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Coin Skills Derm

Clin Skills Dermatology

Stratum corneum Top layer of the epidermis made of dead keratinized cells
Stratum basale, stratum spinosum Second, cellular layer of the epidermis where keratin and melanin are formed
Where do blisters form? Stratum spinosum
Carotene Golden yellow pigment that exists in the fatty layer and in highly keratinized layers
Vellus hair short, fine, generally unpigmented
Eccrine vs. apocrine sweat glands Eccrine sweat glands occur over most of the body and open directly onto the skin's surface. Apocrine glands open into the hair follicle, leading to the surface of the skin
How big is the angle between the proximal nail fold and the nail plate (fingernail)? Less than 180 degrees
Nail bed the vascular epidermis upon which most of the fingernail or toenail rests
Nail root The proliferating cells in the nail root form the nail matrix, and their proliferation makes the nail elongate continuously
Lesion Single area of altered skin, single or multiple
Rash Widespread area of lesions
What are the 7 attributes for skin things? When did it start? Where did it start? Does it itch or hurt? How has it spread? How have the lesions changed? Provocative factors? Previous treatments?
How do you describe skin lesions? 1. Number 2. Size 3. Color 4. Shape 5. Texture 6. Primary lesion 7. Location
Erythema implies ? and can be seen when? Inflammation; during blanching
Distribution refers to how the skin lesion(s) are scattered or spread out
Configuration the shape of single lesions and the arrangement of groups of lesions
Primary lesion develop as a direct result of, and therefore are most characteristic of, the disease process (herald patch)
Macule A circumscribed flat area of change in color of the skin < 1 cm in diameter
Patch A circumscribed flat area of change in color of the skin > 1 cm in diameter
Papule A small, solid elevation of the skin < 1 cm
Plaque A large, flatter elevation of the skin, sometimes formed by papules coalescing
Nodule A solid elevation of the skin > 1 cm that usually tends into the deeper skin layers
Pustule A small, circumscribed elevation of the epidermis filled with purulent fluid
Vesicle A small, circumscribed elevation of the epidermis containing clear fluid < 1 cm
Bulla A circumscribed elevation of the epidermis containing clear fluid > 1 cm
Wheal A circumscribed, raised lesion consisting of dermal edema and is also known as hives or urticaria
Erosions Loss of epidermal or mucosal epithelium
Ulcers Deeper loss of the epidermis and at least the upper dermis
Petechiae Nonblanchable punctate foci of hemorrhage
Purpura Nonblanchable, raised, and palpable
Ecchymosis Nonblanchable, larger areas or purpura
What causes fingernail clubbing? Chronic respiratory problems, malignancy
What three things should you note about hair? Quantity, distribution, texture
Hair pull test Evaluates for hair shedding from the roots
Telogen effluvium Reversible condition in which hair falls out after a stressful event
Tug test Done for suspected fragility of the hair
How do you assess temperature? The backs of your fingers
Percentage of skin cancer? 20% of people
Actinic of, relating to, resulting from, or exhibiting chemical changes produced by radiant energy especially in the visible and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum
Beau's lines horizontal ridges or dents in one or more of your fingernails or toenails; a sign that an illness, injury or skin condition interrupted your nail growth
Cherry angioma a noncancerous (benign) skin growth made up of blood vessels
comedo An open (blackhead) or closed (whitehead) skin pore or hair follicle clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria
cyst abnormal, fluid-filled sacs that can develop in tissues in any part of the body
dermatographia a condition in which lightly scratching your skin causes raised, red lines where you've scratched
desquamation The shedding or peeling of the epidermis in scales
eczema a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed, with blisters that cause itching and bleeding
excoriation the act of abrading or wearing off the skin
fissure cracks in the skin that form due to intense dryness and thickened skin
hirsutism abnormal growth of hair on a person's face and body, especially on a woman
induration the process of or condition produced by growing hard
Koilonychia indented nails; instead of growing straight, your nails look concave, like spoons
Lentigo "sun spots"; a small, clearly defined patch of skin that is darker than the surrounding skin as a result of an increased number of pigment cells. Lentigines are generally darker than freckles, do not fade, and become more frequent with age
lichenification a secondary skin lesion wherein the characteristic features of skin thickening, hyperpigmentation, and exaggerated skin lines are noted
paronychia An infection of the tissue folds around the nails
pruritis severe itching of the skin, as a symptom of various ailments
seborrhea excessive discharge of sebum from the sebaceous glands
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