Medical sets




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